Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1429 Paper Crane Delivers Letter

There was a sound of flapping wings. When I looked up, I saw a paper crane flying over and landing in the hands of Huang Xiaoming, the leader's right guard.

This was not the paper crane technique in Taoism, but simply using magic power to control objects. At Hogwarts School, most junior students can do it.

Lupin thought it was a student who greeted the right guard, so he didn't pay attention. After seeing the handwriting on the note, Xiao Ming was surprised.

[Hello, unknown reincarnation: You are really a master to be able to meet Professor Lupin at this time. I am from the Su family of the New Song Kingdom.

Several people in my family participated in this reincarnation mission, and I only want to get a Boggart, not more. I hope you won't interfere. Thank you very much. ]

Haha, Xiao Ming smiled helplessly. If he hadn't received this letter, he would have thought that there were no reincarnations in this world during this time period.

Xiao Ming has become accustomed to playing alone in the reincarnation world. In fact, it is because he can stay for a long time, and outlast other normal reincarnationists.

This is the first time that Xiao Ming encounters the Harry Potter series world in the reincarnation space. This series of mission world is actually quite good for reincarnationists.

Because the original book corresponds to one book for each school year. Reincarnationists generally have about a few months to complete the game. If they continue the mission several times, they can even play for a year.

You can definitely learn a lot by staying in such a world for a year. Even if you only learn for a few months, it is good.

In addition, reincarnationists often cannot get to the end of each book. Because the later period is more difficult and the enemies are also very powerful.

But the early stages of the first few books are not difficult. Therefore, senior reincarnationists know what the beginning of these books is like.

In the original book, Professor Lupin did not have a child with him, and he had an oriental face. When other reincarnationists saw this, they knew that Xiao Ming was a reincarnation after analysis.

Seeing that Xiao Ming could get close to Professor Lupin in the early stage, the admiration of the reincarnation who sent the letter was not false.

In terms of building relationships with plot characters, it is not something that can be done simply by strength. Even the strongest reincarnationists have a hard time.

He didn't know that Xiao Ming could easily contact the characters in the plot because of the preferential treatment of the space.

As a VIP in the reincarnation world, Xiao Ming's status is equivalent to that of the characters in the plot. It has never been difficult to build relationships with each other.

Xiao Ming knows some general information about the New Song Kingdom and the Su family. He had previously crossed paths with the Song Wang family. The relationship between the two sides is pretty good.

The Su family is one of the main families in the New Song Kingdom. The family symbolizes the famous Su Shi of the Song Dynasty. So it is very famous.

Since the Song Wang family is good at magic, the Su family's attainments in magic are also quite good. Otherwise, they might not dare to target Boggart.

The Su family acts quite gentlemanly and has a good reputation among the major families. At this time, they saw a strange reincarnation suddenly appear.

Their first choice is to send a letter to talk and point out their goals. If the goals of both parties do not conflict, then they can keep their distance.

Most reincarnations will not target Boggart, so the Su family can avoid a lot of trouble by explaining it in advance. Of course, there is also the intention of showing off strength and warning Xiao Ming.

Boggart is not a simple creature. It is a deformed creature that can see through your heart and turn into what you fear the most.

The spell to deal with Boggart is the Boggart Expelling Spell "Ridikuius", which will turn Boggart into what you think is the funniest.

The more people there are, the easier it is to deal with Boggart, because it doesn't know what to turn into.

What can really kill Boggart is laughter. If you laugh, Boggart may be blown into thousands of wisps of smoke and disappear.

According to the original plot, Professor Lupin will teach students how to deal with Boggart this school year.

It is not difficult to destroy it, but it is not so easy to catch it. If you can catch it, it will be of great value.

Because it can be used to test what others fear the most, and it can be used to peek into the secrets deep in the other party's heart. It has strategic value.

But in battle, it is not very useful. In addition to being able to scare people. Boggart does not have the real ability of the thing it turns into.

The purpose of Boggart's frightening seems to be just to feed on human fear, rather than using this ability to defend itself.

As for the authenticity of this letter, Xiao Ming didn't care at all.

It might be a peace agreement from the Su family. It might also be used by the Su family to mislead Xiao Ming.

It might even be that the Su family's reincarnations didn't come to this world. Someone is stirring up trouble in the name of the Su family.

But it doesn't matter to Xiao Ming. He can be strong, the moon shines on the river. He can be arrogant, the breeze blows over the hills.

No matter what the opponent is, he should not be his opponent. What's more, he only has one soul here. It's very safe.

He used the fire escape to burn the note to ashes, and then nodded. Indicated to the reincarnation who sent the letter, he agreed that the two sides would not interfere with each other.

If Xiao Ming puts his mental power to look for it, it is easy to find who the reincarnations of the Su family are, and how many there are in total.

But Xiao Ming came here only for vacation, and didn't want to fight and kill, so he didn't have to care about the competition between the reincarnations. As long as they don't come to disturb him, it's fine.

In fact, the one who sent him the letter was indeed a reincarnation from the Su family. How could there be so many idle people who pretend to be someone else to bully others? !

Generally speaking, the names reported by the reincarnationists in the space are mostly true. There are scammers, but not many.

In the Harry Potter world, even if the reincarnation space arranges the identity of students for the reincarnationists, they are all teenagers. Xiao Ming, a 6-year-old child, is really too eye-catching.

Others don’t know that Xiao Ming came from the world of "Detective Conan" next door. So they are full of vigilance against Xiao Ming.

Being able to transform into a child in this world shows that this reincarnationist has something and should not be underestimated.

Such people often have a strong purpose. If they collide with themselves, it will be troublesome. So it is necessary to say hello first.

Seeing Xiao Ming nod, the Su family also put down half of their hearts. It shouldn’t be for Boggart. Could it be that he is interested in the hippogriff? He must have it.

As for the other half of their hearts, they will definitely not let go easily. Always be vigilant against unfamiliar reincarnations.

The so-called white prime minister still presses the sword when knowing each other, and the rich and powerful laugh and flick the crown. In a place full of struggles like the reincarnation space. The Su family dare not be careless.

This is a necessary quality for most reincarnations. Careless guys will hardly last long in the reincarnation space.

Only those masters who stand at the top of the reincarnation pyramid, or those who have powerful plug-ins like Xiao Ming, can understand the worldly affairs and lie down and have a good meal.

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