Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1427: Chatting on the Train

The train suddenly shook twice, then started moving with a "click, click..." and continued to move towards Hogwarts.

"The professor has fixed the train? That's amazing! Awesome!" Ron said with admiration.

Ron thought the train had stopped because of a malfunction. Professor Lupin fixed the malfunction soon after he came over, and the train was able to start again.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other and both thought that this matter should not be what Ron said. But they were unwilling to refute Ron without any other evidence. It was very troublesome.

"I'm not that powerful. The train just had a little problem and it's fine now." Professor Lupin said as he walked into the compartment.

He went to the locomotive and heard from the driver and the dispatcher that the train encountered several Dementors and asked to get on the train to check whether Sirius was on the train.

This was arranged by the Ministry of Magic, and the driver didn't dare to say much. He was also afraid of Dementors.

But what he didn't expect was that a ray of golden light flashed in the air, and the Dementors disappeared one by one before they got on the car. The driver didn't know what to do.

Should I drive now? Maybe the Dementors will appear again, and I will be guilty of violating the order of the Ministry of Magic.

Should I not drive? Then when should I go? What if the Dementors don't appear? Hogwarts is still waiting for the students to start school.

Just when he was hesitant, Professor Lupin arrived. After asking carefully and learning that the golden light appeared, Lupin suddenly realized.

This is the child of the leader's right guard. The distance is so far, and I didn't come here, but I can easily destroy several Dementors.

The fighting power of the ninja is really amazing! According to Xiao Huang, he is just a jonin, and above him, there are elite jonin and shadow-level strongmen.

How powerful is that? It can be seen that the profession of ninja is no less than that of a magician. The first magician who met him was Sirius Black, who was really lucky.

Knowing that the Dementors would not appear again, Lupin took the responsibility as a professor, asked the driver to drive, and returned to the carriage.

Since the Dementors did not meet Harry Potter and the other two, that was fine. Lupin did not want the son of his old friend to face such a terrible thing as the Dementors.

This is different from the original book. In the original book, Harry was attacked by the Dementors first, and then he woke up and drove away the Dementors with the Patronus Charm.

It is estimated that he slept too deeply and was woken up by the cold. Otherwise, he would not have taken action so late.

In this life, because he was with his baby, Professor Lupin did not dare to sleep too deeply and woke up much earlier.

As for the fact that the right guard of the leader could eliminate the Dementors, Lupin would not tell it because it involved other people's secrets.

So, he vaguely skipped the matter and talked with the three protagonists, especially Harry.

Harry Potter has gotten used to it. 13 years ago, the fact that their family of three killed the Dark Lord Voldemort was a household name in the magic world.

In everyone's eyes, the credit should naturally belong to Harry's parents, and Harry is a heroic orphan. Many people look up to him because of this.

In fact, his father James Potter is a troublemaker who often plays pranks. Among the people he knows, more people don't like him.

But he and Lily sacrificed their lives to get rid of the Dark Lord, and death is the greatest. Out of courtesy, everyone will praise his parents when chatting with Harry.

This is the same as in "The Return of the Condor Heroes", few people say bad things about Yang Kang in front of Yang Guo. Besides, James is generally a good person.

As for those who look down on Harry's family, basically they will not waste time to come to him to chat. After all, they also have to worry about accidentally causing public anger.

Because Sirius's grievances have not been cleared, Lupin did not mention the plunderers of the year, but just talked about some trivial things, which made Harry feel warm in his heart.

Harry can now tell whether it is true or false. Professor Lupin's concern for him is absolutely true.

During the chat, the protagonists asked about the leader's right guard. Lupin then revealed the identity that had been arranged long ago.

This was his distant relative, with mysterious oriental blood and magical talent.

In this era, it was normal for Chinese magicians to appear in Europe. There were Chinese students at Hogwarts School.

Although the right guard was still young, Lupin felt that his talent should not be wasted, so he brought him to see Headmaster Dumbledore to see if he could be an auditor or something.

Ron was the first to express his disbelief. He already had a genius girl, Hermione Granger, by his side, who usually "hit" him hard.

Now a younger and more powerful one appeared out of thin air, and he really couldn't stand it. "Really? A 6-year-old magician, I don't believe it!"

Xiao Ming laughed, and a magic wand suddenly appeared in his hand, pointing at Ron's pet Banban in his arms.

A mouse was transformed into a complete set of Claude's six-style combination knives.

This set of weapons not only has a very cool shape, but also has a variety of combinations. Ron shouted "Wow!" and started playing happily.

Poor Pettigrew's transformed mouse, after being a pet for so many years, he actually lost his perception after being turned into a knife. It was quite uncomfortable.

And the owner not only did not seek justice for him, but instead played with it with great interest. This is too heartless.

Claude's Six Styles not only attracted Ron's attention, but also Harry and Hermione.

The difference is that Harry and Ron played with knives together. Hermione focused on magic: "Transfiguration spell!"

The little girl still remembered that Professor McGonagall once said in the first-year Transfiguration class: "Transfiguration is the most complicated and dangerous spell in your Hogwarts course."

Back then, Headmaster Dumbledore also taught Transfiguration. Transfiguration is the magic of changing one object into another.

It can turn inanimate objects into living things, and vice versa.

Some Transfiguration spells can change a part of things, such as turning a person's ears into rabbit ears. Magic is really strange.

The specific spells vary depending on the things being transformed. The more difficult the transformation, the more powerful the magic power required.

For example, turning a match into a needle requires very little magic power. But if you turn a person into an animal, the magic power required is extremely powerful.

Like the leader's right guard, turning a mouse into a complete set of weapons. It requires quite a lot of mana. At least Hermione doesn't have this level of power now.

The fact that the leader's right guard can use it shows that his magic ability is better than his.

The opposite of Transfiguration is Untransfiguration, which can change the transformed objects back to their original form.

The magic power consumed is relatively much smaller. The difficulty is also lower than Transfiguration. Hermione pulled out her wand and wanted to try it. But she was stopped by Harry and Ron.

These two brats haven't had enough fun yet. If Pettigrew wants to turn back into a mouse, he may have to wait for a while.

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