Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1426 The Origin of the Remnant Soul

It is generally recognized in the magic world that Voldemort, who has been dead for more than ten years, why would a wisp of his soul come to the underworld of Kuafu as a "guest"?

I believe that those who know the story of "Harry Potter" and Xiao Ming's ability must have guessed the reason long ago. Let us explain it briefly.

The story starts when Voldemort was young. Xiao Ming learned about his life from Voldemort's soul.

Voldemort's original name was Tom Marvolo Riddle, who was born in front of an orphanage in London, the British Empire, on the night of December 31, 1926.

His father, Tom Riddle Sr., was a Muggle. His mother was the witch Merope Gaunt, a pure-blooded descendant of the famous Salazar Slytherin. Therefore, Voldemort acquired the talent for magic.

The latest research of the Department of Mysteries shows that the talent for magic can only be inherited through the reproduction of wizards. That is, it is inherited by blood.

If the ancestors do not know magic, the descendants will not have the talent for magic. This has also become a consensus in the magic world.

Europeans are particularly particular about bloodline. Xiao Ming hates it very much. The influence of bloodline does exist, but it is only the difference between individuals.

We are all human beings, and no one is more noble than anyone else. It is stupid to use something to prove that you are more noble.

But it is very popular in Europe. Even in the modern society of Pangu Star, Europe still pays great attention to bloodline.

The Chinese countries don't care about it. Think about the origin of the Twelve Kings Family, and you will know why.

Little Tom Riddle, who grew up in a Muggle orphanage, has already shown some magical abilities. For example, teleportation, talking to animals, making people unlucky... and so on.

One summer day in 1938, Albus Dumbledore, the professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, came to the orphanage.

At that time, Riddle had already had a bad record. Including hanging a child's rabbit, taking other people's things for himself, and luring two children into a seaside cave.

Dumbledore thought he was still young and could be reformed. So he was forced to confess and admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

To be honest, if Dumbledore had been wiser at the time, there might not have been a Dark Lord later. He still cherished talents.

Because he was a descendant of Slytherin, little Tom was immediately sorted into Slytherin College at the sorting ceremony.

When he learned about his life experience, he became even more arrogant, kept silent about his past misdeeds, and showed no remorse. He turned to worship pure blood madly.

As a guy with impure blood, worshipping pure blood is equivalent to treating himself as garbage. I don't know how this kid's brain circuit turns. Deep well ice!

Young Tom Riddle was extremely smart and had excellent grades. He was loved by many professors.

When he asked the knowledgeable Slughorn about Horcruxes, the latter revealed some secrets about Horcruxes to him out of love for Tom.

To make a Horcrux, a dark magician needs to break his soul through evil things such as murder, and then separate part of the soul from the body and seal it in a vessel, which is the Horcrux.

In this way, even if the body is destroyed, the dark magician will not die. Because there is still a part of the soul that is not damaged and still remains in the world.

However, the soul should remain intact, and splitting it is an evil act against nature.

Therefore, most dark magicians are unwilling to make Horcruxes, and they prefer to die happily.

You must know that the soul becomes extremely unstable as long as it is split, so Voldemort made a total of 7 Horcruxes so that the split souls will not feel the pain of being destroyed.

The seven Horcruxes are [Marvolo Gaunt's Ring], [Tom Riddle's Diary], [Ravenclaw's Diadem], [Slytherin's Locket], [Hufflepuff's Gold Cup], [Harry Potter], and [Nagini].

Among them, the Horcrux Harry Potter was not made intentionally by Voldemort, but an accident.

At that time, he had killed James and Lily, and in order to eliminate the root of the problem, he wanted to kill Harry Potter, who was still a baby.

Unexpectedly, Lily used blood protection on little Harry. As a result, the spell rebounded, and Voldemort's soul was split into two pieces. One piece was attached to little Harry.

So, Harry Potter is not a proper Horcrux, but only has some of the characteristics of a Horcrux.

And the magic world thought Voldemort was dead. In fact, he was not. He had so many Horcruxes, how could he die? !

The other broken soul, equivalent to Voldemort's main body, found a place to hide.

In the original book, Harry Potter needed to die once before Voldemort's soul could be destroyed.

But this life is different. He appeared so close to Xiao Ming, the Hades, that even if Xiao Ming didn't want to interfere, Voldemort's residual soul was automatically sucked into the underworld.

From the memory of the residual soul, Xiao Ming learned a lot about Voldemort.

To explain, this residual soul is not the last soul split by Voldemort. Harry Potter is not the last Horcrux.

So through the memory of this residual soul, Xiao Ming at this time only knows the first 6 Horcruxes including Harry.

Voldemort's last Horcrux is the snake Nagini, which has not been made at this time. Of course, Voldemort still found an opportunity to make Nagini into a Horcrux later.

Even though he created 7 Horcruxes, Voldemort still failed to summon the dragon and fulfill his wish... Wait, it seems like a crossover.

Let's get back to the topic. The act of making Horcruxes by the dark magician is equivalent to deliberately deceiving the god of death/the underworld. This will not end well.

The Horcrux trick only works when the god of death is far away from Voldemort.

Now that the underworld has come to the Horcrux in person, what's the use? ! Voldemort's residual soul was instantly confiscated by the underworld.

As for whether this residual soul has the opportunity to enter reincarnation after accepting the punishment of the underworld, it is unknown.

Anyway, it brought Xiao Ming a lot of Voldemort's memories, including his deep understanding of magic. It is still a great help to Xiao Ming.

Similarly, without Voldemort's residual soul, Harry Potter is no longer a Horcrux. Voldemort can't sense his location. He can't mislead him through this residual soul.

By the way, there is a kind of ability in the magic world called Parseltongue. That is to say, the language of snakes, the ability to communicate with snakes.

Voldemort is a Parseltongue, and so is Salazar Slytherin.

Because of the remnant of Voldemort's soul, Harry Potter also gained the ability of Parseltongue. Now of course he has lost it.

If he knew that this ability came from Voldemort's soul, he would be very happy to lose this ability.

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