Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1393 Taotie

With the speed and reaction of the five players, it should not be enough to avoid the attack of the Taotie. Xiao Ming faced the question of whether to intervene.

If he took action, he could naturally kill the Taotie, and even make these players feel nothing.

Although the four players gathered together seemed to be fine, and the young man with bad breath did not look like a good person.

But Xiao Ming used Pluto to take a closer look. The young man really didn't do anything serious, just his mouth was not clean.

The other four people were not spotless white lotuses. Especially the bald uncle, he was already in his 50s.

More or less, intentionally or unintentionally, he had made many mistakes in his life. Now his kind character is just because he is old and has become smart.

On the scale of good and bad people, the five of them can only be defined as ordinary people. In this case, Xiao Ming can actually not intervene. Anyway, in the game, it's no big deal if the character dies.

But then again, since it's a game, and since it's no big deal, it doesn't matter if Xiao Ming makes a small move.

Xiao Ming thought that it was fate that these five people could meet him in the same secret realm, so let's do a test first.

He used illusion on the five players at the same time. The scenes of the illusion were the same.

They felt that they were suddenly alone, and saw a beast not far ahead preparing to attack a stranger. It depends on how they choose.

Others chose to shout loudly to warn the stranger. Only Zhang Er chose to watch coldly and gloat over the misfortune.

So, the people who chose to warn passed the test, and the four Taotie chasing them were easily killed and eaten by Xiao Ming.

And the Taotie chasing Zhang Er was sent directly to Zhang Er by Xiao Ming, and killed Zhang Er in a few bites. Then he followed in the footsteps of his companions.

The whole process of the illusion was a matter of a moment, and afterwards, their memory of the illusion was also cleared by Xiao Ming.

Maybe one day in the future, they will dream of the same scene, but that's all.

At this time, Xiao Ming's scanned map arrived at the border of the Great Wall. There was an army with bright armor stationed at the border. There were five different colors of soldiers and armor, calling themselves the Shadowless Forbidden Army.

After casually scanning a few people's minds, Xiao Ming knew the background information of this secret realm. He also learned the official name of this monster.

Although there are nomadic tribes outside the Great Wall here. But the Great Wall and the Shadowless Forbidden Army exist not for them. But to guard against a terrible monster army.

It is said that there is a monster outside the Great Wall that feeds on humans. Every 60 years, they will gather in human territory to find food. Humans call it Taotie.

Once they break through the Great Wall defense line and invade the Central Plains, China will surely suffer. It is not impossible to be destroyed.

Taotie, also known as the roe owl, is said to be one of the four great beasts in ancient times. Legend has it that Emperor Xuanyuan fought against Chiyou, and Chiyou was beheaded, and his head fell to the ground and turned into Taotie.

This is of course just a myth. In the history of Pangu Star, Taotie might have been pretended by some optical brain.

But no matter which legend it is, Taotie should be a unique and terrible monster. It is not a general term for a certain type of monster.

Xiao Ming has only entered the secret realm for a while, and has seen many of them, and their strength is just so-so. Is it really okay to name them Taotie?

It may be because the humans here think that this monster meets some of the characteristics of Taotie, and they forcibly add the legendary name to them.

It is meaningless to quibble with the secret realm about the story background. People have set it up like this, so we just play normally. Taotie is just a name.

The Taotie that chased Xiao Ming did not die as early as his companions. It did not know that it was deliberately let go by the human. It was sneaking up on Xiao Ming.

When the time was right, it pounced with its bloody mouth full of fangs, and was about to bite off the back of Xiao Ming's neck.

Then, an invisible force descended, pressing it down in the sand. Its limbs flapped vigorously, raising countless dust, but it could not stand up.

The eyes under the armpits saw that its prey actually walked in front of it and was observing it.

Xiao Ming was certainly not afraid of a lone Taotie. Letting it rush to him was also to see how capable this guy was and whether he could live up to the name of Taotie.

Now it seems that it is just the combat power of an ordinary alien. I don't see any special skills.

Xiao Ming tried to use [Zerg Conquer] on it, but it didn't work at all. Try telepathy again, but it's useless. The other party's heart is as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

Taotie seems to have thick skin and strong vitality, but in front of Xiao Ming's attack power, it is no different from paper.

After being broken by Xiao Ming's various tricks, it was poisoned to death.

At this time, a strange thing happened. Xiao Ming's Kuafu underworld was unable to receive its soul.

In theory, this should never happen. As the king of the underworld, Xiao Ming's soul will be sucked into his underworld for all the lives lost around him.

However, this is a game, which is another matter.

When the player character dies, the player's soul will naturally return to the other person's body. Only when the NPC dies, the soul may be sucked away by the Kuafu underworld.

As mentioned in the previous article, Xiao Ming took away 100 female ghosts headed by Nie Xiaoqian from the secret realm of "A Chinese Ghost Story". They can enter the Kuafu underworld.

And at that time, Xiao Ming found that only about 10 of the hundred ghosts were the kind of souls he was familiar with, and the remaining 90 female ghosts were really just intelligent programs.

He couldn't figure this out. Was the underworld confused? Soul gems shouldn't make such mistakes!

Later, Xiao Ming also noticed that not every NPC that died near Xiao Ming's character would be accepted by the underworld.

Most of the intelligent programs recognized by the underworld are relatively advanced. The underworld does not accept the low-level ones. This made Xiao Ming very confused.

In fact, as long as I ask my master A Cha, I believe there will be an answer. However, Xiao Ming's intuition tells him that as the king of the underworld, he should figure this out himself.

Moreover, he already has some vague clues. But he needs to continue to comprehend for a while.

In comparison. The monster Taotie is another completely new situation. It seems to be a low-level intelligent program, but it gives Xiao Ming an extremely strange feeling.

At this time, Xiao Ming only wants to kill Taotie's lair. The purpose was no longer just to test the AOE ability of the Poison-Poison Fruit.

He wanted to see what a high-level Taotie would be like? Would his soul return to the underworld after death? He hoped to solve the doubts in his heart.

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