Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1392 The Great Wall

Looking at Xiao Ming's back as he rode away, and the dust raised by his horse's hooves, the other five players had different expressions on their faces.

One young man was very disdainful and spat, "Bah, what are you pretending for! You look down on others. Even if this kind of person is a game expert, I still look down on him."

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~, another young man said disdainfully, "You just said you wanted to hang out with others, and now you say this again. What? Are you angry because they didn't accept you?"

"◎☉★☆⊿※" The young man was furious, and he started with a bunch of dirty words that needed to be mosaiced.

The player who was scolded was furious, and the other three people didn't look good. Normal people don't like people who can curse like this.

Xiao Ming left regardless, and the others actually had some complaints. But they also understood that everyone has their own ambitions, and they have no right to ask others to be consistent with themselves. Only this young man was shameless. He wanted to curry favor with someone, but when he was rejected, he spoke badly. Several people hated him.

The bald uncle quickly stopped him: "Okay, okay. Keep your mouth shut. People are willing to play by themselves, it's not your turn to talk nonsense.

He may have a special mission, or he has something to hide. He didn't say he looked down on you. This brother said the truth. You are being unreasonable, it's too much!"

"What?! Who the hell do you think you are, ﹩$﹠\u0026﹪%*" The kid was spitting foul language again.

"Canglang!" With a sound, the bald uncle pulled out the knife from his waist. Pointing at the young man, he said solemnly:

"You are such a foul-mouthed person, and you are also stupid, no one will team up with you. Now please roll your body into a ball and leave in a round shape. Otherwise, I will chop you off now." I didn't expect that he, a middle-aged man, would have such blood.

The young man was young and strong, how could he be afraid of a middle-aged uncle? He immediately drew his sword and was about to fight.

But the other three players drew their swords at the same time and pointed them at him. Six eyes flashed with determination. It seems that everyone has the same idea and is unwilling to team up with him. If he wants to fight with the uncle, the other three will watch him together.

One against four, the young man was scared on the spot: "Damn, as if no one cares about you. Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, let's wait and see..."

While cursing, he turned his horse's head and went in another direction.

Until his figure gradually disappeared in the wind and sand. The four people sheathed their swords and began to discuss this secret realm.

Fortunately, there is no place to hide in the desert, otherwise we have to worry about this kid ambushing around and waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"Everyone, let's use the name in the secret realm. My name is Zhang Si." The young man who quarreled with the young man jumped off the horse and introduced himself.

The other three also dismounted and signed up: "My name is Zhang Yi." "I'm Zhang Wu." "Zhang Liu." Everyone smiled at each other and felt a little closer to each other.

It is obvious that the game system has assigned the names of Zhang Yi to Zhang Liu to the six players. It seems that the young man has no human rights.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for players to cooperate with each other sincerely when they meet in the secret realm. Everyone wants to get more benefits for themselves, and they are in a competitive relationship with each other.

This time, Xiao Ming and the bad-mouthed young man's disruption produced a catfish effect. It made them more united.

Xiao Ming seems to be a game master, and maybe he needs to cooperate to deal with it; the bad-mouthed young man is also a common enemy that needs to be guarded against. The four of them all think that they should work together.

"This secret realm is called [Great Wall], and it is a desert environment here. I guess we are now north of the Great Wall. As long as we go all the way south, we should be able to reach the Great Wall."

Bald uncle Zhang Yi said this. Zhang Si and Zhang Liu both nodded in agreement. Only Zhang Wu, who has a big beard and can't tell his age, has other ideas.

"What Brother Yi said makes sense. I think before we go south, we can check around the birth point. Maybe there will be some clues."

Several people thought this made sense. This is in the game, there may be clues near the birth point.

Zhang Liu, who is handsome and can be called a young man, suddenly thought of something and began to look through his luggage.

"Eh? What are you looking for?"

"Food and water." Zhang Liu took out a few pancakes and a pot of water and said, "These things are enough for one person to live for two days at most. I don't think we have that much time."

Others also looked through their luggage. Sure enough, food and water are the same.

The uncle praised: "Brother Liu is still smart, then let's hurry to the south. Um... Let me see, the sun is... Okay, the south is over there. Go go go."

The four people rode their horses and headed south.

If they were willing to look around carefully, they would find the bodies of several monsters and Zhang Er who had died.

Of course, all of this was done by Xiao Ming. When the secret realm just started, several players were discussing. Xiao Ming released his mental power and scanned the surroundings.

He immediately saw six green monsters with four limbs, one eye under each armpit, strange patterns on their heads, a small patch of black hair on their backs, and smooth hairless other parts.

They approached the player group stealthily, a little far away. This is of course the famous monster [Taotie] in the secret realm of "The Great Wall".

Xiao Ming didn't know its name at this time, but he felt a very evil breath from this creature.

The so-called "evil" has nothing to do with their hideous appearance. Xiao Ming had contact with monsters such as Zerg, Alien...

Those guys are just carnivores. Although they look ferocious and scary, they are not evil at all. This kind of monster gives Xiao Ming a feeling of evil incarnation.

Xiao Ming feels that killing them will not only not harm his virtue, but the underworld will even give him a great merit. This is very rare.

He quickly increased the scanning range and found that the more north he went, the more Taotie appeared. This shows that that is where their nest is.

The six Taotie that appeared near the player may be the first test of the system for the player. One for each person, first of all, you have to find a way to survive from the mouth of the Taotie.

From the action, the combat power of a single Taotie is very strong. The other five players may not be able to kill one together. This test is still quite difficult.

The best way to deal with it is actually what the players are doing now. Hurry up and ride south, day and night, and you should be able to reach the border of the Great Wall before the Taotie attacks you.

With the protection of the border troops, the player's life is saved. This is why every player has a horse. Without a horse, you can't outrun the Taotie.

Xiao Ming is certainly not afraid of the Taotie, this kind of monster can be used to test the poisonous fruit. But he certainly can't take these players with him as a burden.

That's why he left alone. But his mental power has been observing the situation here. He knows that Zhang Er and the other four have fallen out.

The players split into three groups, and the Taotie did the same. One group went to find Zhang Er, and the other went to chase Xiao Ming.

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