Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1390: Poisonous Fruit

[Poison-Poison Fruit], a kind of superhuman fruit in the world of One Piece. When Xiao Ming first saw it, he thought it was a natural fruit.

Its ability is very vicious and can release powerful and special venom. The poisoned person needs to get the antidote from the ability user to be saved.

So far, Xiao Ming has never heard of the existence of this fruit in the trading network between reincarnations.

Although it is a superhuman devil fruit, it is similar to the natural devil fruit and cannot be eaten easily. Because it is very harmful to the ability user.

In daily life, the ability user often poisons himself unconsciously. Although he can make an antidote for himself, it seems to be more reliable than the natural fruit.

But in fact, it is not that strong. Because the supernatural energy consumed every time the antidote is made is quite a lot. In reality, supernatural energy is difficult to get.

Although the One Piece world does not specifically state that there is a supernatural energy in the world, as long as you look at the strong people in this world, you will know that supernatural energy must exist.

Where do those who have not eaten any devil fruit and can stand at the top of the pyramid get their strength?

Similarly, when devil fruit users use their abilities, they must consume the corresponding supernatural energy.

It's better for those abilities that can be controlled by themselves. However, it is difficult to control the ability of the Poison-Poison Fruit. It will automatically show its power from time to time, which can really make the reincarnationists vomit blood.

Moreover, even if the complete Poison-Poison Fruit is obtained, it will still be out of control frequently.

In the original work, Magellan, the director of the Deep Sea Prison Advance City of the World Government Navy, is the Poison-Poison Fruit ability user.

When he eats, he always inadvertently exhales poisonous gas on the food, so he is in a state of diarrhea for 10 hours a day.

Even he is like this, not to mention the reincarnations who can only get the incomplete version of the Poison-Poison Fruit.

Since it is such a pitfall fruit, the person who gets it should be willing to sell it. Xiao Ming has never heard of the relevant news. It's incredible.

The real reason is that the incomplete version of this fruit is also extremely difficult to obtain.

Based on the principle that things are rare and valuable, the few people who can get it have kept it in their collection and have not put it on the market.

Including the Twelve Kings Family, the ability of this fruit is still under cautious research. Naturally, no one sells it.

Even if a lucky reincarnation occasionally gets a defective version of the Poison-Poison Fruit and sells it, it will be quickly bought. That's why Xiao Ming has never known the existence of this fruit.

And when he saw the Poison-Poison Fruit in the exchange list given by my Lord A Cha, he liked it at first sight.

Xiao Ming actually does not lack attacking ability. The Sword of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil, the Dragon Warrior, and the Kyber Crystal Weapon System are all extremely powerful means of attack.

He was attracted to the Poison-Poison Fruit because he was influenced by Jin Da Da.

In the book "Legend of the Flying Fox", Cheng Lingsu once recalled the earnest teachings of his late master, Master Wu Chen, the Poison Hand Medicine King:

"Our sect is good at using poison, and others hate it. In fact, poisoning people is more compassionate than using weapons and fists.

After poisoning, if the other party repents and begs for mercy, vows to change, or finds that he has hurt the wrong person, he can be saved. But if a person is killed with a knife, he will never be resurrected.

Therefore, any poison that cannot be cured by medicine, our disciples must not use it to hurt people. Even if the other party is a great villain, he must always be given a way to turn back and reform."

This remark touched Xiao Ming's heart and completely changed his understanding of poison.

In previous martial arts novels, and even in later martial arts novels, people who use poison are still not welcomed by the world and readers.

Perhaps only Xiao Ming would take this remark to heart. He really needs a way to hurt people, but not kill them, and can be rescued. The Poison Fruit is just right.

However, at Xiao Ming's level, it is difficult to find poison that can be effective against masters above S level. The seven-hearted begonias and love flowers in Jin Dada's book... are probably useless.

Today, I learned that there is a poisonous fruit among the devil fruits, and Xiao Ming was overjoyed.

With the reputation and power of the devil fruit, as long as it is used well enough, it can definitely be used to fight against S-level masters. It is no problem to deal with A-level and B-level ones.

Moreover, Xiao Ming does not need a complete version of the fruit. He has already obtained the devil fruit system, which is the first flower blooming on the orange source energy tree.

As long as he absorbs a defective version, Xiao Ming can use source energy to complete it to a complete version.

In this way, as long as Xiao Ming exchanges various devil fruit fragments from my master A Cha, he can collect all the devil fruits in a short time.

Thinking of the scene where he can release a large number of seven Yaoying clones with different devil fruit abilities to bully people together, Xiao Ming couldn't help but drool again.

Then, reality hit him on the head. The underworld is different from the Dragon Palace. The incomplete version of the devil fruit is not exchanged. If you want to exchange, you must exchange for a complete one.

How expensive is a 100% poison-poison fruit? It needs to consume 1/3 of the total merit that Xiao Ming has accumulated. This is too expensive!

The dream of collecting all the devil fruits in a short period of time was instantly shattered. In this way, Xiao Ming must carefully choose what to exchange.

Continuing to look back, he soon saw the name of [Spark Source], which was also on the exchangeable list. The price was almost ridiculously high.

According to Xiao Ming's current rate of accumulating merit, it may take nearly a year to accumulate.

Even though it was so expensive, Xiao Ming still regarded the Spark Source as his primary goal. He really wanted to transform into a giant Transformer.

His EVA Unit 3 form can reach a maximum height of 80 meters. You know, Optimus Prime is only about 10 meters. Xiao Ming can be N times taller than him.

Of course, at Xiao Ming's level, body size and combat power are actually not very related. It mainly depends on the amount of energy.

It's just that in the eyes of the plot characters who don't know much, the huge size of Unit 3 looks more deterrent. At some times, it will have a miraculous effect.

It would be a waste if such a large robot could not transform. Therefore, Xiao Ming was determined to get the Spark Source.

Before he started to accumulate enough merit, Xiao Ming decided to indulge himself. He spent a lot of money to exchange the Poison Fruit and fed it to the Energy Tree.

A few hours later, the Energy Tree produced another complete Poison Fruit. It seemed like a useless effort.

But Xiao Ming clearly felt that this fruit was not the one he exchanged before. It was recreated by the Energy Tree.

During this process, both Xiao Ming and the Energy Tree have made some progress. At least they have a deeper understanding of the fruit.

In the future, he will be able to use the Poison Poison Fruit at a fairly good level from the beginning.

"The world will surrender to my poison!" Xiao Ming posed in a very childish way. My Lord A Cha was so disgusted that he fled...

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