Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1389: Virtue is of great use

This time, my Lord A-Cha's soul world is no longer the hotel suite as before. It is a yoga room.

A-Cha is doing yoga in it, posing a posture that must be very painful. Xiao Ming has no knowledge of this aspect and does not know what it is called.

Zhao Li, who used to be seen often, is nowhere to be seen today. Could it be that he has fallen out of favor? But A-Cha does not have a new lover around him!

Xiao Ming did not dare to ask such gossip, so he could only talk about other things: "My Lord A-Cha, do you know that I... this... thought of you?"

A-Cha turned his body gracefully, changed to a posture that looked more painful, and replied:

"If you just thought about it for a few seconds, I would not feel it. But you have been thinking about me just now, and you did not hide it. Of course I know it."

"Hide it? I just thought about it privately, do I need to hide it?" After hearing A-Cha's words, Xiao Ming felt his head was a little square.

It took a while before he thought of the fairy-tale novels he had read before. Those saints and Daluo Jinxians seemed to be really not something that could be thought of casually.

Once you think of him, he will feel it. My Lord A Cha, even if he is not a saint, should have reached the level of Daluo Jinxian or above, right?

"Haha, you think about it." As if sensing Xiao Ming's thoughts, A Cha smiled, "At least it is true in the underworld."

Then he sighed and said, "Alas, look, I forgot your level. Generally, to sit in the position of the King of Hell, you must be at least a Jinxian, and you are the only one who has just established your foundation.

However, don't you have a planet to earn merit? Why haven't you exchanged some advanced Taoist methods to practice? Look at you, you are still such a low-level Qi training method! Don't be too stingy!"

(⊙·⊙) Xiao Ming was a little confused: Nani? ! What is she talking about? There is so much information.

In fact, it's not that the amount of information is so large, but the meaning of her words has a great impact on Xiao Ming.

From what she said, merit can be exchanged for advanced skills. Why didn't I know about this? Was I discriminated against by the [Book of Life and Death/Soul Gem]?

Xiao Ming was not afraid of being embarrassed, and immediately asked what was in his mind.

Ah Cha was also very shocked after hearing it. It turned out that this newly promoted King of Hell not only had the lowest realm, but also did not even have an exchange system. She couldn't help but start to wonder if the soul gem had a bug?

Thinking back to when Xiao Ming just became a civil servant in the underworld, he was received by my master Ah Cha. At that time, Ah Cha once said that gaining merits can improve strength. But he didn't say it in detail.

Anyway, after Xiao Ming took office, the exchange system will be opened, and she doesn't need to say more. Who would have thought that Xiao Ming would not have something that everyone has?

Later, Xiao Ming was also suspicious. Didn't it say that merits can improve the strength of civil servants in the underworld? Why don't I think so? Is his appearance not good enough?

Although the increase in source energy can be regarded as a disguised improvement in strength, the effect is really... the same as nothing.

It was not until today that he knew that the emotional soul gem provided an exchange function for every civil servant. Civil servants of different levels can also exchange for different things.

Basically, the things that can be produced in the reincarnation space and the heavenly court are also available in the underworld. The price is also very fair, and the better the things are, the more expensive they are.

Ah Cha has never seen Xiao Ming in this situation. He has already sat in the position of the King of Hell, but he still can't get the right to exchange.

Could it be that the Soul Gem thinks he still needs to be tested? Then why didn't he give him such a high position in the first place? I can't help but feel that Xiao Ming is a bit pitiful.

Xiao Ming was also angry for a while, and then slowly calmed down. The existence of such a big name as the Soul Gem wants to test himself. What else can I say? There is no window to complain.

If it were a human, and played this trick on Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming would definitely say goodbye to him, say goodbye, and say goodbye to him. He would not believe him at all.

But the Book of Life and Death is not comparable to mere humans. They definitely don't have any selfish intentions, or deliberately tease him. Just accept it obediently.

In fact, Xiao Ming and my master Ah Cha both misunderstood. The Soul Gem does treat Zhang Xiaoming differently. But it is not testing him.

Instead, I think that Xiao Ming is no less than myself. He should be able to make whatever he wants. If he can't do it now, he will definitely be able to do it after trillions of years, so it's not worth exchanging it for him. Just give him source energy as materials. It can also let him practice more.

Isn't it the same in the reincarnation space? Zhang Xiaoming was not given the authority to open the mall. As a result, Xiao Ming could not directly buy props from the reincarnation space for enhancement.

The things in the rating mall are all kinds of authority props, which do not involve formal enhancement.

Because once you accept the enhancement of the reincarnation space or the underworld, you will be controlled by others, and the two can take back these powers from you at any time.

So the treatment they give Xiao Ming is at the VIP level. Not using your own power to mix with Xiao Ming's own system is a kind of respect.

Little did they know that Xiao Ming didn't want this kind of VIP treatment at all. He didn't have the ability to make anything with source energy. Of course, after trillions of years, maybe he could.

My master A Cha mistakenly thought that after a period of time, after the test, the underworld would open the exchange authority.

Seeing Xiao Ming's pitiful strength, the beauty frowned slightly: "You look so pitiful. How about this, tell me what you want to exchange, and I will exchange it for you. I will charge you the cost price, and I won't make any profit from your merits. Okay?"

Wow, is there such a good person? Xiao Ming was deeply moved and agreed. He almost burst into tears.

Acha casually threw over a list. It listed the items she could help Xiaoming exchange. Looking at the densely packed good things, Xiaoming's saliva almost flowed out.

In fact, my master Acha's exchange authority far exceeds that of ordinary Hades. There are many things that Xiaoming, the Hades, is not qualified to exchange.

However, Acha didn't even charge a handling fee, so how could she be so fussy with Xiaoming over such a small matter. She showed him everything at once.

Some people might ask, since Acha thought that the soul gem wanted to test Zhang Xiaoming, why did she dare to interfere? Isn't she afraid that the soul gem will vent its anger on her?

The reason is this. At the level of my master Acha, the connection between her and the soul gem is already very close. And her intuition is also extremely sharp.

If the soul gem doesn't want her to do this, she will feel bad when she has a thought.

In fact, she didn't feel any bad omen, and even felt that the soul gem seemed to encourage her to do so. That's why she was particularly generous to Xiaoming.

I was just secretly wondering who Zhang Xiaoming was and why he was treated so specially by the Book of Life and Death. He was indeed a being with multiple energy sources.

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