Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1375 Investigation is somewhat difficult

Gabès is located on the west coast of the Gulf of Gabes in the Mediterranean Sea. In later times, it was a port city in Tunisia. It has a population of about 100,000.

It is an industrial center, a distribution center for materials, and an import and export port in southern Tunisia.

The trade in dates, olive oil, wine, leather, and wool is quite prosperous, and there are large fertilizer plants and sugar factories, etc. It is also a fishing port. It has a very important status.

However, the basis of the adventure map is the historical period corresponding to the Northern Song Dynasty. And it has been modified in the game.

At this time, the Age of Exploration was far from coming, and the Renaissance had not yet begun. The whole of Europe was still in the ignorant, backward, and barbaric Middle Ages.

Europe had not developed, let alone Africa. The city of Gabes may be just a small fishing village now. Even in later times, it did not have many people.

For this, the Magic Planet game must be modified. So Gabes in the adventure map is a small city of the Orcs.

The deceased (Yin Xiaoming) found out when he arrived nearby that this orc tribe was not the same branch as the one south of Post No. 7.

That one is the desert orcs, and this one is the swamp orcs. Each of them is a type that adapts to the local living environment.

Xiao Ming put on a stealth suit for the informant, and he entered and exited Gabes as if he was in an empty space. He also had some ideas on how to get intelligence.

Because he wandered around in this small town, he unexpectedly "awakened" 5 "spies".

What does "spies" mean? As mentioned earlier, the New Han Kingdom used the DNA of some young people to create some clones and transformed people in the Yanhuang Three Star System as labor and cannon fodder.

When these transformed people are not doing anything, their intelligent programs are actually in the Magic Planet Game. Manipulate the activities of some NPCs.

Zhang Xiaoming's DNA was also selected. Therefore, he has a large number of clones in the Yanhuang Three Star System.

Due to the genetic connection, Xiao Ming's own mental power is strong, and the Zerg's mental control skills.

When these NPCs appear near Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming can gain control of them. He can even use some skills with the help of their bodies.

Even if they are separated in the future, they will still obey Xiao Ming's remote command. It's just difficult to report to Xiao Ming.

In fact, this reconnaissance mission is not easy. The orcs of Gabes know the Gray Bone City in the south, and they are very repulsive to the undead.

Although the two sides have not officially started the war, the relationship between them is not very good. The dead man, who is a necromancer, will have difficulty even entering Gabes.

Xiao Ming sneaked in by stealth, so he could not show up in front of the city guards, nor could he enter and leave some important places, otherwise he would be chased.

If you want to inquire about the news, you can only find some unimportant people. It also depends on how loyal the other party is to the city. More loyal people will report directly to the guards, which is also a trouble.

Therefore, players should try to avoid getting intelligence from orcs. There will also be humans, elves, half-elves, half-orcs... and other races in the city, and there may even be some sea people.

They don't have such a good relationship with the city. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can still dig some information from them.

But the problem is that these people's information is very limited. If they are not orcs, how can they know the confidential information of the city? !

The task of reporting the dead happened to be to target top-secret military intelligence, which was difficult to find out. It can be seen that the difficulty of this task is quite high. Fortunately, there are these five spies.

Among the five people, one is a half-elf from Europe; the other four are local orcs, and one is a level 2 lizardman archer in the army.

Xiao Ming first arranged for a local native wolf-headed man to book a room in a hotel in the city. He sneaked in by himself and it was much safer to enter the room.

He met with these spies separately to understand what they knew about Gabes. There is no doubt that they don’t know much.

The level 2 lizardman is already the highest-ranking one here, but unfortunately, he doesn’t even know the basic information about how many people there are in the city’s army. He is also a guy who muddles around.

The intelligence gathered from them did not even reach the bottom line of the reconnaissance mission. What should I do next? How should the identities of these five spies be used?

Experience tells Xiao Ming that as long as he is willing to spend money on them, he can always get through the upward joints and establish a relationship with the orcs' high-level officials.

After careful consideration, Xiao Ming chose the half-elf Allen from Greece in Europe. He has the best identity cover-a businessman.

As a foreign businessman, it is generally safer. If you take out some goods that Gabes needs to trade, you will definitely be quickly received by the high-level officials.

At that time, you just need to hide quietly aside. There will be a chance to use telepathy to obtain the required information.

Some people may say that it is not easy to meet the orcs' high-level officials. Isn't the informer invisible? You can always meet him by sneaking into the meeting hall, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or the military camp.

The idea is good, but the problem is that these extremely important buildings are protected by the gods (system), and the informer cannot enter without the corresponding identity.

Moreover, the invisibility ability of the informer will be broken near these buildings. So choosing to use Allen to proceed step by step is also a helpless thing.

"Alan, I heard you have good stuff to sell? Did your family make a fortune in Greece?" by a small vendor.

"Mr. Allen, these things are really good, but it's a pity that there are too few." by a certain purchasing supervisor.

"Boss Allen, we want all these goods. You can ask for the price. Also, can you please ship another batch?" by a certain government official.

"My dear brother Allen, from now on, you will be my distinguished guest in Gabes City, and I will give you the best preferential terms..."

We may not have other things, but Xiao Ming, who is engaged in international trade, has quite a lot of valuable commodities in the warehouse.

Just showing some of it through the cracks of your fingers is enough to make the people of Gabes envious and jealous.

Please note that this is barren Africa, not rich East Asia. The gap in the level of development between the two is simply that one is in the sky and the other is in the sewer.

This is Gabes, who still has some financial resources. In any inland city further south, you wouldn’t be able to afford enough money to eat these goods.

Relying on his cherished goods to clear the way, Allen spent a few days climbing up step by step. Finally, the city lord of Gabes came to meet Allen in person.

As soon as they met, they put their arms around each other and talked extremely affectionately. Xiao Ming was a little shocked. Unexpectedly, there are such smooth people among the orcs.

He was the opportunity to tell the deceased to complete his mission.

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