Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1374 A strange way to complete tasks

The water of the Oasis Lake was evaporated by a large amount of magma flames. Such a big thing was discovered by the orcs very quickly.

A large number of orc troops and masters gathered in the oasis, but they were helpless against the magma burning in the center of the lake.

The Seven Shadow Clone who used the natural devil fruit was already about the strength of A-level 7th level. The dead who used the ability of the magma fruit would be even stronger.

The strongest in the orc tribe here was only level 5, and was on par with Bai Yulin, the lord of Gray Bone City. Facing a level 7 master, he was just a younger brother.

Among the troops in the tribe, even the strongest thunderbird was only a level 5 soldier.

Even if they were allowed to fly to the center of the lake, they could only become roasted chicken. They were still powerless against the large mass of magma.

At this time, the best way was actually to use magic. Ice or wind magic could play a role.

Ice magic could neutralize the high temperature of the magma, prevent the lake water from evaporating, and turn the evaporated water vapor back into rain.

Wind magic can control water vapor to stay in place, and when the temperature slowly drops, it will naturally turn into water and return to the lake.

However, the orcs have never been good at magic. Although the shamans in the tribe know some magic, most of them are bloodthirsty and combat-related magic. And the level is also very low.

To fight against the natural devil fruit, you must have high-level magic. They are not at that level at all.

So, after struggling with the magma, flames and smoke for an hour or so, the orcs finally found that everything they did was useless. They had to give up.

They could only send some masters to follow the direction of the smoke to see where the mist would go.

In the end, the rolling smoke stopped in front of a plateau. Then the temperature dropped rapidly, it rained, and a lake formed again in the low-lying area.

When all the lake water was moved to a new location, the magma, flames, and smoke disappeared in front of the orcs, and finally only a flash of lightning streaked across the sky.

Because he didn't want to be exposed, Xiao Ming recovered the Seven Stars Shadow clone, and the body of the deceased used the power of the Thunder Fruit and ran away directly.

I don't know how the orcs discussed it afterwards, anyway, they made a decision in the early morning of the next day. Move the settlement to a new lake in the south. The system prompts that the task is completed.

On the way back happily, Xiao Ming passed by the sky above the orc tribe and checked it by the way.

The strength of this tribe is actually not to be underestimated, and the troops are also fully equipped. I don't know what other players would do if they received such a task. They are probably in trouble.

But in fact, this task takes a full month, and professional players have many ways to get it done. There is no need to cheat like Xiao Ming.

For example, the simplest method is to divert the trouble. Pay the tribe to attack other cities, or ask other people to attack the orc tribe, so that the orcs will have no time to find trouble with the Gray Bone City? !

There are two difficulties in this method. The first is to take out enough money to impress the tribal leader; the second is to open up a channel to meet with the leader.

For a large guild with many people, these are all solvable problems. On the contrary, it is quite troublesome for Xiao Ming, who really can't bear to spend this money.

In addition, you can also engage in economic warfare. Take away some strategic materials necessary for war from the tribe. For example, without food, the orcs will be unable to launch a large-scale war.

Orcs are generally simple-minded. They don't know that there will be opportunities for war in the near future. It is not difficult to buy food at a high price at this time. It's just that the cost will be relatively large.

If the player develops well in the orc tribe or has allies. Then you can also provoke disputes within the tribe.

As long as you create a riot, you can delay a lot of things for the orcs. You can also ensure the safety of Post No. 7.

Of course, there is a more unethical way, that is to attack the oasis.

Filling or moving the lake like Xiao Ming, even a large guild can't do it. But they can poison the lake water.

The poisoning of a large area of ​​tribesmen is guaranteed to make the tribe from top to bottom anxious. But the consequences of this move on the local ecology will also be very serious.

Once exposed, it may backfire, causing the Orcs to go all out and fight to the death with the Gray Bone City. That would be counterproductive.

In short, as long as you are willing to use your brain, there are always more solutions than problems.

Xiao Ming is sometimes intimidated by the wisdom, experience, and imagination of the professional player group. He really doesn't need to worry about the players.

The informant returned to the Gray Bone City Lord's Mansion to hand in the task, and it was another highest experience reward. The adventure level was raised to level 3, level 25, and the strategic level was level 2, level 10.

Generally speaking, most of the tasks accepted on the adventure map will not reward strategic experience. Only tasks closely related to war will give a little.

Xiao Ming relied entirely on his super personal strength this time to greatly shorten the task completion time, and the effect was outstanding, so he would get this top reward.

In addition to experience and money, the informant finally obtained the qualification to participate in the formal war.

Don't look at this as money, treasure, or skill. But this qualification is priceless for players.

As long as you perform well in the war, you can get military merit rewards. Military merit rewards are the most generous in any country or race. "The most important affairs of a country are sacrifice and war."

Then it is not comparable to experience and money. There will also be rewards such as titles and positions. The informant may become an officer.

The next is the third round of tasks. Bai Yulin gave the informant two choices. One is [Reconnaissance of the enemy city]; the other is [Harassment of the enemy city].

What it means is clear at a glance. Reconnaissance is to try to obtain intelligence from the enemy, and harassment is to try to make the enemy organization chaotic. Both are preparations for the subsequent war.

It is obvious what Xiao Ming will choose. Reconnaissance requires patience and brains, which Xiao Ming lacks. Harassment requires force, which is relatively simple.

So Xiao Ming chose...reconnaissance mission. [Reconnaissance of the enemy city]: Purple master-level mission. The deadline is one month, and conduct a full-scale reconnaissance of the target city.

The focus is on the military aspect, to find out the enemy's strength, deployment, and the situation of generals at all levels. The more comprehensive the information obtained, the better.

There must be a question: Isn't harassment easier, why did Xiao Ming choose reconnaissance?

He thought that if he went to do the harassment mission, once he exerted too much force, he might drive the enemy away and directly occupy the city.

The rewards for the word mission would be very good. However, the entire mission chain seemed to be over, and there was no chance of war. Wouldn't it be a lot less missions to report the dead? !

Each mission is an opportunity to upgrade to level 5. Doing missions should be a long-term process, not a one-time effort. So, reconnaissance is more appropriate.

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