Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1363: I would rather die than be without freedom

Liu Ke·Tomato waited for the researcher's next words with a nervous mood. It seemed that this answer was of great weight.

Seeing that his expression was unusually entangled, Xiao Ming couldn't help but use telepathy on him, and then he understood.

Liu Ke has always been determined to fight against Western colonists. He vowed to fight to the end.

But he didn't have the belief of winning in his heart, but was messing with the colonists with a mentality of "I would rather die than be free".

Even though his lord Tiya had obtained the strong support of the Li family pirates and could develop power in other seas.

Liu Ke still didn't think that Kunyan Velas plus the Li family could solve the problems of the American continent.

Here we have to face more than the current Esconte Army and Maldenard Army. They are just two black gloves.

The mastermind behind this place is the entire Western world. If they drive them away, there will be others.

And if the Kunyan Velas Army is too strong, the Western colonists will even unite to eliminate the local resistance forces.

Therefore, the Kunyan Velas Army must have the strength to deal with several European countries. Otherwise, it will not be enough to save America.

But from nothing, it is simply a fantasy to develop to be able to compete with European powers. No wonder Liu Ke had no confidence before.

Unexpectedly, it was the special life skill [Death Harvest] used by the researcher that gave him a ray of hope.

As long as the American continent is filled with these undead who are close to the indigenous people and hate Europe, this place will become a nightmare for Western colonists.

At worst, it can become a chicken rib. If you want to colonize, the risk is too great, and you will lose everything if you are not careful. If you don’t colonize, it seems that there is a lot of money (prospects) here.

Coupled with the resistance of the Kunyan Velas forces, it may be possible to "persuade" the Europeans to retreat.

Of course, Liu Ke’s first goal must be to become the enemy’s nightmare, not a boring chicken rib.

Xiao Ming also has some empathy for Liu Ke’s feelings. Although the Chinese on Pangu Star dominate. But Xiao Ming has read "The Strange Man of Far Island" and knows that the history of Chinese people on the parallel world of Earth is very humiliating.

If reading alone does not feel strong enough. Then Xiao Ming has also entered the world of "Drunken Master 2" and "The Pretender" and experienced it for a while. He can indeed resonate with Liu Ke.

Of course, the Chinese on Earth, under the heroic sacrifice of countless people, finally withstood the invasion and stood proudly among the nations of the world.

However, the Native Americans were not so lucky. Their homes were occupied by invaders and established a country. The entire tribe was almost wiped out, and the few remaining people were still in a state of "captivity".

The fate is really tragic. In the game, we can help if we can.

The researcher said to Liu Ke: "Don't worry, Tomato, this is my innate ability. I can cast spells again after a few hours of rest."

When he said this, his subordinates Lin Shen, Xu Youbi, Li Xiaohai, Bater, Ma Sheng, Harpoon and others also followed suit, letting Liu Ke rest assured that the boss would be absolutely fine.

After these days of getting along, the driller's subordinates all like Liu Ke, an upright man. They also sympathize with the plight of the Native Americans.

I didn't say anything before because I didn't want to affect the driller's decision. After all, it's a fight against the whole of Europe. It's easy to be crushed to pieces.

Now that the boss has made a decision, they immediately became active. They all support it, which shows that Xiao Ming's decision is also in line with the wishes of these people.

A few hours later, the driller's troops came to a dilapidated city ruin deep in the jungle.

The huge Mayan pyramid stood in front of everyone. It's just that the pyramid is covered with plants, and the majestic appearance of the past can no longer be seen. If you don't look carefully, you might think it's a small mountain.

"Master driller, what do you think of this place?" After Liu Ke asked this question, he stared at the driller's face with expectation.

Of course it's okay here. I really don't know how many people died in this city. The breath of death here is only slightly inferior to that of the temple.

Even if Xiao Ming didn't come to cast a spell, low-level undead such as zombies and skeleton soldiers might gradually appear here after a while.

Of course, these low-level undead are no threat to the colonists at all. Only the undead summoned by Xiao Ming himself have the characteristics of fighting to the death with the invaders.

A large-scale death harvest was spread. A large number of undead friendly forces appeared on this land again.

"This... this... is actually true!" An old native fell to the ground with a butt. Pointing at the tens of thousands of undead in front of him, he was a little incoherent.

This old man is called Old Bison. He is the village chief of a nearby indigenous village, Bison Village.

Native Americans are very casual in naming. The village is called Bison Village, the village chief is called Bison, and many people in the village also have the word Bison in their names.

In order to distinguish, the village chief is now called Old Bison. Twenty years ago, he was still called Spear Bison.

While the army of researchers was on the march, Liu Ke brought his troops to visit the Bison Village and bought some supplies.

The old Bison village chief knew Liu Ke and knew that the Esconte army was besieging him recently. He was still worried about him.

Now that Liu Ke was safe and sound, he felt relieved but also had some doubts. You have thick eyebrows and big eyes, could you betray the enemy?

After listening to Liu Ke's explanation, the old Bison was even more unconvinced. This was even more nonsense than betraying the enemy. So, he insisted on coming to see it in person.

Considering that this unit was still wanted by the Esconte Army. The head of the Bison Village did not want to take risks for other people in the village, so he came alone.

If there was someone following closely around him, he probably wouldn't have fallen so badly. Harpoon and hemp rope hurried over to help the old village chief up.

Unexpectedly, the old Bison refused to let them help him, pushed the two away with all his strength, turned over on the spot, and knelt down to the researcher. System prompt:

[Congratulations to the player researcher, you have completed the hidden conditions. The old Bison is willing to lead all the NPCs in the Bison Village to join you. Do you accept it? ]

Xiao Ming was actually prepared for this. When he was in the temple, the natives saw their death harvest and took the initiative to join his army. It was not surprising that the old Bison would join at this time.

It was just that he had the power to join with the entire village, which was something Xiao Ming had never expected.

It turned out that in addition to war conquest and self-construction, the system also prepared this kind of plot for players to obtain cities.

It was a pleasant surprise to be able to obtain a base in the American continent. Xiao Ming agreed immediately.

After checking the information of Bison Village, Xiao Ming couldn't help but sigh that it was true that cheap things were not good.

Bison Village was so poor that there was not even a tavern or a first-level barracks. The only building in the village was a dilapidated meeting hall.

At this rate, it was estimated that the village would be abandoned soon.

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