Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1362 Revenge with personal hands

Strictly speaking, these undead are not the subordinates of the driller, and they cannot get the attribute bonus of the driller. They are just wild monsters.

However, the difference is very small. After all, the strategic attack and defense of the driller are only 1 point, and it doesn't matter whether it is blessed or not.

Seeing that these undead tribes have no hero blessing, several heroes led by the Esconte Army still think that there is a chance, so they lead the troops to fight against the undead army. As a result, they hit the iron plate hard.

The undead army did not get any additional bonus, but the rank of the undead army is generally higher than that of the Esconte Army.

In addition, these heroes did provide attribute bonuses to their subordinates, but in the naval landing operations, the combat effectiveness reduced by the terrain was even greater.

When they used their numbers to bully the few, they were naturally invincible, but facing the overwhelming and fearless undead tribes, the morale of the pirates suffered a major blow.

As a result, the undead army destroyed nearly 80% of the Esconte army at the cost of losing half of its troops, and the remaining remnants fled under the leadership of a hero and several generals.

The pirates who died in the Esconte army were harvested by Xiao Ming. Their bodies were not worthy of being called undead, and they all turned into death breath and skeletons.

These pirates died like this. Is it unlucky and unfair? Of course not! They almost deserved it!

Think about it, why can more than 100,000 undead armies be harvested here alone. But there is no such good thing in other places?

That was the sin of the European colonists themselves. They invaded America on a large scale and killed the local indigenous people crazily. They also implemented various other means to reduce the indigenous population.

In the history of the parallel world Earth, America originally had a population of 80 million, and almost all of them died. They became a minority.

In this stage reproduced in the game, the Native Americans have not died so many, but the number of deaths is also quite large.

Special areas where the magic of death harvesting can be used have been formed in many places.

The reason why the area near the temple has become such an area. It is because the natives will hide in the temple to avoid massacre. But the food they carry with them is limited, and they can't hide until they starve to death.

After hiding for a while, the natives still have to come out of the temple, and when they come out, they will naturally become the souls of the colonists who have been waiting for a long time.

So there are so many corpses stored underground around the temple, and extremely strong resentment.

The undead harvested here are also very special. They are not purely neutral monsters. But they are very inclined monsters.

They think that the American natives are friendly forces. Unless they are actively attacked by the natives, they will not attack the natives.

For Western colonists, they are natural enemies. They can find the traces of colonists from a distance and take the initiative to attack them.

For players, who are neither natives nor colonists, they are normal monsters.

Locals such as Liu Ke Tomato can also recognize some ghosts from their faces as former companions, neighbors, and even family members. But the ghosts no longer recognized them.

With this information, Liu Ke and others had a glimmer of enlightenment. All the natives bowed to the driller. To express their gratitude.

Xiao Ming was very sorry. After destroying the Esconte army, these undead could not join the driller. They could only become wild monsters and linger nearby.

According to the system settings, the character must have the ability of "Death Harvest" in the personal panel before the character can accept the harvested undead soldiers as subordinates.

Among Xiao Ming's four characters, only the dead meet this condition. Other characters are not. However, the driller is not at a loss.

All the natives who saw this scene, except Liu Ke, directly joined the driller. It almost broke his command power.

Liu Ke also had the urge to join the driller. But a loyal minister does not serve two masters. His master is Tiya, a descendant of the royal family of the Inca Empire. He can't bear to rebel.

Xiao Ming had other plans for the driller, and he really didn't want to take so many Native Americans with him.

So these people, like the bald eagle, were temporarily lent to Tia by the driller to lead.

We know that the driller has the racial talent of [Intermediate Puppet Research and Development]. The puppets that can be produced every week are twice his own command power.

So he can not only fill his army with puppets every week. He can also fill the troops for several generals under his command. If there are any extra ones, they can only be sold.

The Li family pirates will always need puppets. No matter how many there are, the Li family can eat them.

Besides, the natives who surrendered to him are all 0-level soldiers and 1-level soldiers. 2-level soldiers are rare, and 3-level soldiers can be counted on one hand.

They can only be cannon fodder in the driller's army. But isn't the role of cannon fodder the most suitable for puppets? !

Xiao Ming decided that the population of America has been severely reduced, and you guys should live well. Leave it to Tia, Tia will not use them as cannon fodder.

After opening the space door and sending all the natives away, Xiao Ming led the army back to the temple to rest. Everyone's physical strength was not much consumed, but they needed time to calm down.

Liu Ke woke up from the shock at this time and asked Xiao Ming: "Master Researcher, how long does it take for your magic power to recover? When can you do it again?"

The young man has a future, and he is ruthless to the enemy. Xiao Ming admires Liu Ke very much.

"Tomato, this magic can't be used everywhere. It can only be used in very special places."

"I understand. But on this continent, there are dozens or hundreds of places very similar to this one. They are all places where Europeans once killed people on a large scale..."

The implication is clear. Although Liu Ke does not understand the specific restrictions of death harvest. Don't even know the name of this magic.

But he seems to think that as long as it is a place where people died on a large scale, it must be OK. There is basically nothing wrong with this idea.

Once upon a time, whenever he thought of the massacres carried out by Europeans, Liuko's heart was filled with anger and unwillingness. But there is nothing that can be done.

Today, when he thought about those massacres in the past, Liu Ke felt a sense of pleasure that he was about to get revenge.

Who said there is no justice and justice in the world? ! Who said God abandoned them? !

The researcher is the messenger of God. His magical magic can not only eliminate the European colonists, but also allow the victims to take revenge "in person". If this is not God’s will, what is it?

The only thing Liu Ke is worried about right now is whether the skill cooldown period will be long. How long does it take for the delver to cast the same magic again.

If the interval is too long, the damage caused to the colonists will not be enough to make a comeback.

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