Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1358 A Treasure That Is Not So Good

According to the teachings of success studies, Xiao Ming’s first task is to set a small goal: to analyze the ability of [Eat Everything] clearly and perfectly replicate it in reality.

Crazy! Is this a small goal? Besides, can Xiao Ming really analyze the powerful innate ability of the Chimera Ant King?

Is this like asking a primary school student who has just learned addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to do advanced mathematics problems in college?

But it doesn’t matter. Xiao Ming can’t see the end of his life now, and he has plenty of time. He will definitely learn it in the future.

It is also possible to give up in advance. As the saying goes, nothing is difficult in the world as long as you are willing to give up. Xiao Ming rarely sticks to anything.

In addition, I hope that this game will not be shut down before I learn the ability. Without the comparison of the template, it is all based on the feeling in memory, which will be even more difficult to master.

After drooling over the new ability for a long time, Xiao Ming turned to the third reward of the Chimera Ant Crusade - the universal item reward.

Since many magical treasures in this world have been "collected" by Greed Island, it is equivalent to choosing one of the designated pocket cards of three types of items.

For the choice of the first two rewards, Xiao Ming basically put the overall situation first.

This time he decided to be willful and chose the pregnancy stone. He got a pair of 3 kg stones, one male stone and one female stone.

This kind of stone that can make anyone pregnant has been introduced in the previous article. To some extent, it is also a magic weapon. It is not a big mistake to choose it.

Of course, if it were not for the fact that the other two options were a bit rubbish and useless to him, Xiao Ming would not have been so "self-degrading".

After getting these two stones, the first person Xiao Ming thought of was Hisoka. I wonder what kind of farce it would be to let this perverted guy give birth to a child.

The image of two Hisos, big and small, emerged in his mind, and Xiao Ming felt a chill all over his body again.

Σ(°△°|||)︴ Damn it, this world probably can't afford two Hisos, right?

And with the degree of change that guy has, maybe he will give birth to a nest of Hisoka, what should we do? It's simply the end of the world.

Later, the two original stones were properly collected by Xiao Ming. A pair of replicas were made and handed over to Kurapika.

Xiao Ming knew that he had always had the wishful thinking of restoring the Kurta tribe. This stone happened to be able to realize it, but it might be a little late.

Because now the last purebred Kurta tribe member has been transformed into a bug human. Even if Kurapika uses the pregnancy stone, it is likely that he will only give birth to a bug human with fiery red eyes.

Everything is always so wrong. At the beginning, when Kurapika transformed into a bug human, he never thought that one day he would get such a "treasure".

If I had known it earlier. Unfortunately, this sentence is one of the most useless words in human language.

Holding the two pregnancy stones with great care, Kurapika's mood was extremely complicated, up and down. Xiao Ming was a little afraid to disturb him, so he let him figure it out by himself.

It was already around 2 a.m. on October 23. Seeing that the next reincarnation mission was imminent, Xiao Ming did not want to start another large-scale plot.

This time in the secret realm of "Hunter x Hunter", he worked hard and he was a little "aesthetically fatigued".

So Xiao Ming chose to quit the game and left the game cabin. The first feeling was that there seemed to be light outside the room.

Just as he was about to use his mental power to scan, Nie Xiaoqian, the mind beast butler, suddenly appeared beside him.

"Mr. Zhang, Miss Ruan is still reviewing her homework. I think she is a little too hard. Sir, can you help her?"

After possessing the mind beast, all ghosts can sense the host Xiao Ming's thoughts to a certain extent. It is not surprising that Nie Xiaoqian took the initiative to solve Xiao Ming's doubts.

As a "butler", Zhang Xiaoming's small house is her home, and she has always been very attentive to what happens here.

Of course, the uniform mind beasts possessed by these 100 female ghosts do not have the ability to appear at will like Eva. Xiaoqian's appearance is a special privilege given to them by Xiao Ming. I don't want to restrict them too much.

After listening to the ghost housekeeper, Xiao Ming said, "Well, let's go and take a look."

He had also taken the college entrance examination and repeated the exam once. He had a better understanding of the mentality of college entrance examination candidates.

Ruan Mengmeng was a little older, and her comprehension, memory, and learning ability had declined a lot. It was not easy to learn high school courses.

It was a pity that the anti-aging drug could not be copied in reality for the time being, otherwise Mengmeng could return to the state of seventeen or eighteen years old, and maybe she could learn faster.

When he opened the door of his room, he saw more than a dozen female ghosts in maid costumes in the living room. They stayed up all night and cleaned the already spotless room.

There were also some other teachers, students, nurses, and lawyers, wandering around and not knowing what they were doing.

When they saw the host Xiao Ming coming out, they didn't care much. Some greeted him casually; some simply ignored him and did their own things.

This was not disrespect, but they all knew Xiao Ming's temper. I don't like everyone standing in a neat queue and bowing to greet each other. It feels so boring.

Xiao Ming is used to this kind of scene. There is no way, the female ghosts are really energetic in the middle of the night.

Ignore them and go straight to Ruan Mengmeng's room. Mengmeng's room is actually added later.

The technology level of the New Han Kingdom is good now. Not only can the room be spliced, but it can even be opened and flown out.

In fact, of course, Ruan Mengmeng can live in her parents' previous room. But since he is not short of money now, Xiao Ming bought a new room for Mengmeng and connected it to his apartment.

Of course, the residential area where the Zhang family lives is of average quality, and the area that can be increased is also limited.

Many years ago, when her sister grew up, her room was later combined. It was a second-hand room.

However, Xiao Jing'er, like her brother, is very nostalgic. Even if Xiao Ming has money, he has never changed to a new room.

Now that Ruan Mengmeng has added another room, Xiao Ming's space quota is almost used up. If he wants to increase the area, he will have to apply for a higher-end community.

With Xiao Ming's wealth, he can now afford to live in the most top-notch villas and mansions. But Xiao Ming is too lazy to change places.

"Master! It's so late, you haven't slept yet?" Hearing the knock on the door, Meng Meng, who was wearing panda pajamas, opened the door with a little joy.

She knew that there was only one person in this family who might knock on her door, and she didn't even ask who it was. Besides, her door wasn't actually locked, so Xiao Ming could just push it open.

"You know it's so late. Why aren't you sleeping yet? You can't work so hard just because tomorrow is... no, today is Sunday, right?"

Meng Meng glanced at Xiao Ming with resentment, and murmured, "The questions are so difficult, I can't do them. And..."

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