Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1357: Difficulty in making choices

I have completed the Secret Realm Chimera Ant chapter of "Hunter Hunter" and it was released while Xiao Ming was still in the Secret Realm. It was just that there were a lot of miscellaneous matters at that time, so it was delayed.

Of course this is just an excuse. Xiao Ming can completely distract himself and let the shadow clone take care of things; he can choose the rewards himself.

The reason why I chose it after exiting the secret realm was because I was full and wanted to create a sense of ritual to show the importance of this matter. It's really no big deal.

In this battle against chimera ants, Xiao Ming's character Mu Mu can be said to have played a crucial role. His achievements are as good as those of President Netero.

Some people may think that the contribution of the wood should be greater than that of the president. But that’s how the system calculates it, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Although Xiao Ming exerted his all-round support ability, in the end it was Nitro who fought hard against the Ant King and killed the Ant King. It is understandable that others take the majority.

The rewards listed in the game system are super awesome. Xiao Ming was actually given three opportunities to choose, two of which were to choose one out of three, and one was to mix and match.

The first reward is getting a follower. Finally, following "Samsara Space Followers" and "Martial Arts Planet Game Followers", Magic Planet Game also has followers.

In this game, minions are very similar to utility items. In principle, it can be used in most secret realms or the main game.

It's just that once the followers are used in a certain world, they will take root there and cannot be used in other secret realms.

However, because Xiao Ming possesses the universal treasure [Level 3 Summoning Cube], his reward has a chance to be upgraded.

You can put the followers in the Rubik's Cube and summon them at will. Of course, there are actually advantages and disadvantages to doing this. The advantage has just been mentioned, it is to summon at will.

Now let’s talk about the shortcomings. After the followers enter the Rubik's Cube, they must obey the rules of the Rubik's Cube. When the followers appear, they need to consume Xiao Ming's mana. Xiao Ming, who has almost unlimited magic power, said he has no pressure.

After looking at several option combinations given by the system, Xiao Ming decisively decided to choose the combination of Mo Laowu + Nobu. It would be too wasteful to use both of them in a single secret realm.

For the sake of the two of them, Xiao Ming had to reluctantly give up the combination of Hisoka + Yi Mi; the combination of Wo Jin + Xia Ke + Ku Biao, his heart was bleeding.

Mo Laowu and Nobu are both B+ level masters, occupying the seventh room of the Rubik's Cube.

Although the 100 female ghosts in the fifth room are no longer there, Xiao Ming still leaves the room empty. Think of it as a thought.

Occasionally, Nie Xiaoqian and the others would wear uniforms and go to the room to stay for a while. I wonder if it’s because I miss my old neighbors? Or do you want to remember the bitter and sweet things?

The abilities of Mo Laowu and Nobu actually overlap most closely with Xiao Ming's own abilities. Not as useful as the other two combinations.

The reason why Xiao Ming chose them is that he hopes that when he encounters players in the Magic Planet main game or in the secret realm in the future, they can provide him with a cover.

Everyone took a look, oh, it turns out to be the ability of NPC. Doesn’t this reduce your doubts about yourself?

In addition, regularly sucking some of their blood can also make Xiao Ming's own abilities stronger. What he is best at is copying and fusion.

The second reward is the long-awaited telepathy template reward. This is the option that can be mixed and matched.

The telekinesis abilities of the chimera ants and the telekinesis abilities of the members of the expedition team are all subject to choice.

Different reading ability templates correspond to different scores. Xiao Ming can choose a template worth 8 points in total.

What caught Xiao Ming's attention the most was undoubtedly the Ant King's special ability.

The ant king's special ability is to enhance his own telepathy by swallowing the flesh and blood of those with telekinesis abilities.

If he likes the ability of the person being swallowed, he can use it directly, and he can be better than others.

The system counts this ability as telekinesis ability. In Xiao Ming's opinion, it is actually more like a talent.

In the original work, Meruem devours a lot of people and chimera ants, but he looks down on the abilities of those off-brands.

Later, they were seriously injured due to the bomb explosion. Yupi and Pufu fed most of their body essence to the dying ant king.

As a result, their abilities were noticed by the Ant King, and they were later used more perfectly.

The game system does not give this ability an exclusive name. Xiao Ming calls it [Eat it, it tastes good].

The high-end template of [Eat the Good Food] has a score of 8 points, while the perfect template has a score of 16 points, which is far beyond the range that Xiao Ming can redeem.

It is estimated that Mu Mu must kill the ant king himself in the chimera ant crusade to get enough points.

If you choose this ability, Mu Mu can basically walk sideways in this secret realm from now on. It tastes delicious when you eat it. The more you eat, the stronger you become and your strength is infinitely improved.

Moreover, Xiao Ming, as a player, has another advantage. That is, devouring other players' characters can also increase the wood's hard power.

After all, the number of NPCs that appear in the secret realm is limited. But the players are almost unlimited. You can even pay to hire players to be eaten by you. This creates an invincible character.

Xiao Ming's progress in this secret realm is now far ahead of all players. The storyline conflicts with old players, but it is easy to attract new players.

Because new players can give up the early management and directly choose his progress. Then it is very likely to end up in the same secret realm.

However, there are very few geniuses among players. Most people actually use the NPC's Nen ability template. This so-called advantage is just that.

In addition to the ability of the Ant King, the abilities of President Netero, the three guards, the leaders of the Chimera Ant Division, and the members of the expedition team are also on the selection list.

Xiao Ming suddenly fell into a choice difficulty syndrome. There are too many good abilities, aren't they? It's dizzying. The Chimera Ant tribe really has many good abilities.

He even thought about whether to choose all the primary templates and try to learn more abilities. Then analyze and really learn these abilities in reality.

However, Xiao Ming thought about it and realized that he might not have such good talents. Low-level Nen ability templates are generally not comprehensive, and they are not very useful after learning them.

Besides, isn't there the Ant King's [Eat Everything]? ! You can choose this!

Almost most of the Chimera Ant corpses are stored in Xiao Ming's Bright Summit. Including the three guards, and even the remains of the Ant King that was blown beyond recognition.

As long as you gain the ability to eat anything, you can just eat as much as you want. In the future, I believe the Phantom Troupe will not be able to escape the fate of being eaten.

As for those good people, we don’t have to eat them all. We can just "trouble" them to donate blood regularly. For a while, Xiao Ming was full of fantasies about the future.

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