Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1333: Cardin Country Mission

The lake is very clear, so clear that you can see the sand and rocks at the bottom of the lake; the lake is very green, as green as a flawless jade.

Underwater, groups of small fish swim leisurely; on the shore, continuous trees stand guard resolutely.

7 or 8 meters ahead, there is a cherry tree that has fallen halfway. On the upturned tree roots, a man is sitting there fishing.

From the back, you can only see his blue beret, gray windbreaker, and long silver hair.

There are three children looking at him from behind. They are Mutou, Killua, and Xiaojie who came here by "traveling together".

Is this person Xiaojie's father Jin Fulishi? Xiaojie murmured a word "Jin..."

"Are you Xiaojie?" Hearing the voice, the man turned around and pulled off the windbreaker on his body, "Oh, you have grown up a lot? What are you doing here?"

"Kate!" Xiaojie screamed. There was a hint of disappointment in his tone. Killua was confused, while Mu Mu had an expression as if he had known this long ago.

As soon as he arrived here, Xiao Ming sensed that the person in front of him was only B+ level. He was roughly equivalent to the top combat power of the brigade.

As one of the world's top five Nen users, Jin should be about the same even if he is not as good as President Netero, and is definitely not at the level of the person in front of him.

Besides, just looking at Kate's smooth and elegant silver hair, he doesn't look like Xiaojie's father with a black hedgehog head.

So Xiao Ming immediately judged that this person was not Jin.

I didn't expect that the spell cards of Greed Island could also be invalid. Aren't you afraid that we will complain to the Consumer Association?

In fact, this is not that the card is invalid, but a trap that Jin had set when making the game.

If Xiao Ming uses the "magnetic" card alone, he can see Jin himself. If he uses the "companion" card to bring a friend here, then he can only see Kate.

I don't know what he is thinking. In order to find him, Xiaojie desperately became a hunter and beat the Greed Island game. As a result, he was not seen because of this trivial matter.

It is common to see a son who betrays his father, but this is the first time to see a father who betrays his son so much. Even the people who made the game with Jin felt that Xiaojie was very pitiful.

Jin Fulishi's substitute Kate is his apprentice and a one-star hunter in the Hunter Association. A hunter who specializes in biological investigation, especially good at investigating large creatures.

He visited Whale Island on the way to the last trial given by Jin, "Find Jin", and saved Xiaojie who was attacked by an adult female fox bear at that time, and thus met.

It was because of meeting him that Xiaojie learned that his father was still alive and was a professional hunter, so Xiaojie wanted to become a hunter and find Jin. Kate was actually the first hunter Xiaojie had ever seen.

At that time, Kate accidentally lost a hunter card. It was not his own, but his master Jin's two-star hunter card. Now it has been in Xiaojie's hands.

Old friends reunited, Xiaojie and Kate chatted enthusiastically. Kate was very interested in the growth process of her junior brother.

As for the trial of finding Jin, he had already completed it and had become a hunter who could stand on his own.

"Want to know where he is?"

"No! I want to find him myself."

"Very good answer."

...Hunter is such a profession. Lock the target and hunt. Now Jin is Xiaojie's target.

At the same time, the main plot of the Chimera Ant chapter that Xiao Ming has been worried about has quietly begun.

The humans in the world of "Hunter x Hunter" do not occupy the entire planet. Instead, they only occupy a part of the territory.

The human world is surrounded by the ocean, and further away is the dangerous Dark Continent.

Therefore, the map of the human world in the secret realm is square. There will be no phenomenon that the westernmost side is the easternmost side like Pangu Star. The border of the map is also the border of human activities, and it is not allowed to pass through easily.

The southwest of the human world is the Yulubian Continent. Before, the city of Youkexin, where Xiao Ming subdued the Phantom Troupe, happened to be on the west coast of the central part of the Yulubian Continent.

The southernmost tip of the Yulubian Continent is the Balusa Islands. At the southernmost tip of the Balusa Islands, the NGL Autonomous State is located.

The injured Chimera Ant Queen was washed ashore by the waves. She will develop her kingdom in NGL.

Now Xiaojie and others have used the companion card and ran to the center of the Ezhen continent in the northeast, the territory of the Cardin Kingdom. It can be said that they have almost crossed the entire human world. They are separated from the Chimera Ants by a thousand miles.

Kate and his team accepted the commission of the Cardin Kingdom to conduct biological surveys here. Xiaojie and the other two naturally joined in with great interest.

Only Xiaoming was uneasy. He did not dare to send his clone to NGL, for fear of causing changes in the plot. If he could not save Kate and President Netero, it would be troublesome.

Kate introduced his six teammates to the three of them. Although they were all amateur hunters, they were all excellent talents.

The most muscular one who looks like a bear is called Wentai Yuras; the tall and thin one with a big hair is called Stick Dina;

The two women of medium height are called Spina Kro and Banana Kabao; the short one with glasses is called Lin Kexi; the one who looks like a child is Bodongo Laboy.

The work they were entrusted with was very simple, which was to investigate new species. As long as they found a creature suspected of being a new species, they would take a picture of it with a digital camera.

The camera is connected to the Internet and will automatically compare the species it has photographed with the species that have been registered. New species can be registered in the fastest time.

And the name of the discoverer will also be registered. It can be said that it will go down in history forever.

Why do you say Kate's team members are excellent? Because they all discovered many new species.

The best is Lin Kexi, who found 1,079 new species in three years. The worst is Kate, who only found 68 species. It can be seen that combat effectiveness is not equal to work ability.

Kate argued that his specialty is finding large species and he is not good at finding small creatures.

Large creatures are naturally easy to find, and there are almost no new species. Small insects are the most common species among new species.

However, this time, Kate actually made a major discovery, that is, the "camping tiger".

This is a tiger that knows how to use fire and only eats cooked food. They use branches burned by thunder as fire.

There are retractable horns on their heads that are not afraid of high temperatures. They will use their horns to stick prey and roast them on the fire.

Except for humans or humanoid monsters, they are the first species found to use fire. The camping tiger is Kate's biggest gain in this investigation.

Gon and Killua happily joined the investigation. They quickly discovered many new species, which amazed everyone else.

As professional hunters, they can sense sounds, smells, traces that most people would ignore..., so of course they have better results.

Moreover, Gon has a characteristic that he can easily get along with animals. Looking at Gon and Killua, Kate smiled like an aunt.

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