Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1332 A slightly strange choice

After carefully browsing so many magical cards, Mu Tou (Yin Xiaoming) made a slightly strange choice. He did not choose anything for the time being.

There are many good things, and Xiaoming can imagine N ways of using them, all of which can bring great benefits to himself.

After careful consideration, he felt that it would be best to choose something that can be reused. Otherwise, it will be gone after it is used up, which is a bit disappointing.

In addition, although the selected cards are universal items, they can still only be used in one secret realm or the main game.

Once used in a secret realm, the card will take root and cannot be used in other secret realms. This undoubtedly limits the scope of application.

So, Xiaoming naturally thought of his copying ability, that is, [God's left hand, devil's right hand].

If you can also copy special items in other secret realms, wouldn't it be very happy.

For a more advanced way of playing, you should master the detailed composition of a certain item, so that you can copy it in other secret realms.

Of course, if you are particularly lucky, you may be able to make specific items in reality. If you can really do that, you will definitely be rich.

But if it is difficult to do so, Xiao Ming has another way. That is, several Xiao Mings enter the game together and are in different secret realms.

Kubi's ability is to touch the real object with the left hand and copy the fake with the right hand. Because there are multiple Xiao Mings at the same time, Xiao Ming does not have more than one right hand.

One Xiao Ming can touch the real object with his left hand in one secret realm, while another Xiao Ming uses his right hand to copy in another secret realm. In this way, the items can be used across secret realms.

At this time, Xiao Ming can't help but have a greedy idea. Anyway, we can copy across secret realms. There is no need to make universal items. You can replace them with 3 designated cards.

However, this is something Xiao Ming dare not gamble on. It is very likely that universal items are different from ordinary items. Ordinary items copied will lose their special effects in other secret realms.

On the contrary, if universal items are copied, they may be allowed to be used in other secret realms. This is a problem of game settings, and you have to experiment in person.

So Xiao Ming did not choose the reward immediately, but waited for Xiao Jie and the others to come out of the game [Greed Island] and take the prizes for experiments.

Soon, Xiao Jie, Killua, and Biscuit came out of the game.

"Huh! Here you go!" Biscuit was furious when he saw Mu Tou, his junior brother.

Although he received 20 billion, Biscuit was still very unhappy that he could not get the blue planet.

So she threw the No. 65 [Witch's Rejuvenation Drug] card to Mu Tou first. To express her unhappy mood.

"Thank you, senior sister!" Xiao Ming immediately praised the senior sister's "high moral character".

"I'll do a magic trick for you. GAIN!" Following Mu Tou's instructions, the card turned into a bottle of 100 rejuvenating drugs.

Take one and you will be one year younger. But be careful, if you take more drugs than your age, you will die immediately.

This is not only a magic drug for restoring youth, but also a magic weapon that cheats people.

Since it can work in the Hunter Secret Realm, it means that this medicine is real at least in this secret realm.

Maybe a senior master obtained some magical treasure from the Dark Continent and made this magic medicine.

Xiao Ming used his ability to copy a rejuvenation medicine. He looked around for the little white mouse.

Mu Tou, Xiao Jie, and Killua are all teenagers of twelve or thirteen years old. They really can't take this medicine. If you use Senior Sister Biscuit for experiments, it seems that you will get beaten.

So Xiao Ming specially called a cleaning staff in the mansion and gave him the copied rejuvenation medicine.

It really worked, without any harm. The man didn't feel much.

A middle-aged man in his 40s, one year younger, he actually couldn't feel it himself. He just felt that he seemed to be more energetic.

However, Xiao Ming could clearly see that every cell in his body was one year younger.

(^-^)VYeah! The first experiment was successful.

Gon and Killua, who were watching from the sidelines, could not see the trick at all, but Biscuit was thoughtful, worthy of being a veteran strongman. She guessed a little.

However, she did not make it public. Biscuit herself was in her prime and did not need rejuvenation. But she felt the huge business opportunity and was thinking about how to use it.

At the same time, another Xiao Ming also logged into the game and entered another secret realm to do experiments.

As expected. As the original version of this medicine is not a universal item, in other secret realms, the medicine copied by Xiao Ming has no effect.

The second experiment failed. Xiao Ming's idea of ​​exchanging three items for rewards was cut off. He had to choose a universal item.

Among so many good things, Xiao Ming's choice was still the rejuvenation medicine. This was a choice he made based on his intuitive judgment.

In terms of practicality, many things may not be worse than the rejuvenation medicine. Many have been listed in the previous article. I will not list them one by one here. Just talk about No. 64 [Witch's Aphrodisiac].

The ability of this medicine is that if you hold it in your mouth and feed it to the person you like, the person will become your captive. One pill is effective for a week, and there are 500 pills in a bottle.

I believe everyone can imagine the great uses of this medicine. At least it will be easier for Xiao Ming to recruit those NPC generals of the opposite sex in the main game.

However, this kind of thing is too evil. Xiao Ming considers himself a decent person and cannot do this. It is enough to use [Whisper] occasionally.

Xiao Ming finally chose the rejuvenation drug. The reason is that he has an ambition to copy this drug in reality.

Compared with other special effect props, this kind of drug product feels the easiest to copy in reality.

What's more, Xiao Ming also has the identity of Pluto, and it doesn't seem to be an overstepping of authority to allow others to rejuvenate.

At this time, the intuition of the Force bonus after 10 years of practice finally played a role. Intuition told Xiao Ming that his idea could be realized.

So Xiao Ming chose the universal item rejuvenation drug without hesitation.

Unfortunately, his third experiment failed again.

One Xiao Ming in the game, and one Xiao Ming in reality, using the copying ability, can't make the rejuvenation drug in reality.

This is not unexpected by Xiao Ming. The difference between virtual and reality is still very large. So, he took another approach. The fourth experiment.

Keep the original 100 pills untouched, use the ability to copy about 20 pills in the game, and put the copies into the textbook of the mind beast teacher for analysis.

As long as it can be analyzed, Xiao Ming can understand the principle, and there is a greater possibility of copying it in reality.

The analysis process certainly takes a certain amount of time. But it does not delay Xiao Ming's normal game progress.

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