Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1324: Sending Heads Across Thousand Miles

No matter from which angle, what Xiao Ming should do now is to take down this group of aliens directly and take everything from them.

Why did Xiao Ming still tell them: As long as they retreat, we will let bygones be bygones. Is he so careless?

This is not a lie. If the aliens really retreat, Xiao Ming will indeed let them go. At his level, there is rarely any need to tell lies.

The reason is that the arrival of this group of aliens has a lot to do with Xiao Ming. He bears a certain cause and effect.

Although the two spacecrafts are facing each other in space on the surface, in fact, Xiao Ming started scanning at the first time.

There are about 800 to 900 lizardmen crew members on the other side's five spacecrafts, and the one with the highest combat power level can only barely reach the lower level of D.

And they are purely good in physical fitness. These lizardmen have almost never practiced any supernatural energy.

Only the leader, the double-forked scarred lord, has a little bit of magic power in his body, but it is very rare.

And it is not cultivated by himself. He has no control over his own magic power, and it is hard to say where it comes from. There are all kinds of things in the world.

The lizardmen themselves are not strong, but these five spaceships are not weak. Three of them are combat spaceships, equipped with many energy weapons and energy shields.

And among the five spaceships, there are 7 combat mechas used in space battles. The mechas look roughly the same as the lizardmen. They are ferocious.

If they drive mechas, their combat power should be C-level. However, the technology side and the magic side are good at different things, so it is hard to say how strong they are.

Among them, 6 dark green ones are ordinary models that are mass-produced at a glance; 1 is a yellow and green pattern, which is much more fancy. It may be the vehicle of the double-forked scarred lizard. It is a little stronger.

The other two spaceships, one is a communication ship and the other is a supply ship. It seems that they have considered the possibility of a protracted war and made full preparations.

At this moment, Xiao Ming thought of a very pretentious sentence: [You know nothing about power. 】

Without the aliens noticing, Xiao Ming had already sent out six Seven Stars Shadow Clones, dozens of Ghost Shadow Clones, and a large number of parasites to sneak into five spaceships.

With their body movements, even if they were not wearing invisible suits, these aliens could not see them. With just one order, they could immediately control everything. All this happened before Xiao Ming spoke.

The Seven Stars Shadow Clones were close to Sir Double Scarface, and they knew each other's inner thoughts through telepathy.

It turned out that the problem was with the several hacker energy blocks that Xiao Ming traded through Kraken.

Sir Double Scarface actually did not see these energy blocks, but just heard the news.

As the 17th heir to the family, he had a strong ambition to climb up. He felt that this was an opportunity.

So, after careful inquiry, he heard that it came from the Pangu Galaxy, a technologically backward Galaxy, and had not yet officially joined the [Pan-Universe Transmission Network Management Center].

The mind of Double Scarface became active. This is a fat sheep. If he can sneak into Pangu Star and get the source of energy blocks, this source of money will belong to him.

Then his status in the family will definitely rise, and he is expected to climb to the eleventh or twelfth place. It depends on the output and cost of energy blocks.

He did not consider normal transactions at all on this trip. What he brought directly to Pangu Galaxy was his combat team.

This behavior is an out-and-out space pirate behavior. It is quite common in some unstable areas in the universe. The Crazy Dragon Galaxy is one of them.

All major families and major forces have their own space pirate groups, regular troops and even merchants. When needed, they will occasionally play the role of pirates.

This situation is similar to the situation of European countries in the Age of Discovery in the history of the Earth.

There is no such history on Pangu Star. Sea power has always been firmly controlled by the Chinese countries. Even during the world war, other countries were not allowed to set foot in the sea.

Xiao Ming saw it clearly at a glance. The simple-minded guy with double forks and scars was probably used by others.

Some high-level forces are interested in hacker energy blocks and want to test the defense power of Pangu Galaxy.

But they are not ignorant of power. So they don't do it themselves, but secretly release the news to trick this brainless boy into being the first to come forward.

If the test is successful, this boy really brings back energy blocks and even production lines, then his wish can indeed be realized, and the high-level officials don't care about that little reward at all.

If the test fails, then the double-forked scarface and his pirate team are cannon fodder. The high-level officials can completely distance themselves from the relationship. They can also use this to understand the strength of Pangu Star.

Xiao Ming pondered for a while, and this kind of thing seemed familiar. It seems that no matter where the politicians are, they have this kind of skill to get things done quietly without getting their hands dirty.

Of course, Xiao Ming doesn't care much. This method is useless for the underworld. The soul gem can see every thought of a person.

The sins of those behind the scenes are even greater than the sins of the double-forked scarface who was used by others in the front.

It was precisely because this guy was being used that Xiao Ming offered to let him go.

Of course, Scarface also became a space pirate out of his own will. No one forced him, so he was not innocent at all.

Xiao Ming just gave a little reminder, and that was it. He probably wouldn't surrender.

Unless Xiao Ming showed his great strength first and scared him away. However, Xiao Ming's service was not so thoughtful. He just gave him a chance.

As expected, the double-forked scarred man was furious. In such a short time, he had already started the instrument to conduct a rough scan of the Shennong 2 spacecraft.

It was roughly found that this was not a warship. Although there were energy weapons and shields, the power and quantity were completely insufficient. It was obviously for emergency use.

Such a fat sheep dared to talk nonsense to himself, which was really intolerable for both uncle and aunt.

He roared loudly, as if he had issued a battle order. Then he fell to the ground. Then, all the lizardmen on the 5 spacecraft fell to the ground one after another.

Seeing this, Xin Shui and Xin Ping were full of question marks. What kind of way is this horse?

Could it be that these lizardmen have different customs and regard falling asleep quickly as the highest goal of their race. So he is showing his ability to fall asleep?

Haha, you can tell it's impossible even if you use your knees to think. It's probably either Captain Xin Ku or the leader. The latter is more likely.

Sure enough, the leader's clone appeared in the light curtain. The Seven Stars Shadow clone is nothing, but the ghost clone is wearing a dark robe, which makes the Xin family members secretly shocked.

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