Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1323 Layered Defense Network

After hearing what Zhang Xiaoming said, both parties were shocked, and even the question in their minds was exactly the same: ‘How did you know that? !’

This involves the high-level management structure between civilizations in the real universe. The three families of Wan Bai Qian, the three major forces of Tian Ting He Fu Long Gong, all have white gloves in the real universe.

In addition to these three families, there are some other forces that are more or less affecting the order of the universe.

Regarding the issue of this group of lizard people smuggling, only one of them is currently involved, and it is not one of the three families of Wan Bai Qian. It is a force that Xiao Ming knew before.

Remember? When Zhang Xiaoming just became a reincarnation, 5 ‘people’ came uninvited to Xiao Ming’s house to cosplay and play mahjong.

They are Jiang Shizu, the S-class zombie ancestor representing the League of Legends, Hei Wuchang, the B-class underworld official who was Jiang Shizu's follower at the time,

Turtle Hermit, who calls himself "King 8", representing the A-class reincarnation of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, and Meng An, the A-class reincarnation representing the New Han military.

The last one is the octopus alien from the so-called "Interstellar Embassy". Xiao Ming believes that Kraken and he should be of the same race.

40 years ago, the reason why Kraken went to Pangu Star to do his graduation internship was probably because there was such a fellow race nearby.

Interstellar Embassy is just a common name, and the real name in Chinese should be [Pan-Universe Teleportation Network Management Center].

At the beginning, through the introduction of my master A Cha, Xiao Ming learned that the power of the space gem/Tai Chi diagram was used to build a pan-universe transmission network.

With the power of the space gem, creatures or objects can be teleported instantly within the range covered by the network.

Around this network, some of the more powerful races in the universe united to establish a management center.

There is no need to apply or report for space transmission within a node.

But if you want to transmit across nodes, you must report to the management center. Otherwise, it will be regarded as smuggling and will be punished by the Interstellar Embassy.

This Interstellar Embassy took the initiative to contact the New Han Kingdom. At present, the New Han Kingdom is considered to represent Pangu Star and is in the stage of being observed.

If it officially joins in the future, it will also send official officials to the Interstellar Embassy. Not yet.

This group of aliens has ulterior motives, and they naturally used the method of smuggling when they came. They did not get the approval of the Interstellar Embassy.

Because it was smuggling, they could not directly teleport the spacecraft into the interior of the solar system, but only to the area outside the Ott Nebula.

Then they will use the speed of the spacecraft to fly into the solar system and arrive at Pangu Star. It will be faster to use the transmission network for instant movement within the node.

But their spacecraft is smuggling, and they are also worried that it will arouse the vigilance of the Interstellar Embassy. It's better to be slower.

Unexpectedly, during the flight, they detected the existence of Shennong No. 2.

This immigration spacecraft seems to be quite advanced. This is inconsistent with the information that the aliens originally knew.

They naturally didn't know that Shennong 2 was brought out from the world of reincarnation, and it did not represent the current technological level of Pangu Star.

This opportunity was too rare. Since the two sides were not far away, this group of aliens wanted to test the true strength of Pangu Star through Shennong 2.

It would be best to take down Shennong 2 for careful study, and interrogate the passengers, so that they could have a clearer understanding of Pangu Star.

This is also their good luck. Shennong 2 also drove beyond the Ultra Cloud. Let them encounter it first.

If they continue to go deeper, they can indeed rely on the means originally prepared to avoid the detection network of the Interstellar Embassy.

But they will definitely encounter another layer of defense system in the Kuiper Belt. That is the defense set up by the top reincarnations of Pangu Star for the solar system.

Reincarnations are the extension of the power of Qianxinglou. This is the real defense force of Pangu Star.

In terms of strength, reincarnations are much stronger than the space army of the New Han Kingdom. It is equivalent to the existence of Kamar-Taj of Master Gu Yi.

In layman's terms, the interstellar embassy is on the third floor, and the reincarnationists are at least on the seventh floor.

Once these alien spaceships are discovered by them, they will definitely be like throwing meat buns at dogs, and there will be no return.

These stowaways are not very clear about the strength of the reincarnationists, and they are even more ignorant of the Pangu Star reincarnationists. Otherwise, they would not take the initiative to come to the door to fight.

The underworld and the heavenly court are unwilling to deal with such a trivial matter. It does not conform to their philosophy.

Of course, if there are civil servants from the two families of Pangu Star who are willing to protect their homes as individuals, they will definitely not stop them.

In fact, there are many such civil servants. There are the King of Hell and the Judge, and there are also heavenly soldiers and generals, but they have not set up the defense circle as far as the Kuiper Belt.

It is easy for any of these forces to deal with these five alien spaceships.

Besides, even if the reincarnationists let these spaceships enter the Kuiper Belt, they still have a great possibility of encountering the New Han Kingdom Space Army.

It is not easy to say whether the Space Army will win or lose against this group of aliens. In terms of the combat effectiveness of spacecraft and the quality of soldiers, the New Han Space Army is more than two points behind its opponent.

However, in terms of numbers, the Space Army still has more. The Space Army has an unlimited supply of unmanned fighter jets remotely operated by humans, but if they just put together a few hundred, they can still have at least one thousand or eight hundred.

This is called "quality is not enough, quantity makes up, ants bite elephants to death". Fighting these aliens will eventually win.

After the long-term confrontation between the space army and the Zerg in the Chiyou galaxy, the technology of the New Han Kingdom in this area is still quite good.

The only problem is that the other party has high-tech anti-reconnaissance means. Any technological civilization that has entered the universe has such means.

If those aliens are cautious enough and use those means in advance, they can indeed step on the surface of Pangu Star quietly without the New Han Kingdom Space Army noticing.

Then, it is not necessarily because they provoked a local force or a civil servant. All members are explained here.

There are many masters and strong people on Pangu Star. Even if these guys start the strongest mecha, it will be in vain.

It's like a three-year-old child holding gold and swaggering through the city. It is completely a trek through thousands of mountains and rivers to come to Pangu Star to give a big gift.

The fate of this group of aliens has long been doomed, that is, they will be eaten up and wiped out, leaving nothing behind. The only difference is who eats it.

The fact that they were able to encounter Shennong 2 outside the Ultra Nebula was not because of the good luck of this group of aliens, but because of the great luck of Zhang Xiaoming and the Shen family.

The Shen family, who is responsible for the Shennong Project, is going to carry out the work of alien immigration. If they can "eat" the spacecraft and technology of this group of aliens, it will have an immeasurable effect on the development of the Shennong Project.

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