Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1298 Main Mission 3 Confirmed

In the end, Mingcheng still chose to believe the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) and Zangma. In the middle, at least half of the credit belongs to the reincarnation space.

In fact, from the perspective of the Ming brothers. In the face of such a supernatural thing, the correct way is to put it aside for the time being. You can't believe it immediately.

Stealing documents and blowing up the train are more urgent. In order to prevent accidents, they should be completed by the originally planned scorpion team and the anti-traitor team.

As for the matter of the embarrassed two evils, it is actually more important. Minglou and Mingcheng should first carefully verify it, and then consider how to put it into use.

But the problem is that the reincarnation space wants to send the task of the Sakura train to the Mingjing team as the main line task 3.

According to common sense, the Mingjing team also has to get on the train and cooperate with the two teams arranged by Minglou to complete the task together.

However, the leader's right guard proposed another plan on behalf of the Mingjing team. The documents have been obtained, and no one needs to get on the train. Just blow it up and it's done.

At this time, the space should either give the task to the Mingjing team or arrange another task.

According to the evaluation procedure of the space, the team completed the first two main tasks well, especially the second task, the task of making explosives. The completion rate was super high.

So the space believed that the Mingjing team had the conditions to complete the task of blowing up the Sakura alone, so Mingcheng chose to believe the wolf and the devil.

In other words, this time the mission of the Sakura was also a test of the ability of the wolf and the devil by the Ming brothers.

If what the leader's right guard said was true. There are several people who are in tune with each other, and one of them has even penetrated into the interior of Japan.

Then, the importance of this matter is far greater than a mere document, or the lives of dozens of traitors and invaders. It can be said that it is a divine artifact given to China by God.

Mingcheng felt that he could take this risk. He has always listened to Minglou's words and rarely made decisions on his own. Today, he finally stood up and made a decision directly.

The task of blowing up the Sakura was fully entrusted to the wolf and the devil. All the people from Yan'an and Chongqing were withdrawn, leaving no one behind.

On the way back to the Ming family mansion, Mingcheng was quite nervous. It was a relief to make a decisive decision just now, but I don't know if my elder brother will agree.

He hugged the bag of top-secret documents, hoping that these documents would make Minglou understand the reason for his decision.

Two flowers bloom, each showing its own beauty. Since receiving the main task 3, the Mingjing team used the telepathic ability of several Xiaomings to start a meeting.

Let's also take a look at the progress of the other groups besides Huang Xiaoming's underworld group and Cheng Xiaoming's Japanese group.

First, there are Yijian Guanghan Zhao Jiuzhou, the leader guard (Hong Xiaoming), and the follower Xiaojia, who are low-level civil servants in the Wang Puppet Government.

Since Minglou served as a senior official in the Wang Puppet Government, Mingcheng took advantage of the convenience of government work and joined forces with Liang Zhongchun, the director of the Operations Department of No. 76, to engage in smuggling business and make a lot of money.

The dividends he received were naturally invested in the cause of resisting Japan and supporting Yan'an.

Zhao Jiuzhou, the leader guard and Xiaojia happened to be familiar with Liang Zhongchun. So the three of them also got a little bit of soup in this matter.

After all, Mingcheng can't be the one to deal with everything in person, that would be too cheap. There must be someone to help with things. The three of them are the most suitable candidates.

Because of frequent contact with Liang Zhongchun, he also learned a lot of secrets of No. 76 through induction. Of course, it is still a long way to join No. 76.

Liang Zhongchun didn't want to recruit them into No. 76 openly. He just wanted to trick these three people into being his insider next to Mingcheng. So he has been in contact with the three of them quite frequently recently.

Unfortunately, the main task 3 has been arranged. This line is not used for the time being.

Some people may think that Huang Xiaoming, the right guard of the leader, and Hong Xiaoming, the guard of the leader, look basically the same, and their names are so similar. Why didn't Mingcheng, such a smart person, suspect them?

This is the result of the space cleaning up the reincarnation. The names of reincarnations are all kinds of strange. Xiaoming is considered a good one.

There are all kinds of names for Shen Jingbing. The space must be protected in this regard. In fact, it is not just a matter of name.

The language habits, personal habits, and attitudes of the reincarnators are generally very different from those of the people in the mission world.

If the space is not protected, it is hard to say whether the reincarnators can survive the "first three episodes". Not to mention completing the mission.

Of course, Xiao Ming also took some makeup measures. So that the Xiao Mings do not look so similar.

Then look at the Kraken who runs the teahouse and the leader's left guard (green Xiao Ming). Chongqing has noticed them a long time ago.

Chongqing arranged the Scorpion Squad in Shanghai, and the captain Mingtai is the Scorpion. He is also the younger brother of Minglou and Mingcheng. He has two subordinates, Yu Manli and Guo Qiyu.

Yu Manli is very skilled and has a very tacit understanding with Mingtai, so she has been working with Mingtai.

Guo Qiyu is Mingtai's adjutant. Responsible for contacting superiors and arranging various logistical matters. Occasionally, he will do things. His skills are quite good.

Although they are deserters, the war was so bad that there were deserters everywhere, and it was not the fault of ordinary soldiers. Guo Qiyun felt that these two people could be used.

He had come to the teahouse many times in the past few days. When chatting with Xiao Ming and the others, he would quietly test the two people's character. It is estimated that he will formally propose recruitment soon.

However, in the past two days, the Scorpion Team has been extremely busy with matters related to the Sakura. Guo Qiyun didn't have time to recruit two new people.

Finally, let’s talk about the college student team with the largest number of people. In this team are the leader's sister (Liu Xiaojing), the leader (Yin Xiaoming), the young leader (Xiao Xiao'er), and the followers Xiao Hong and Xiao Lu.

Even though they have the most people, their progress is the slowest. All the main tasks were handed over to the captain Xiao Ming. The leader's sister, on the other hand, was fine and light-hearted.

In the history of Pangu Star, it is no longer possible to have a historical period like the Republic of China, so Xiao Jinger is very interested in this world and everything she sees is new. I have been experiencing this era in all aspects.

The leader, Yin Xiaoming, took Xiao Xiaoer, Xiao Hong and Xiao Lu to learn some knowledge in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

After all, Xiao Xiaoer is a dragon, Xiao Hong is a female ghost, and Xiao Green is a tree demon. None of them have learned modern science and culture. Xiao Ming was bored and took them to study.

Xiao Xiaoer has grown up now. As Tatsumi, he is fascinated by zoology; Xiao Lu is very interested in botany because of his background;

The female ghost Xiaohong began to study the legends of various monsters and monsters outside China. The leader is responsible for solving their doubts.

As for the main mission, this group of people didn't bother to care about it and just let other Xiao Ming worry about it. Only the leader can occasionally do something serious, and that is writing books quietly.

He decided to spread the book "Strange Man from Far Island" throughout the world.

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