Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1297: Showing the trump card

The next day, Mingcheng met with the two evil spirits again. He helped the reincarnation space release the main task 3 - stealing top-secret documents and blowing up the Sakura train.

"Second brother, third brother, this matter is very difficult, I need to discuss it with you." Mingcheng said with some embarrassment:

The leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) was naturally heroic: "We brothers don't need to be polite, big brother, you can say whatever you want. Go through the knife mountain and the oil pot, and die without hesitation."

"Well, brother will not hide it. You may not know that in a few days, the Wang puppet government will hold a peace conference in Nanjing.

There are many traitors and high-ranking officials of the Japanese devils in Shanghai who will take the Sakura train. We want explosives just to blow up this train."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming cheered loudly: "Great! It's great! I knew I was right about Brother Ming, you are really a good man. This matter is up to us. If you don't let us brothers go, I will be angry with you."

Mingcheng was deeply relieved. He endured humiliation for so long, was looked down upon by his elder sister at home, and countless people called him a traitor behind his back. It was still very heartwarming to hear such a sentence.

He quickly comforted him, "Second brother, don't be impulsive. This Sakura must be blown up, but there is a confidential document from Japan on the train, and we have to steal it in advance."

"Document? What document? Do we have to send someone on the train? That's a bit difficult." Kurama deliberately hesitated, "We plan to plant bombs on the rails, not on the train."

"It's about the Japanese devils' army and the deployment of troops in some war zones. I don't need to tell you how important this thing is."

"Hey, what did I think it was? Big brother, you should have told me earlier." Xiao Ming laughed, "Third brother, did you bring the things?"

"I can't forget it. You think I'm you." As he said that, Kurama opened his backpack and took out dozens of papers full of words. A paragraph of Japanese characters and a paragraph of Chinese characters were arranged alternately.

Kurama handed it to Mingcheng, who quickly took it, but didn't have much hope.

Because these papers are not documents, and obviously not in the format of formal documents, it seems that they should be handwritten by the second and third brothers. Can this thing be trusted?

If it were someone else, Mingcheng would have thrown the document back at the other person's face.

However, considering the performance of the two evil spirits when they rescued their eldest sister, as well as the explosives and munitions, Mingcheng still took it seriously and read it carefully.

After reading only the first paragraph, I knew there was something going on. After all, among the Chinese, there are very few people who can master the Japanese language.

The wording and sentence structure of this extremely standardized Japanese document, let alone ordinary people, even I can only understand and see the doorway, but it is impossible for Mingcheng to forge such a thing.

It is precisely because he can see these doorways that Mingcheng thinks that this is copied from the original document. So he focused more, and the more he read, the more frightened he became.

Originally, Yan'an only needed the deployment of troops in some war zones related to his own troops.

He did not intend to worry about Chongqing. He was even less interested in the deployment of Japanese troops in Southeast Asia and the Pacific battlefield.

However, the documents that Zangma gave him not only had detailed deployments on the Chinese battlefield, but also included a little intelligence on other battlefields.

These things are not urgent for Yan'an. But it would be great to take them out and exchange some intelligence or interests with Chongqing, or even Britain and the United States.

Documents with such details are almost impossible to be fake. Of course, Yan'an cannot completely believe them and will conduct verification and testing accordingly.

This is very common in intelligence work. Because even if the stolen documents are original, it is not certain whether the other party has made a fake to deceive people. It must be checked.

Mingcheng showed a very serious expression. Staring straight into the eyes of the leader's right guard and Zangma, he asked word by word:

"It's not that I don't trust you two brothers, this matter is related to the lives of millions of troops and tens of millions of people. Big brother can't be careless. Please tell me, how did you get this information?"

The leader's right guard looked at Zangma beside him, and Zangma nodded to him solemnly. Just now he sighed:

"Big brother, this matter is indeed of great importance. I can tell you, but you can't tell anyone else."

Mingcheng nodded solemnly to agree. Xiao Ming then said something that shocked him.

In fact, Xiao Ming and Zang Ma's hesitation just now was just acting. They had been planning to show their cards to Ming Cheng today.

The main reason was that the ability of Xiao Ming to communicate with each other was too strong. If they always fought so little, it would be a waste.

So, we had to find a way to confess to Yan'an. If he could be accepted, Xiao Ming would not only help Yan'an win, but also continue to help for a while after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The explanation that Xiao Ming and Zang Ma agreed on was this. Ten years ago, there was such a powerful Maoshan Taoist priest who adopted several children.

This Taoist priest was a real master. He watched the invasion of Japan and the suffering of the people in China. He couldn't just sit back and watch.

It was just that his little Taoist skills, even if used on the battlefield, could not withstand machine guns and cannons, not to mention airplanes and tanks.

So, he exhausted all his skills and magic weapons to link the minds of several grown-up children together. They will always be connected to each other.

The Taoist adopted many children, but only four of them could truly communicate with him spiritually.

In addition, the soul of one of the four people was also taken over by the Taoist priest using Taoist magic to take the body of a real Japanese and absorb the other party's memory.

After doing this, the Taoist priest also turned into ashes under the thunder. Before he died, he told the children to use this special ability to contribute to China.

So these children came to Shanghai in several groups. They infiltrated different departments. The most important thing is to infiltrate the Japanese.

Recently, the infiltration was finally successful. Those explosives, munitions, and these top-secret documents were all obtained in this way.

This is a method that Xiao Ming and Cang Ma thought of to expose their special abilities. I just don't know if Mingcheng and the organization behind him can accept it.

( @- @*) After listening to his second brother's words, Mingcheng felt that his brain was a little insufficient. I have little education, don't lie to me. Is there any such thing in the world?

On the other hand, if it weren't for this miraculous reason, it seems that there is no way to explain the "excellent performance" of the embarrassed twins.

But as a comrade from the Yan'an organization, he found it hard to believe such a thing. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"Please let me take my time. This matter is really..."

"I understand. I am one of the children adopted by the Maoshan Taoist priests. Zang Ma is also one of them, but he doesn't have telepathy..."

Xiao Ming continued to describe it for a few more sentences, then shut up and waited for his brother's decision.

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