Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1294: No Mistake

Mingcheng doesn't know the principle of striking first to gain the upper hand. If you kill the enemy, your own people will be safe. But who is the enemy of the eldest sister Ming Jing?

That is No. 76 of Japanese Special High-tech and Wang Puppet Government, which is the Japanese government and Wang Puppet regime. These enemies are endless.

If you kill one, two new ones will be added. Problems cannot be solved by killing people.

Even the Ming brothers knew their original enemies and knew how to deal with them. Bringing in a few new people would be even more troublesome.

Those who engage in espionage work cannot kill people casually, as doing so will alert the enemy. The whole of Shanghai was in a state of panic, and everything was covered with soldiers. How else to get information? !

Mingcheng thought for a while, put on a mysterious expression, and said:

"I want to tell you two what I'm thinking. This must not be known to the fourth person. If you don't want to hear it, you can leave now. Ming will never force anyone to do anything."

This move of retreating into advancing is really beautiful. The leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) made a grimace and gestured toward the door: "My eldest brother can't know?"

Mingcheng nodded solemnly. I said in my heart: This is not nonsense, it would be weird if that weakling could keep the secret.

The leader's right guard and Kurama looked at each other for a while. Kurama turned to Mingcheng and said, "Sir Ming, it is our long-cherished wish to repay the kindness of the Ming family. We can keep it a secret."

Mingcheng had known this would happen, clasped his fists and said, "Happy! I won't say much else. From now on, you two are my brothers, Mingcheng. My elder brother has entrusted my sister's life to my two younger brothers."

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be refusing, Mingcheng said first, "You are my brother, and I dare to trust you with my family's life. If you two talk nonsense that is beyond your reach, then forget it."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ming and Kurama had no choice but to bow down: "Brother Mingcheng, please be escorted by the right hand of my younger brother, Kurama."

The three of them actually followed the example of the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang. I vow not to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but to die in the same year, the same month and the same day.

After that, the three of them immediately got along much more harmoniously, and their conversations didn't have to be so roundabout.

In fact, the three of them are not close brothers at this time, they all have their own little Jiujiu in their hearts.

Mingcheng used this method to win over the two heroes. He thinks this is what people in the underworld do. He was probably half-truth and half-false about his sworn vows.

The sincere part is because Mingcheng really values ​​the character and abilities of the two evil spirits, and sincerely wants to develop them into one of his own.

The false half is that even though Mingcheng has paid his respects, it is impossible for Mingcheng to tell these two people his multiple true identities, so he still has to have reservations.

This was also about each other, and Xiao Ming did not tell his new big brother all the cards he and Kurama had.

After accompanying Mingcheng in acting for a while, he has already understood some of Mingcheng's tendencies, but it is not comprehensive yet and he needs to continue to collect intelligence.

"Brothers, that's it. My eldest sister, how should I put it, she particularly looks down on the Japanese and the Nanjing government..."

Xiao Ming slapped the table: "Great, I don't like little devils and traitors either..."

Kurama quickly stepped on Xiao Ming and winked. Xiao Ming immediately "awoke" and quickly made amends:

"Brother, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking, why do you want to help the little devil?"

ε=(ο`*))) Alas, Mingcheng sighed: "Brothers, I swear to God, I am in Cao's camp and my heart is in Han. I bear the humiliation and bear the burden!"

You say, if I am not qualified as an official, there will be traitors who want to take the position. If those people are allowed to take office, will we ordinary people still have a good life?

Only if I become this official can I make the people's lives a little better. "

Kurama nodded: "Based on Boss Ming's character, we trust Big Brother. Tell me, what does Big Brother want us to do?"

"Oh, that's right. Didn't I just say that my eldest sister hates Japanese people. So she often does business with Chongqing. Some businesses are quite sensitive.

I'm worried that she will be deceived, and it will be terrible if she is framed by No. 76 or Dongying High-tech. so……"

"That's why we need to protect Boss Ming." Kurama snapped his fingers and said, "Roger. Understood. In this case, secret protection alone may not be enough.

We need to know Boss Ming’s itinerary in advance so that we can send someone to visit the place in advance. Yes, Sir Ming, I still need your help with this matter. "

With that said, Kurama explained his thoughts to Mingcheng.

It is estimated that the boss of Der Spiegel will not talk about his whereabouts casually, or even tell his family.

She has to go to many places in person. But it’s impossible for Ming Jing to walk there, so he always needs a means of transportation.

Either your own driver will drive you there, or you will have to take a human-pulled rickshaw, or take a taxi.

My own driver, Minglou can definitely control and deliver the message. If it were to do something secretive, Ming Jing would probably not use his own car and driver.

What the embarrassed Shuangsha has to do is to make sure that all the cars that Ming Jing can ride on, whether it is a rickshaw or a rickshaw, are all owned by him. I, as a group of people, surrounded Ming Jing.

As long as you know where Ming Jing is going, you can send people to investigate in advance. Once you find that the situation is not good, you must use various methods to prevent Ming Jing from going there.

For example, there is a problem with the car, the driver goes the wrong way and misses the time;

Or arrange for several people to whisper to each other near the mirror, reminding her that agents are nearby;

If it doesn't work, you can also arrange for people to clash with the spies and let them expose themselves... Wait, the underworld is an expert in this regard, and all kinds of insidious tricks emerge in an endless stream.

But there is a problem. There are many coolies under Xiao Ming and Zang Ma who pull carts, but none of them can drive cars. This requires Mingcheng's help.

Transfer a few cars, and then arrange for people to teach the subordinates of the two evil spirits to drive. They don't need to be taught, they have learned it long ago.

Mingcheng is very satisfied with Zang Ma's arrangement. After all, it is the best way to prevent trouble before it happens and let the eldest sister not know that she is being protected.

After all, once Ming Jing is discovered, it is almost impossible to kill all those spies. It would be bad if she was noticed by No. 76 or the Special High Technology Department.

Even if people can be rescued, there will still be endless troubles. This is what Minglou and Mingcheng are most worried about.

Now it seems that the two evil spirits are really worthy of their reputation. The plan arranged in a moment is very good. Mingcheng feels that he really chose the right person.

There are many people who can fight in the underworld, but few have brains.

Moreover, Mingcheng can help secretly. After all, the organization in Yan'an is led by the two brothers. He can know in advance where Mingjing will go during the secret operation.

Then he can tell the two new brothers in some way without anyone knowing. Make the protection work more perfect.

The three brothers talked a lot that day, started to act the next day, and continued to improve the plan afterwards.

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