Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1293 Chief Mingcheng

"You two are the famous two evil men in embarrassment. It's a pleasure to meet you." Mingcheng took the initiative to reach out and shook hands with the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) and Kurama respectively.

There was a hint of arrogance in the intimacy, which was in line with his personality as a senior government official. There is no reason for a high-ranking official to be so close to two gangsters.

The superficial intimacy is naturally due to something that needs to be done. Subconsciously, I probably still look down on the two of them.

But on a deeper level, Mingcheng is also carefully observing the Kurama duo.

According to the informants in the gang, the two evil men were not only good at fighting, but also had brains. They almost never fell into traps.

Fights among gangsters are common, but it is very difficult to never fall into a trap. This shows how resourceful that Kurama is.

This is actually because of the high regard for Kurama. They did not fall into the trap, and more importantly, it was because of Huang Xiaoming's "mind-reading" ability. It's almost a superpower.

When a trap is set, there will always be someone responsible for looking out and intercepting it. Xiao Ming can see the problem at a glance. What other traps could work? !

Unless you know what your superpower is in advance, you can make targeted arrangements. But who in their brains can think of superpowers?

Being brave and resourceful is not enough. Mingcheng, or rather his eldest brother Minglou, is interested in the two men's principle of "there is a way to steal".

The two of them never bullied good people, never bought or sold by force, and it was obvious that they were not very fond of Japanese people. It is more appropriate for such a person to protect his sister.

And you can also observe it nearby to see if it can be used for yourself. As for money, the Ming brothers have plenty of it.

Mingcheng winked at the embarrassed eldest brother, and the boss immediately nodded and bowed out. Before leaving, he winked at the leader's right guard and the others desperately. It is nothing more than asking the two of them to serve this uncle well.

The leader's right guard said carelessly: "Sir Ming, you are here because you are here to give face to our brothers. We are both very loyal, so if you have anything to say, please speak up. I will take care of it and take care of it for you."

Seeing that Mingcheng seemed a little confused, Kurama continued: "Mr. Ming doesn't know something. The character of your boss Ming of Ming's Enterprise is this."

Kurama gave a thumbs up, "Many of our brothers work with the Ming family to earn a living. Boss Ming never looks down on our brothers, and will give an extra two dollars to those who are in trouble. We brothers have always been looking forward to repaying the favor. Na."

When Kurama said this, Mingcheng understood. The so-called underworld in Shanghai is actually a group of low-level hardworking people gathered together and twisted into a rope to strive for benefits.

For example, those who pull rickshaws, those who unload goods at the dock, those who transport goods back and forth in the city... These people have a low status, have no guarantee of life, and generally have a lot of strength.

In order to survive, they had to huddle together for warmth. Then it gradually transformed into the nature of the underworld. Those big brothers who take the lead have these coolies under their control and take the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Then they invested in various industries, made more money, and became capitalists one after another. The coolies at the bottom are still coolies, and their lives are actually not much better than before.

The two men in embarrassment also manage a group of coolies, who often work for major merchants. Ming's Enterprise is also one of the bosses.

The eldest sister Ming Jing, the chairman of Ming's Enterprise, is a businessman who loves the country and the people, and takes great care of the lower-class workers.

Not only will the wages be high, but the construction period will not be particularly harsh either. Naturally, the favorability of the coolies was increased.

Mingcheng had never thought of this before, and he couldn't help but feel happy at this moment. Now it would be easier to ask them to protect his eldest sister. Moreover, with this relationship, there is no need to put on airs.

He put a smile on his face and said: "This is great! To tell you the truth, I just asked you to protect my eldest sister, Chairman Ming... ah no... Boss Ming."

"What?!" When the leader's right guard heard this, he jumped up immediately, "Is someone trying to harm Boss Ming? TNND doesn't want to live anymore."

As he spoke, he patted his chest and said loudly, "Sir Ming, tell me who that guy is, and we will do it now."

He extended his hand to Mingcheng again, "Don't worry, our brothers' hands and feet are guaranteed to be clean. Even if we are caught, we will not affect the Ming family. Brother, what do you mean by that...?"

The last question was asked by Kurama, who smiled and said: "If you receive a drop of kindness from someone, you should repay it with a spring of water."

The right guard nodded and said: "Yes, that's it. We are willing to stab Boss Ming in every possible way. I am the grandson."

Kurama smiled and said to Mingcheng: "Sir Ming, my eldest brother is harsh in his words. If you defend for a long time, you will lose. If someone wants to harm Boss Ming, it is better to kill the enemy.

It’s okay to always be on guard, there’s no guarantee that something will not go wrong. It is true that our brothers have clean hands and feet, and they will never implicate the Ming family. Otherwise, would you consider it? "

(lll¬ω¬) Mingcheng’s head is full of black lines, and the baby is feeling miserable, and the baby can’t express it.

If it were so easy, there would be no need to find the underworld. With the strength Ming Lou has, he can easily get it done. The real problem is more complex.

Minglou himself has three identities. On the surface, he is the chief financial advisor of the Economic Department of the Ministry of Finance of Wang Puppet Government, deputy director of the Special Task Committee, and inspector general of the General Administration of Customs of the new government;

Behind the scenes, he is also the colonel and section chief of the Intelligence Section of the Chongqing Front Military Command Shanghai Station, codenamed "Viper";

His true identity is the leader of the Shanghai Intelligence Group of the Yan'an Underground Party, codenamed "Cobra".

In the final analysis, he is still from Yan'an. The other two identities are just vests. The same goes for Mingcheng.

Recently, Ming Lou discovered that his elder sister Ming Jing was actually a red capitalist. Although she did not formally join the Yan'an side, she has been providing various assistance to Yan'an.

This is a good thing, brothers and sisters have the same position, how good. But the problem is that Ming Jing has a bad temper and has no underground work experience. If she is not careful, she may be exposed.

So the Ming brothers are very worried about their elder sister. Ming Lou ordered Ming Cheng to secretly send someone to protect her.

But who should he send? Sending people from the Wang Puppet Government or Chongqing, wouldn't that be a trap for his sister? ! He might also be exposed.

Sending people from Yan'an is not a good idea either. Good steel should be used on the blade. The organization is originally short of manpower.

For this kind of thing, sending too few people will not be effective; sending too many people will delay the normal spy work, right? !

In fact, this is exactly the case. In the original book, Ming Cheng could only send a few people to monitor his elder sister.

Ming Jing was caught by No. 76 during a transaction and was almost finished. The people of Mingcheng faction could only quickly inform the public, but could not resolve the crisis in advance. This is the disadvantage of insufficient manpower.

Although the Ming brothers made a big fuss at No. 76 and rescued their sister, Ming Jing was still targeted by No. 76. Later, they encountered crises several times and finally managed to escape danger.

In this life, they found the right person - the two evil spirits.

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