Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1251 Sidious

An invisible and colorless portal appeared in a corridor in the Speaker's residence.

"Boom boom" an armored bulletproof car roared out of the portal, passing by at a very high speed, and the strong wind brought up several insects.

Even indoors, the bulletproof car showed no signs of slowing down, rushing along the pre-set route, which was actually a straight line.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!..." It broke through three metal doors and two metal walls in succession.

Then there was a sudden brake and emergency transformation, and 8 or 9 people fell out of the car.

Xiaojia, who had turned into a human form, couldn't stop and smashed a huge office desk. After rolling for several meters, the entire robot hit the south wall and stopped.

An official and a guard were honored to become Xiaojia's meat pads, and their blood and flesh seeped into the wall.

Sidious, who was directing the combat work behind the desk, was stunned. What was going on? ! Several other officials were also dumbfounded.

In the blink of an eye, the office was in a mess. This is deep in the Speaker's residence, where did a car come from? It can also turn into a robot. Does the Trade Federation have such weapons? I have never heard of it.

The guards present reacted quickly. They are not clone soldiers, but Sith warriors specially trained by the Sith Lord for himself. Their combat effectiveness is quite outstanding.

Despite this, they are no match for the Jedi Master. Without Master Yoda's help, Shaak Ti and his men cut off all these guards.

Heartbroken by the tragic deaths of many colleagues and friends, the masters were merciless and chopped off those officials.

Although these guys are useless in combat, they are very powerful in conspiracy and intrigue. If they are not dealt with quickly, they may seek help from outside in some way.

After dealing with these bastards, everyone held lightsabers and surrounded Sidious in the center. Only 3 minutes have passed since the portal appeared.

At this time, Xiaojia had just regained his balance and stood up. He raised two laser cannons and aimed them at Sidious.

These two laser cannons were not his original weapons, but were captured from the Clone Corps.

The technological level of this world is high. Xiaoming collected a large number of military equipment, and he would probably get some civilian things in the future.

Fortunately, although the technological level of the weapons and equipment is extremely high, Xiaoming's hacker energy block can drive them. It is not impossible to use them after snatching them.

Since the technological level is so high, why did Xiaojia break through the door and wall so easily? Are the high-tech materials not strong enough?

Of course not. Because before the battle, Xiaoming added several layers of defense to Xiaojia.

Xiaoming's defense ability is definitely above the A-level level. Now Xiaojia, except for a little confusion in his head, has not even lost a bit of paint.

Seeing Master Yoda appear, Sidious widened his eyes: "My little green friend, why are you here? How did you do it?"

Before this, Master Yoda had been on the planet Kashyyyk, leading the Clone Corps and the indigenous Wookiee people to fight against the Trade Federation. How could he return to the capital in a blink of an eye?

Master Yoda is the person Sith is most worried about. That's why he was sent away a few years ago. If Master Yoda had not left the temple, Sidious would not dare to launch a coup.

However, he never expected that Master Yoda could return to Coruscant so quickly.

Yoda stared at Sidious for a while, revealing a weird expression. He pointed the cane in his hand three times and said, "Let me see the level of the three of you."

He was referring to the three masters Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura, and Depa Billaba.

None of them is naturally not Sidious' opponent, and the three of them still have a chance of winning together. This is a rare opportunity to train soldiers.

But no one could have imagined that Master Yoda would have the leisure to train soldiers at such a critical moment.

However, the three female Jedi masters could no longer hold back, and they did not think about the reason why Master Yoda did this. They immediately opened a temporary siege on Sidious.

Sidious is worthy of being the strongest Lord of all the Sith. Holding a red lightsaber, he still did not lose the upper hand in the face of three Jedi masters with outstanding swordsmanship.

The four figures were interlaced in the encirclement, and each attack was like lightning. The four lightsabers kept colliding, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Xiao Ming immediately raised his vigilance and carefully guarded against Sidious, so that he would not escape in the chaos. He was also ready to support the three ladies at any time.

Strangely, Sidious showed no signs of escaping; Master Yoda also used mental communication to tell the leader that unless the three were in danger of life, the leader was not allowed to take action.

It seems that he really wants to train these three masters. The battle lasted about twenty minutes. Sidious also discovered this situation.

"Hahaha, you've seen through me." When he said this, Sidious gave up the fight. Three lightsabers hit him one after another and then pierced through his body...

It turned out that the one fighting with everyone here was not Sidious himself, but a projection he made with the Force.

And it was a projection that could wield a lightsaber to fight and could deceive the map scanning skill. Only Master Yoda was not fooled.

This kind of projection ability is very mentally exhausting. Generally speaking, Jedi and Sith will not use it easily. Sidious was also forced into a corner.

Darth Vader, who he had high hopes for, failed to capture the Jedi Temple and even sacrificed himself. Sidious had already sensed that things were not going well.

However, the Sith's long-standing plan had already been implemented. He was really reluctant to give up suddenly and planned to continue fighting.

In his opinion, one or several Jedi masters should have made some preparations in advance. Anakin was fooled for a moment. But it was definitely not the preparation made by Master Yoda.

As long as Master Yoda did not return to the capital, he thought he still had a certain chance of winning. Until last night he learned that the temple had opened the defense shield.

At this time, he had realized that Master Yoda might be back. The situation in the capital was destined to be unsettled.

So Sidious decided that he would hide behind the scenes again, continue to strengthen his power, train new apprentices, and formulate new plans...

So he quietly left on a spaceship last night, and no one knew where he went.

Even his subordinates, including officials in the Republic, the Clone Corps, and the rebels of the Trade Federation, were treated as abandoned by him.

Just let these guys distract the Jedi Knights. It's impossible to turn the tables with them.

The highest level of competition that Sidious is eyeing. The main force of the Jedi Knights is still alive, and the Sith has already failed.

The reason why he left a projection is that on the one hand, he wanted to meet his old friend and old rival Master Yoda. On the other hand, he still had a glimmer of fantasy.

What if Master Yoda didn't come back, or was seriously injured and dying, and used the projection to barely come back to activate the defense shield. Then he could continue to fight.

Now it turns out that he really came back, and he is still alive and kicking. Sidious can only give up.

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