Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1250 Commando

Almost all the children were well-behaved and obedient, with the exception of two 10-year-old boys. They didn't want to play games and insisted on fighting with their elders.

One of them was of course the leader striker (Orange Xiaoming), and the other was called Zet Jucasa. Several Jedi masters looked at them differently because they were able to stand up at this time.

They all said that they would accept them as apprentices after the battle.

In the Jedi Order, the master-apprentice relationship is closer than that in the martial arts world. The master and the apprentice are always one-on-one.

Until one of them dies, they will look for a new apprentice or master. This bond is very deep. The old rival Sith is the same.

So in this world, proposing to accept an apprentice is a very important matter. It is even no less than getting married and having children. (Because Jedi Knights are not allowed to get married and have children.)

In the original book, Zet Jucasa put up a heroic resistance. On the Temple hangar platform, he killed several clone soldiers and was shot to death.

Because of his fighting, Bail Organa, a decent and important figure, a member of the Galactic Senate, and later the leader and one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance, had the opportunity to fly an airship to escape from the temple. Otherwise, he would have died under the guns of the 501st Legion.

Now that the temple is quite safe, the two children were incorporated into the Temple Guard led by Master Jin Dralig.

Jin Dralig's apprentice is Bene. In the original book, they were both killed by Anakin. In fact, almost all the Jedi Knights Xiao Ming met in the temple died in this battle.

In name, the two children are responsible for protecting the temple, but in fact they are still receiving guidance from the Jedi Knights in the Guard, and they are still training.

In this case, Orange Xiao Ming quietly gave himself the seed of the Force and learned all the knowledge of the Force from scratch. Try not to be too conspicuous.

With the return of S-level Master Yoda and A-level Master Aayla Secura, as well as the joining of the leader's left guard (Green Xiao Ming), Xiao Hong, and Xiao Green.

The Jedi Temple suddenly became stronger. And Anakin also learned that Sidious was now seriously injured.

So, a plan that was not dared to be implemented before was finally put on the agenda. That is the decapitation operation against Sidious. As long as he is killed, everything will be done.

Kurama has never dared to say this proposal, because Xiao Ming had told him that although Sidious was seriously injured, he was still stronger than S-level, and the masters in the temple might not be his opponent.

Besides, Sidious has a strong army and a large number of clone corps to protect him. It is impossible for a group of masters to besiege Sidious.

The one who made this suggestion was Master Depa Billaba, who was very eager to avenge her master Mace Windu. It was just an impulse.

Later, she naturally calmed down. She was responsible for leading another Jedi guerrilla team to attack those Republic officials who defected to the Sith in the capital. It can also be regarded as revenge in a roundabout way.

Her mobility was a little worse than that of the right guard of the leader (Huang Xiaoming), so she had to return to the temple a few hours later. Just then, she learned the news that Master Yoda and others had returned.

Depa Billaba immediately remembered the previous idea, and hurried to find Master Yoda, and once again proposed the plan of Master Yoda leading the team to assassinate Sidious.

"It's a feasible plan, I think." Master Yoda made the final decision. A group of masters rushed to sign up to participate.

In the original book, Master Yoda went to assassinate Sidious alone, but he was a little bit unlucky and did not succeed.

It's not that he didn't want to lead people, but that the Jedi Knights were all dead and wounded at that time, and there was no one available.

In this life, Master Yoda is no longer alone. Especially after having several powerful helpers such as the leader. Master Yoda formed a commando team that is almost entirely composed of Jedi Knight masters.

The members include himself, Shaak Ti, Ayla Secura, Depa Billaba, the leader (Yin Xiaoming), the leader's left guard, the leader's right guard, Xiaohong, Xiaolu, and Xiaojia.

Among the 10 people in the group, only Xiaohong, Xiaolu, and Xiaojia are not masters. Even Green Xiaoming, who has just arrived at the temple for a few hours, has been promoted to a master by the fire line.

Xiaojia is slightly inferior to the others in combat power, but he is a Transformer and can be transformed into an armed bulletproof car, which can provide a means of transportation.

Everyone believes that such a strong team will definitely be able to retreat even if they cannot kill Sidious. The possibility of failure is very small.

Even so, there is still enough power left in the temple. Once the news of failure comes, the Jedi Knights will retreat immediately.

The leaders who stayed behind included Lady Jocasta Nu, Master Jin Dralig, the leader's guard (Red Xiaoming), Kurama, Feiying, Xuecai...

After all, Master Yoda had entered Xiaoming's spiritual world and had vaguely felt the tacit connection between several Xiaomings. It was just that he was not sure what the situation was.

Of course, this had also happened in the history of the Jedi Knights. However, this extreme tacit understanding was generally established between two people. The tacit understanding between four people was unheard of.

However, he did not delve into it. At this critical moment, the appearance of the leader and others was beneficial to the Jedi Knights. It should be fully utilized.

In the early hours of the next day, there was a rumble of artillery outside the temple, and the artillery of the clone army was transported. It began to bombard the temple's defense shield.

At this time, all members of the commando team had received sufficient rest and nutritional supplies. Xiaoming was also ready for battle.

By scanning the map, we know that Sidious is in the Speaker's residence at this time. There is a corps of hundreds of clone soldiers stationed around.

There are also many clone corps scattered at various street corners outside to prevent anyone from approaching the Speaker's residence.

Even if the Jedi Knights have enough strength to break through, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses and protracted. With this time, Sidious would have run away long ago.

In the original book, Master Yoda was able to assassinate Sidious at close range.

That's because the overall situation has been decided, and Sidious did not over-protect his own safety. He didn't expect that Master Yoda, who escaped, would actually go deep into the tiger's den.

The situation is very different now. The war in the capital is getting more and more intense, and the crisis is everywhere. How dare the Speaker take it lightly? With these troops, he can sleep peacefully.

Unfortunately, the clone soldiers can only ensure that no one is allowed to enter the defense area. They are not so sensitive to bugs.

Last night, Xiao Ming sent more than 200 parasites to secretly invade the Speaker's residence, and more than 30 of them died on the way.

Some were eaten by small animals, and some were trampled to death by people. It's okay for small animals to eat insects. Are those people crazy? In such a critical moment of war, they still have the mind to kill insects. I don't understand.

At this time, the parasites have spread all over the residence, but Xiao Ming asked the parasites to stay away from Sidious.

He is an S-level master, and even a bug may alert the other party. If you get too close, it is easy to alert the enemy.

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