Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1236 The terrible situation

In the Star Wars world, in various places in the Milky Way, the reincarnations scattered in different places all cursed "XXX!".

Because the reincarnation space gave them only one main task. It also had a blood-red warning sign. [Alive! ]

The reincarnations selected to participate in this mission were not rookies. Some had seen this kind of main task before. Even if they hadn't seen it, they could understand the seriousness of the situation with their brains.

This shows that the world of this mission is extremely cruel and difficult. This is very unreasonable.

Damn it, I'm wrong! This operation was organized by the Qin (Rat) King Ji family.

Among the twelve kings of the Qin Dynasty, they can get the title of the first place. Even if the Ji family is not the most powerful family in Pangu Star, they can definitely rank in the top three.

The Ji family's action this time is mainly to cultivate talents and develop the resources of the Star Wars world. It is not to conduct a devil's trial.

They can't deliberately increase the difficulty of this mission. It is even more impossible to increase it to this level of almost life and death.

Whether it was the reincarnationists sent by the Ji family or those who took advantage of the "group tour", they were all dumbfounded.

However, what could they do now? They could only bite the bullet and go ahead. The result was really a life-or-death struggle. Within a few hours after the mission began, almost all the reincarnationists died.

Most of them still didn't believe in evil and used the resurrection stone. Only then did they truly understand the difficulty of the mission. Almost none of these reincarnationists survived for 48 hours.

After that, many people saw the situation clearly and decisively admitted defeat and stopped losses. Only a very few stubborn people continued to carry out the mission. The consequences, tut tut tut, can be described as horrible.

You should know that this mission was not difficult in the plan. The Ji family sent 2 S-level reincarnationists and 8 A-level reincarnationists to ensure the smooth progress of the mission.

I never expected to encounter such a fatal situation. These 10 such powerful reincarnationists were all killed. Some of them chose to revive, but they died soon again.

The reason is that they are so strong, and in this kind of mission, the reincarnation space also arranged powerful enough means. Without adequate preparation, they failed to survive the first round of attacks.

The two S-class reincarnationists were very wise. They knew the methods of the reincarnation space very well and gave up the mission cleanly. They did not choose to be resurrected.

Of course, they would never let this matter go. They must carefully investigate what went wrong.

According to the props they used, this time should have entered the early stage of the world of "Star Wars 1: The Phantom Menace".

Somehow, they jumped to the world of "Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith", and it was the most dangerous moment. When the Sith launched a large-scale purge of the Jedi Knights.

The reincarnationists did not even have a choice of camp, and all reincarnationists were automatically assumed to be members of the Jedi Knight camp.

Those who knew the force were naturally assigned to the identity of Jedi Knights, and those who did not know the force were all die-hard supporters of the Jedi Knights.

Every reincarnationist was on the front line of the purge. The clone army was too lazy to even use the means of persuading surrender, and directly killed them without mercy.

This time, the Ji family suffered a great loss. If we don't investigate and retaliate, the Ji family will lose face.

So why did this happen? I believe everyone can guess that it is TNND Zhang Xiaoming's problem again.

Of course, it is definitely not something he did on purpose. To be honest, he himself is also a victim, so to speak.

All the reincarnations who entered the reincarnation world with him were just implicated. The fire in the city gate affected the fish in the pond.

In addition, since Xiao Ming's status in the reincarnation space is different from other reincarnations, the space did not use targeted means against him.

As a result, Xiao Ming himself was not actually affected too much, but other reincarnations were tricked into their grandmother's house. There are ten thousand MMPs and I don't know who to scold.

But at this moment, Xiao Ming has no idea what kind of disaster he has caused.

And because the space will not assign him tasks. He doesn't even know that so many things have happened. He thought it was just a normal task.

In fact, this kind of almost fatal task also has certain benefits for reincarnations.

If the reincarnation can break through the space's lore, he can get a very long stay time. That is a time span that is almost impossible to achieve with a task card.

For example, in this world, if you are not killed, you can stay for more than 5 years. This is an invisible reward.

A high-level reincarnation, a few years, and no main quest to mess up. It is conceivable how much benefit he can gain from such a world.

Regardless of other things, it is a rare opportunity to train under a Jedi master for a few years.

Unfortunately, this reward means nothing to Xiao Ming. Since he became a diamond VIP, the time he stays in any world is decided by himself. If you want to leave, go, if you want to stay, stay.

This time, Silver Xiaoming, Yellow Xiaoming, Red Xiaoming, and Orange Xiaoming all descended in the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic.

Among them, Silver Xiaoming, Yellow Xiaoming, and Orange Xiaoming are all in human form. Red Xiaoming is in the form of the Protoss. The identities of the four people are all Jedi Knights. Among them, Orange Xiaoming is still a child in training.

At the same time, Xiao Ming's four followers, Feiying, Xuecai, Kurama, and Xiaojia, also appeared in the temple.

In the Galactic Empire, there are races of all kinds. There are all kinds of ugly creatures. The Protoss and the Zerg will not attract attention.

Usually, there are nearly a hundred Jedi Knights guarding the Jedi Temple, and there are more than a dozen children in training. This level of force should be as stable as Mount Tai.

But this time the enemy is too powerful. It is the Jedi Knights' mortal enemy, the Sith, the most powerful Lord Darth Sidious, that is, the Speaker Palpatine of the Galactic Republic.

He used his position as the Speaker to infiltrate his power into the Republic, and mastered the strongest army of the Republic - the Clone Corps.

Politically, Palpatine defined the Jedi Knights as a rebellious force and used the power of the army to launch a purge against the Jedi Knights.

Faced with so many troops and being attacked unexpectedly, in the original book, only a very small number of Jedi Knights escaped this purge.

The Jedi Temple is located in the capital, so it is naturally the most important target of attack. A large number of clone corps are advancing towards the temple. The situation was precarious.

Of course, the only one who did not land in the temple, Green Xiaoming, was not in a better situation.

As a native Jedi Knight of Felucia, he was guiding the Jedi Master Aayla Secura with his two followers, Red and Green.

Green Xiaoming's image as a bug king was very similar to the natives of this planet, so he was assigned here.

And around them were hundreds of clone soldiers who had just accepted the order from Speaker Palpatine to kill them.

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