Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1235: Advertisement

"Brother, are you ready for the zombie cave in Japan?" Just as Xiao Ming was about to leave the hive, Hongchao suddenly asked.

Then she flipped her right hand, and took out three pieces of fire source fragments from some space equipment, and handed them to Xiao Ming.

"The three families are probably a little anxious, and even sent the rewards to my sister first, so you should hurry up."

Xiao Ming did not forget this matter, but he did not take it too seriously. For things of this level, he did not need to do any preparation. The strength was overwhelming.

Even this time, Xiao Ming did not plan to go there in person. There was no need for his own force there, and sending a Seven Star Shadow clone was enough to deal with it.

At the beginning, Xiao Ming made an appointment with the Li family, the Dou family, and the Mushroom Hall to clear the zombie cave next time. No later than October 10th.

Today is the 8th, so don't let them wait for a long time. Xiao Ming directly left a Seven Star Shadow clone wearing a butler uniform inside the hive, and he was fully responsible for this matter.

The three families can start whatever they want. The most convenient time is of course the end of the reincarnation mission on October 9, and then the clearing of the zombie cave will be carried out.

Yin Xiaoming must go home to tinker with his mind-eliminating ability, which is the more important thing for Xiaoming. The zombie cave is just a trivial matter.

The main business there is to coordinate the zombie army led by the dancing king zombie and the cooperation between several forces. There is no need to go into battle and kill the enemy in person.

Even if they need to take action, the force of the Seven Yao Shadow clones is strong enough. They are now wearing Hades clothes, and they also have the bonus of the power of the underworld (soul gems), which is very powerful.

Xiaoming stretched out his hand to take the fire source in his hand, with a slightly solemn expression and posture. Ma Xiaoling noticed this and asked curiously: "Brother, do you need this thing?"

"Yes, Sister Xiaoling. If you can get it, I can buy it." Xiaoming was very active. In Xiaoming's view, the power of the fire source is no less than that of the infinite gems.

He has always had a fantasy. If he could build a space fleet composed of Transformers, how fun it would be.

Yes, Xiao Ming only cares about whether it is fun or not. As for how much combat power it will increase, he is not very concerned.

Ma Xiaoling smiled: "I can't tell, my brother is quite ambitious. Do you want to put together a large piece of fire source? Be careful, the Transformers that are normally activated by the fire source are all bad."

"Sister Xiaoling is right, but I have a way to deal with this." Xiao Ming was full of confidence. The problem he dealt with involved the secret of his own ability, which he could not say. He could only express his attitude.

Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou looked at each other for a while, and probably decided to believe in Xiao Ming's ability. Brother Kuang took out a piece of fire source fragment and traded it with Xiao Ming for an operation quota.

Transformers are not the direction of development of Jiang Shizu's lineage, and it is useless to keep them. If there are too many fragments of this kind, they will probably be exchanged with other forces.

Now there is only one piece, and the exchange value is not great, so it is just right to trade with Xiao Ming. The quota that Kuang Tianyou requested is not for Baihu and Heiyu.

Those two are also big guys, so he doesn't need to do favors. This is the quota for his zombie followers. It will definitely greatly improve the "loyalty" of the followers.

The next day, October 9, Kuang Tianyou recruited the followers, and the operation was performed by the Seven Yaoying clones. Xiao Ming didn't need to do it himself.

As long as Xiao Ming puts the mushroom props he needs into Guangmingding, the clone here can take them out and use them. Very convenient.

Who is Kuang Tianyou's follower? I believe many people can guess that it is the zombie boy-Kuang Fusheng.

This Kuang Fusheng is not a cosplayer, he is a real plot character. He was brought out from the reincarnation world by Kuang Tianyou.

As expected of a big guy, this operation is very smart. Kuang Fusheng was transformed into a zombie in his youth, so his combat power is indeed a little worse. But his advantages are also very prominent.

First, because Fusheng's combat power is poor, the difficulty of the task of taking him as a follower will be lower. It is easier to complete.

Second, his special ability as a zombie is very interesting. There is a little bit of a sense of following one's words. It is actually very powerful for auxiliary.

Third, Fu Sheng is also a second-generation zombie, transformed by Jiang Chen himself. He has unlimited potential. As long as he is willing to spend resources to cultivate, he will definitely be a strong man in the future.

Jiang Shizu's lineage has the technology to cultivate zombies, which is definitely beyond doubt.

After Kuang Fusheng finished the operation, his clone also advertised.

"Sister Xiaoling, Sister Hongchao, Brother Kuang, if you have such an operation in the future, just come to me. I will not refuse anyone, and you can owe the surgery fee. I won't charge you interest."

Hearing this, Hongchao glared and grabbed the clone's ear: "Stinky boy, you dare to ask for interest?!"

Xiao Ming hurriedly begged for mercy: "Sister, spare me, my brother didn't ask, I said no interest?..."

Kuang Fusheng, who had just finished the operation and was full of oil, interrupted: "Brother Xiaoming, no interest, what do you want?"

Not bad, the operation was not in vain. He knew to help me change the subject.

Xiao Ming grinned and replied, "Anything is fine. It doesn't have to be the Fire Seed Fragments. Any fragments of the same type will do. I accept everything."

The three A-level zombies nodded. If Xiao Ming only wanted the Fire Seed Fragments, it would be difficult for them to deal with it. Because the quantity is limited.

If other things of the same type can be substituted, it will be much easier. Everyone has been in the reincarnation space for so long, and they will have accumulated some of these things.

"Oh, by the way," Xiao Ming suddenly remembered something, "I have a scroll of [Immortal Reincarnation]. Are you interested?"

"What! Impure World Reincarnation scroll? That S-level ninjutsu? Do you have it?" The three brothers and sisters were shocked and asked Xiao Ming several questions in a row.

In fact, it was not a question, but full of disbelief. S-level items, even the A-level reincarnations of them have to unite to have a chance to get them.

Zhang Xiaoming, a newcomer, can actually get it. It's so shocking! But think about his background, the cultivation sect + the ghost messenger of the underworld, there must be something extraordinary.

Hongchao asked: "Brother, Impure World Reincarnation is a very awesome ninjutsu. If you are willing to exchange, we sisters will definitely want it. But brother, you have to be cautious. If you can use this kind of powerful weapon yourself, don't give it to others."

How could Xiao Ming not understand this principle. The problem is that his identity as a civil servant in the underworld makes him very averse to the ninjutsu of Impure World Reincarnation.

The reason is that this ninjutsu is very cruel. First, the opponent's soul is imprisoned; second, the opponent's body is often destroyed; and finally, living people are used as sacrifices.

None of them conform to the laws of the underworld. If Xiao Ming really uses this ninjutsu on a large scale, he will either become schizophrenic or be expelled from the ranks of civil servants in the underworld.

It is really helpless to exchange it. I can only be thankful that I was careful and did not learn this scroll in the first place. What a close call...

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