Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1166 I want to eat that

The researcher put on his water shoes and walked to the surface of the sea. He then took out the Level 3 summoning cube and released Salacha and Silent Mary.

Salacha was cursed and must appear on the sea. If he landed, he would be wiped out. The same was true for the legendary battleship Silent Mary.

As soon as they landed on the sea, the Silent Mary, which had become a spirit, immediately sent a spiritual communication to the researcher: "Master, I want to eat that!"

The meaning of the spiritual communication was very clear. It wanted to eat the wreckage of the ship not far away.

In fact, even if it was a wreckage, Xiao Ming could repair it with source energy.

However, the wreckages of the shipwrecks that this system swiped out on the coast were all small ships. Xiao Ming didn't even look at them now.

I didn't expect that Silent Mary would be interested in eating the wreckage of the ship. There was no need to refuse this.

I saw Silent Mary raised the front half of the hull, opened seven or eight pairs of "forked ribs", hugged the wreckage and began to gnaw.

"Grunt, grunt, grunt." The wood chips flew and the crunching sound was heard. It seemed that the food was very delicious. The researchers were stunned.

To be honest, if the Silent Mary was not so big, it would look a little cute. It looked like a puppy eating.

But with such a big body, it was really not cute.

The researcher jumped onto the deck of the Silent Mary. Although the deck was moving constantly because of the food, it did not prevent Xiao Ming from touching the chakra with his feet. He stood very steadily.

"Selacha, what is it...?" Xiao Ming pointed at the big ship and asked Selacha.

Selacha still had a rebellious expression. He opened his mouth to speak, and it seemed that ink was still flowing out of his mouth, which was a bit disgusting.

"Master, each legendary battleship has different characteristics. The characteristic of the Silent Mary is that it can eat other ships.

The more it eats, the larger its body will be, and the higher its combat power will be. However, the larger its body is, the greater its daily consumption will be. So it cannot grow indefinitely.

It is also because it has been in the Devil's Triangle with me for too long, and it is very hungry now, otherwise it would not look down on such a small ship wreckage!"

"Hungry?" Xiao Ming's eyes widened, "How can a ship be hungry?! Are you kidding me?"

"Humph! This captain is not willing to lie to you." Selacha's expression is still arrogant, "If you don't believe it, look at its data. Now it has the combat power of only a large battleship. After so many years, it has become thinner due to hunger."

Well, Xiao Ming looked at the data, and it was indeed the data of an ordinary large battleship. It is not worthy of the identity of this legendary battleship.

It was a close call. I was thinking of using it to fight the Esconte Army before! With this data, I am afraid it will be sunk as soon as the battle starts, right? I have to protect it myself.

Now it seems that we need to adjust our strategy. After the Silent Mary had eaten, Xiao Ming led his troops on board.

He released a thick fog to cover the Silent Mary and headed southwest to the American continent. Along the way, he was careful to avoid all the warships that came and went. He really couldn't beat them.

The Yucatan Strait is a strait between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. To the southwest is Cape Catoche at the northeast end of the Yucatan Peninsula, and to the northeast is Cape San Antonio at the western end of the island of Cuba.

This is also a strategic location. Both the Esconte Army and the Maldenard Army have warships patrolling here.

Although there was no accidental firing between the two sides, the smell of gunpowder on both sides was also very strong.

If it weren't for the thick fog, Xiao Ming would not dare to cross this important road.

Carefully crossed the Yucatan Strait and arrived at the Yucatan Peninsula. Finding a place where no one was, Xiao Ming quickly led his troops off the ship and put away the salad tea and the Silent Mary.

And give orders to the intelligent program Xiao Saner. Next, Liu Ke will be the guide and lead the army of researchers to go deep into the land of Central America.

Avoid the search of the Esconte army and try to gather local natives who are willing to follow Tia or the researchers.

With the help of Liu Ke, the local snake, and the ninjas in the team have a large reconnaissance range, the researchers still have an advantage in intelligence.

It should not be a problem to avoid the Esconte army in a short time. Xiao Ming is going to switch roles to do a big thing.

Of course, before leaving, Xiao Ming did not forget to release some shadow clones and a large number of parasites. The spies that should be released are always indispensable.

Now it is about 6 o'clock in the evening of September 26. Xiao Ming doesn't even care about the army of the researchers and hurriedly switches to the side of the divers.

I believe many people can guess its purpose. That is to go to the shipwreck to feed the Silent Mary.

Doesn't it like to eat ships? Wouldn't eating ships increase its attributes? Then let it eat enough at once. Let it turn back into the legendary battleship before.

Where else can there be more shipwrecks than the shipwreck? ! That’s why Xiao Ming wants to switch to a diver. Prepare to go to the shipwreck to summon the Silent Mary.

Xiao Ming was afraid that Xiao Sier was operating the diver and was sailing on the strategic map, so he couldn’t get to the adventure map for a while.

Fortunately, he was lucky this time. The diver was now in the underwater limestone town on the adventure map.

But it was already night, and the diver was hosting a banquet for several sea clan “guests” in the Temple of Light.

Xiao Ming saw that among these sea clans, two of them looked familiar to him. After careful consideration, he remembered where he had seen them.

At the beginning, a dozen sea clan dudes discovered Emily’s secret base outside the town. They also attacked the barrier of the base. It was the diver who helped Emily move things.

These two sea clan princes are two of them. However, Xiao Ming recognized them, but they had never seen the Diver.

Xiao Ming looked through the system records to understand the current situation. It turned out that this was not their first time to hold a banquet.

These sea clans are the descendants of some merchants. Their families have recently done a lot of business with the Temple of Light.

Merchants are greedy by nature, and it is inevitable that they have some crooked thoughts. They think that so much money is earned by a small Naga of level 2, isn’t it inappropriate? Does he deserve it!

So everyone secretly checked, and the result was that this check was not a big deal, and everyone was shocked.

This Naga called Diver is not simple. Although he is only level 2, he actually has a relationship with the Naga main city.

Among his temple guards, there are 200 Naga soldiers from the main city. Most likely he is the illegitimate son of some high-level official, right?

Several sea clan merchants are temporarily unable to figure out the depth of the Diver, and dare not act rashly, so they sent their children to establish a relationship with the Diver.

Robbery is not an option, but deceiving should be okay.

These merchants saw that the diver was young and thought he was not a cunning person. If they could get the source of his goods, it would be acceptable.

They estimated that people who were willing to ship goods to the diver should also be willing to do business with them. After all, these merchants were stronger.

When they came to him to get close to him, Xiao Sier had no choice but to host a banquet every time. Tonight was no exception.

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