Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1165 Blanco's Choice

It is a pity that although Xiao Ming awakened the conscience deep in Finn Blanco's heart and made him realize the evil of the colonists.

But Blanco still couldn't immediately join Tia and the researcher. It was all because of the sense of honor of the soldier.

Even if he suddenly realized it, it was impossible for him to turn around and fight against his motherland. At most, he would no longer go along with the country.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ming smiled, raised his eyebrows and said: "Mr. Blanco, this is not a problem. Do you know where Tia is now?"

Blanco was stunned, looking at the weird smiles of the researcher and others, he knew something was wrong.

He asked tentatively: "Could it be that Tia decided to leave the New World?" This man is worthy of being an excellent staff officer, with a bright mind.

Liu Ke replied: "More than a decision, she has left now!"

Blanco nodded and said: "Great, as long as we don't develop in the New World, Tia and Spain will have no conflict. Where is she now? I want to see her and say sorry to her."

Xiao Ming felt that he was fed dog food again. So as long as there is no conflict with the motherland, you don't care.

Perhaps because the researcher dragged on for too long without answering, Liu Ke couldn't wait to tell him about Tia's fight against the Laidao family in East Asia.

Then the development of things was logical. Xiao Ming used the portal again and sent Finn Blanco and his two trusted followers to Diaoyucheng.

Seeing that her lover was willing to betray the Spanish army and take the initiative to help her. Tia was very moved and cried with Blanco in her arms.

This is no wonder. No matter what reason Blanco has, such behavior is a deserter. Once caught by the Spanish army, he will be brought to a military court.

Even if he is not caught, his family will actually be implicated to a certain extent.

But this is not a big deal. He does not have an important position in the family, otherwise he would not take risks at sea.

With his unimportant status, the family will not be implicated too much. Remove him from the family tree and bribe the government casually, and there will be no problem.

After dealing with Blanco, Xiao Ming was in a good mood and wanted to go to the Governor's Palace to meet the local snake in Havana - Bascos de Maldenard.

Only through the fog, Xiao Ming could sense the situation at the Governor's Palace. Wow, there are actually many level 6 and 7 masters here.

After all, he is a local lord, and it must be not that simple. He may not be able to gain an advantage in a fight, and he may have some hidden means!

Giving up the unrealistic plan, the researcher took his subordinates to the city's barracks first, took away 20 level 1 Kunai ninjas, and then left Havana.

Since the Kunyan Velas forces have been incorporated into his command, the researcher's sea chart automatically added this part of the Americas. The map opened.

Liu Ke meant that there are many remnants of the Inca Empire on the North American continent.

Hearing that Princess Tia raised the flag to resist the colonists, they will definitely join the Kunyan Velas army enthusiastically. There is a group in front of them.

Havana is actually located in the northwest of the long and narrow island of Cuba. There are not many remnants of the Inca Empire on the island.

This small group of humans in front of us should be considered wild monsters. They are probably slaves brought from the American continent by pirates or the navy, and now they have rebelled against their masters.

If Xiao Ming had not encountered them, they would probably have been wiped out by the Maldenard army. Xiao Ming thought so.

In fact, the only ones who can really go out of the city to attack wild monsters are players and protagonist-type NPCs. If the Maldenard army goes out of the city, this small group of wild monsters will automatically disappear.

They appeared because Tiya came to Havana. According to normal procedures, Tiya will inquire about the news of this group of wild monsters in the city.

Knowing that they are remnants of the homeland, she will take the initiative to come out and recruit them. This kind of treatment is often encountered by Tiya when she is active in the Americas in the early stage.

This is one of the ways arranged by the system for her to quickly increase her military strength.

The treatment of protagonist-type NPCs is naturally different. Now these benefits are replaced by researchers to enjoy.

To surrender wild monsters, one needs to have superior forces. The researcher used the teleportation aperture again to pull all his private troops over.

With nearly a thousand pirate puppets, more than a hundred hammer dwarves, 50 bald eagles, and the original ninjas, the forces suddenly became strong.

It was a pity that the hundreds of four-puppet canoes were not suitable for the researcher's combat method this time, so they were simply lent to the Tiya army temporarily, led by Luobosi himself.

With such forces, the researcher immediately led the army to collide with the wild monsters.

System prompt: [34 level 1 human spear throwers are afraid of your military power and are willing to surrender to you. Do you accept it? ]

Of course I have to accept it, and all of them will be temporarily assigned to Liu Ke's command. After all, they are people of a fallen country. There are many survivors of the Inca Empire, but the army is not comprehensive and strong enough.

Later, after Xiao Ming arrived in the American continent, he surrendered countless such wild monsters. He also found some differences.

Some of them surrendered to him, and some surrendered to Tiya because of Liu Ke. Different reasons, different treatment.

Researchers and Tiya accounted for about half each. Although Tiya had the appeal of royal blood, the researchers also had the bonus of intermediate diplomacy and human identity, which was not weaker than Tiya's appeal. Later, Xiao Ming knew how to distinguish them.

Anyone who surrendered to Tiya would automatically belong to Liu Ke. Researchers could not deploy them at will. Either follow Liu Ke or send them to Tiya.

The researcher can dispatch the surrendered people at will. The system gives different prompts for these two different situations.

This time, the wild monster is the one that surrendered to the researcher. However, the researcher assigned it to Liu Ke's subordinates, and later gave it to Tia when the number of people increased.

In the early days, the researcher "wasted" a lot of soldiers like this. After figuring it out, he stopped assigning the surrendered people to Liu Ke.

After collecting the wild monsters and picking up a few small piles of resources, the researcher's troops came to the seaside. There was a wreckage not far away.

Before Xiao Ming used the scan or circle to detect the wreckage, 20 ninjas under his command appeared automatically and brought back information about the wreckage.

It turns out that ninjas have certain spy abilities. They can find out some information about resource points. If they are high-level ninjas, the information they find will be more comprehensive.

This is an empty wreckage. Nothing can be found after searching, and the team's morale will be reduced a lot. It's really a big pit.

The wreckage of a wreckage is like this. If you are lucky, there will be ghosts lurking inside. Players can get gold coins by defeating ghosts, and sometimes they will be rewarded with low-level treasures.

However, there is a certain chance that there is nothing in the sunken ship. Searching an empty ship will reduce the morale of the unit. Unfortunately, this is the case this time.

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