Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 109 Pingnan City

Xiao Ming opened the system record and looked through it for a while. He found out that the puppet was successfully made. That's why the first-level scout puppet appeared.

It disappeared immediately afterwards because the puppet was automatically included in the adventure queue of the dead teller by the system, so it could not appear on the strategic map.

In other words, the dead teller can indeed make puppets, but because he does not have the racial talent of the researcher - puppet research and development.

So the dead teller cannot include the puppets he made in the troops on the strategic map. It can only be used on the adventure map.

It feels a bit regrettable to say, but it is still worth being happy about overall.

It proves that the universality of magic has no particularly big impact on Xiao Ming... It's just a little more convenient. (He thinks so.)

If the puppets made by other characters can stay on the strategic map, that's another matter. Unfortunately, it can't stay now.

Xiao Ming already has a butler space, and many things can be shared by the four characters.

If you want a puppet, the researcher can make it, put it in the space, and other characters can take it out and use it.

So for the time being, the universality of magic has a discount on his effect. This is also because Xiao Ming focused his main attention on the strategic map.

If we look at it from a long-term perspective, the universality of magic will be of great help to Xiao Ming's various characters in the adventure map.

Imagine that on the adventure map, each character can make a few puppets or summon some skeleton soldiers at any time. What a great help this is.

In many cases, Xiao Ming can kill his opponent with just resources. If this kind of good thing were given to others, they would definitely be crazy happy. It's really a blessing in disguise.

What's more, Xiao Ming felt a little regretful because he couldn't increase the military strength of the strategic map. ("Zi" said: Why don't you go to heaven?!)

Of course, Xiao Ming was not too depressed, and the character of the otaku is like this. This kind of thing is like catching a rabbit on New Year's Eve - it's the same whether you have it or not.

Xiao Ming tried the strategic magic again, and as expected, it was not universal. It feels that the strategic magic is also a cheat that the system gives to players.

The strategic mana and adventure mana of the character are separate, and the nature is different. Xiao Ming had used his superpowers to replenish both types of mana.

It is obvious that replenishing strategic mana is much more difficult than replenishing adventure mana, and consumes much more superpowers.

In fact, the effects of strategic magic are all strategic-level, which is fundamentally different from adventure magic.

For example, the same Fiery Magic Wall. When used on the strategic map, it is not at the same level as what was seen on the adventure map.

While thinking about it, the system suddenly prompted: The ruins of this building have been dug out.

The dead immediately focused his attention, and the business still had to be done. Take out strategic resources and start repairing.

After repeating the process of digging → repairing → searching → digging again... several times. Xiao Ming has achieved a lot of results.

Three mineral veins have been repaired and resumed production, a gem mine, a quarry, and a gold mine.

In addition, a fairy ring was repaired. There is no fairy settled in for the time being, so it cannot increase the luck of the dead's troops.

A puddle was repaired (really, can a puddle in a swamp be considered a building?). The added morale is useless, but it is good to increase some mobility.

An abandoned old truck was also dug up. Of course, there are no resources in it. But after repairing it, it became the third truck of the dead equipment.

It is very annoying to have no resources. In the abandoned land, Xiao Ming has never picked up a resource or a treasure. It is really useless.

Fortunately, the most gratifying thing happened. After the last mine was repaired, the vitality of this map was finally full.

System prompt: This map is officially upgraded to a level 0 map. The buildings that should be in a level 0 map will slowly appear over time. A system village will appear in a week.

By the way, while waiting for his subordinates to dig several times, Xiao Ming used Nezha to transform into Claude Six Styles and played for a while. This feeling of pretending to be cool is very comfortable.

According to the situation of this map, the system village that will appear in the future will definitely be the village of the Orc-Swamp branch.

Xiao Ming has no interest in the system village. The reason why he spent so much effort to restore the vitality of this abandoned map is not to build a city for the undead.

The leader of the dead came to the location that Xiao Ming had chosen yesterday, took out the foundation stone of the city from the housekeeper space, and chose to use it.

Several black lights fell from the sky, and the foundation stone of the city floated up from his hand, letting the black light shine on the foundation stone.

Large and large black mists gushed out from the foundation stone, sweeping across the surrounding area like waves. It blocked everyone's eyes.

The mist kept rolling, forming various strange patterns. There seemed to be a monster crawling in the mist.

Xiao Ming couldn't help but complain: It's just building a village, do you have to put such a long cutscene?

This was the first time he saw the establishment of a village, and Xiao Ming didn't know whether this scene was an exception or a normal phenomenon.

After a while, the black fog dissipated, and a village of the undead stood in front of Xiao Ming.

It can no longer be called a village, there are even fortress walls, otherwise how can it be said to stand. This is enough to be a small city.

Xiao Ming nodded in admiration. The lich prophet's move was really extraordinary! This is definitely not an ordinary cornerstone for building a city. Such a high-end product was actually given to the informer of the dead as soon as they met.

Should he be a little stupid? Or can he really predict that the informer of the dead will develop well? No matter which one it is, it is a good thing for Xiao Ming.

This is actually Xiao Ming's misunderstanding. The cornerstone for building a city is just an ordinary cornerstone. Because it is a mission item, the first building stone in the mission has a special setting.

The safety level of the location where the village is built determines the importance of the undead tribe to this village, and the black light is used to bless the god of death.

(Ordinary villages also have blessings, but the blessings they reward will not be many.)

The informer of the dead built a village in a map like the abandoned land. There are no decent enemies within a radius of several maps.

Such a place suitable for development, the undead tribe will certainly pay attention to it. Or it can be said that this place meets the prerequisites and hidden conditions set by the system.

So the god of death blessed and gave the informer of the dead a relatively wealthy town. The other two cornerstones of the city building did not have such special treatment.

From the city gate, looking into the city, the buildings inside are shadowy and lined up; the undead NPCs are bustling and shoulder to shoulder; the smell of death is also very strong.

It feels like this is a city with many ghosts and a fairly good construction. Xiao Ming folded his hands to thank the system for giving benefits.

Xiao Ming named the city "Pingnan" according to the system requirements. Then he happily led his subordinates into the city.

Such a city filled with the smell of death, because there are many undead and many buildings, gives people a sense of vitality. (Strong sense of disobedience)

A vibrant city of the undead. It feels awkward to say this. But it is true.

The birthplace of the dead: the Ash City in the adventure map is also such a vibrant city of the undead.

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