Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 108: Weekend Construction

Magic planet, strategic map, abandoned land, a swamp jungle.

The dead person stretched his body hard to relax his bones. How could these bones be tired? It was completely psychological.

In terms of time, it was not long since Xiao Ming quit the game last night, but why did it feel like years had passed?

From last night to this morning, too many things really happened to Xiao Ming: fighting the undead on Nuwa Star; drinking the life essence to "upgrade" his body;

pretending to be a small force and reaching a deal with the New Han military; being shocked by the content of "Far Island Strange Man" introduced by Xu Feng; from being dazed to going crazy in the secret realm of Iron Blood vs. Alien...

Unexpected things happened one after another, making Xiao Ming feel very unreal, as if he had traveled to another world.

At this moment, he returned to the familiar game, breathing the mixed air in the primitive jungle and swamp.

Looking at the familiar and ugly undead soldiers around him, the dead person felt a warmth in his non-existent heart. It's still comfortable here~

The first thing the dead person did was to build the city. Funnel Village built a material warehouse: it can provide Xiao Ming with one unit of wood and ore every day.

Turtle Back Mountain City built a 4th-level bandit barracks: it produces 4 4th-level 0-level axe warriors every week.

After the blessing of the city's building-the base camp, the output of axe warriors will increase to 6 next week.

The 4th-level warriors of the normal human camp are swordsmen, which are a kind of soldiers with both balanced offense and defense. They are the backbone of human combat power.

The 4th-level soldiers in the bandit city, the axe warriors, use double axes. They have an advantage in fighting in mountainous areas.

Swordsmen usually swing their swords in a big way. This will be constrained by the surrounding trees in the mountains and forests, and the bumps and bumps will affect the force when they attack.

After the big sword is swung out, if you are not careful or the enemy dodges, the sword may hit the surrounding trees.

Because the swinging force is too great, it is often difficult to pull out because it cuts too deep. This is fatal in battle.

In comparison, the short weapon axe is more comfortable in the mountains and forests. The swinging action is relatively small, and the attack frequency will be faster.

There are also differences in the structure of the axe and the greatsword. In comparison, the axe is easy to pull out after being cut into the tree trunk. It does not affect the battle.

Moreover, the axe warrior can be regarded as a production soldier. When there is no war, he can also act as a lumberjack and produce wood resources.

Of course, if it is changed to a battle in the plains, the greatsword can restrain the axe with its attack range.

After the construction of the fourth-level barracks, a bottleneck has been reached in the construction of soldiers. Starting from the fifth-level barracks, it cannot be built casually.

The hero must first reach a certain official position or title. And he must complete tasks or buy building drawings at a high price before he can build the corresponding barracks.

That is the next stage of the game. For the time being, the identity issue alone can block most players.

Among Xiao Ming's four characters, only the researcher has a title. Although it is only a first-class honorary knight of the elves.

The status of nobles and civilians is different. If you get the blueprint of the 5th-level barracks, the researcher can build it in his own city. Unfortunately, he has no city yet.

The dead continue to search the abandoned land with the undead troops, looking for the ruins of buildings, digging them out and repairing them.

While waiting for the skeletons and zombies to dig, it was a bit boring. Xiao Ming took this opportunity to test some of his ideas.

Xiao Ming learned the spells of identification, summoning skeletons, repairing skeletons, meditation, etc. in the Magic Planet game, and used them in reality.

Since he already knows them in reality, Xiao Ming thinks that every character of his should be able to use them when he returns to the game.

After all, the main body has learned it. Just like telekinesis, the main body has learned it and can use it in other secret realms. It only takes a familiar process.

Xiao Ming has tried this idea many times before. It has never succeeded. The system cruelly expressed its maliciousness, "Go to bed and stop dreaming."

But Xiao Ming has never given up trying. Just try it if you have nothing to do. It won't hurt yourself.

Today, Xiao Ming suddenly thought of this matter when he was waiting bored. He thought that he had just "upgraded". The success rate should be higher.

Hurry up and test it to see if the dead teller can use the identification spell that only explorers have.

Dreams are beautiful... reality, today is also beautiful. People feel refreshed when they upgrade.

Xiao Ming successfully used the identification spell with the character of the dead teller. Although it consumed more than 3 times the mana.

Xiao Ming was ecstatic. Spells can really be used universally. The premise is that he can already be familiar with using that spell in reality.

An identification spell is not a big deal. Although it is also very useful. But for Xiao Ming, there are more meaningful spells.

The summoning of skeletons, repairing skeletons, corruption, and death harvesting of the undead system have proved their value.

The ability of the puppet making of the researcher has almost the same practical value. From this aspect, the explorer and the diver are slightly inferior.

The summoning of skeletons by the dead teller and the puppet making of the researcher were originally only available in the adventure map. The Delver can create puppets in the strategic map because of his racial talent.

The spells and skills that Xiao Ming learned in the adventure map can be used in reality. The talent of the strategic map is completely different.

Most talents are passive. They are more like special cheats given by the system, rather than abilities learned by the players themselves.

So they are useless in reality. Xiao Ming has destroyed so many enemies on Nuwa Star, but he has not seen the summoning technique work. Let's summon a skeleton soldier for himself.

I don't know whether making puppets should be considered as the adventure map or the strategic map.

Practice makes perfect. You will know after you try it. Xiao Ming took the time to look up at the undead soldiers around him, who were busy digging the soil.

However, the generals under his command noticed the master's gaze and nodded to Xiao Ming.

Looking around, all you can see are swamps and jungles, snakes and insects lurking in them, and beasts appearing in them, but there is no sign of intelligent creatures.

Looking up at the sky, there are only wild birds flying in the air, chasing countless insects and fluttering their wings to escape...

Xiao Ming doesn't know what he is thinking in his heart. Is he preventing someone from peeping? Or does he hope someone will witness it? Maybe he just looks around casually.

Let's start now. Xiao Ming had made puppets many times before, so he was familiar with the procedure. He also used the basic synthesis technique smoothly.

It was a success. In front of the dead man, a level 1 scout wooden puppet was born from a few pieces of wood. Then it disappeared immediately. What?!

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