Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1074 Charlie Old Ice Cream

A few hours later, a human artillery general, Charlie Old Ice Cream, appeared on the ship of Old Shoelace under the command of the diver.

He is from France in Europe and is a lover of scientific inventions. His research projects are firearms, including artillery and muskets.

Charlie's strategic profession is a level 2 blue artillery general with amazing artillery skills. One of his racial talents is [Gunpowder Weapon Research and Development].

His adventure profession is a level 3 musketeer. The weapons he uses are several muskets specially made by himself, and the most powerful one is the purple perfect equipment.

Not only does the musket have high attack power, but the range is also very long, almost like a sniper rifle. In this background era, it is rare to have such a gun.

You can imagine how much advantage it would be to travel to the Ming Dynasty with a modern sniper rifle.

However, both the strategic map of the Ming Dynasty and the adventure map of the Song Dynasty have magical powers. The advantage of the sniper rifle is just average.

Due to Charlie Old Ice Cream's outstanding "R\u0026D ability", his products are very popular, and he can make money by selling some equipment casually.

But researching gunpowder weapons will definitely cause accidents such as explosions.

In his hometown, the neighbors on both sides were worried that he would cause a big disaster and blow up the entire community. So they collectively excluded him.

There was no other way, so Charlie ran to Southeast Asia, where the regulations were very loose.

As long as he gave the local government a little money, he could do research to his heart's content. He would not be excluded like in France.

Charlie's race is human, and he is unwilling to communicate with the undead. At first, he did not let the diver and others in.

It was not until the diver revealed his Naga identity that Charlie's interest was aroused. Curiosity is the nature of scientists.

The most attractive sea creature to Charlie is of course the mermaid, but the Naga like the diver is also very attractive.

Charlie had only heard rumors before and had never seen one. He thought it was just a legend. Unexpectedly, today he finally saw a living one.

He invited the diver to enter the house alone, and the old shoelaces and other undead were still separated outside the house. He talked with the diver for a long time.

The main reason is that Charlie wants to hear more gossip about the sea tribe and the underwater city.

Unfortunately, this level of curiosity is not enough to make him join the diver. After all, he regards the research of firearms as his first goal in life.

Charlie would rather pay this four-armed Naga to tell him stories than join the army of the sea tribe.

The way to impress him in the end is to cater to his preferences. Xiao Ming turned the diver into an indispensable talent for Charlie's research.

Charlie's research projects are actually very promising. The only problem is that the current level of technology in the game world is not enough, which leads to all aspects being dragged down.

For example, the gunpowder is not pure enough and has too many impurities, which affects the explosion results. The processing of artillery and musket parts is not fine enough to meet his requirements.

Now, Charlie still mainly polishes parts by hand, and can make good individual weapons based on a large number of waste products.

For example, his perfect-level sniper rifle, and some cannons used personally when he was an artillery general. The power is very outstanding. But Charlie can't do mass production.

Moreover, there is a limit to the hand-polished parts, which cannot be infinitely precise, so the production of Charlie's individual weapons has reached a bottleneck.

Charlie is now exhausted. There are too many problems in continuing to improve gunpowder weapons, and his personal skills can no longer handle it. And it happens that Xiao Ming can solve all his problems.

If the purity of gunpowder is not enough, it is generally enough to use source energy to strengthen it once. If the requirements are higher, we can strengthen it 2-3 times.

If the parts are not fine enough, we can also use source energy to solve it. In addition, there is a more energy-saving method-alchemy.

Use mental power to change the shape of objects. With Xiao Ming's current mental power that is infinitely close to the 7th level, it can be very precise.

Not to mention that it is far beyond the technological level in the main game, even the technological level of the New Han Kingdom in reality cannot reach the precision of Xiao Ming's alchemy.

With the help of Xiao Ming behind the diver, Charlie Old Ice Cream can improve the level of firearms by several levels.

This temptation is simple and direct. Charlie bowed without saying a word. Directly join the diver.

In his words, it is okay not to pay, as long as there are high-precision materials frequently.

However, the system has regulations in this regard. Even if he wants, the diver has no way to not pay him.

When the sea clan ships dive underwater, they are completely flooded. The sea clan will not drown.

But Charlie is a human, he really can't enter the sea clan's ship. He can only stay on the old shoelace's ship temporarily.

Charlie is knowledgeable and courageous, and the undead on the ship can't scare him.

On the contrary, the undead sailors on the ship don't care about the explosions he makes for no reason. He can do whatever he wants.

Of course, when the fleet is sailing on the sea, Xiao Ming asked Charlie to try to do some small-scale experiments.

You know, when sailing on the sea, you often encounter coral reefs and islands. Those experiments with relatively destructive power can be placed in these places.

If it doesn't work, Xiao Ming can also float the diver's flagship [Flying Dutchman] to the surface of the water. For Charlie to experiment.

This ship has undead attributes, and there are actually many undead sailors living inside the hull. Usually, as long as the breath of death is replenished, the hull can slowly recover on its own and is not afraid of being destroyed.

However, Charlie cannot go out to sea right now.

The diver helped him get a lot of advanced gunpowder and precision parts. He has several ideas that can be realized immediately.

Charlie must finish these projects immediately, otherwise he will feel very uncomfortable. It will take about 3 to 5 days.

The diver and the "people" can either wait here for him to complete these ideas. Or they can go somewhere else to play first, and then bring him on board when they come back.

Xiao Ming dare not let such a big baby out of his sight. If he really goes somewhere else first, he doesn't know what will happen when he comes back.

Forget it, Xiao Ming decided not to leave. He stayed at Charlie Old Ice Cream's house. See if he can learn some skills or something.

Besides, there is a high probability that this is the system giving out candy.

The several ideas Charlie mentioned are likely to be rewards for players. Then you can't miss them.

The rewards obtained by players accompanying Charlie all the time and going out to sea and then coming back to pick him up must be very different.

Xiao Ming guessed that if the diver accompanied Charlie, Charlie might need the player during the production process, like a hidden task.

The more effort the player puts in, the better the item will be. If the player is not here or does not help, the result is self-evident.

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