Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1073: Ji Ading Arrives

During this period, the explorer stayed in the temple of the ascetic monk in Tokyo.

Every day, he either read books in the temple or went out for a stroll and did some idle tasks.

The researcher was running around in unknown places in South America. He hoped to see the seaside. Unfortunately, he saw a wild land. There were primitive forests everywhere.

On the adventure map, he mainly made puppets. Normal level 3 puppets need to be made, and sand ninja puppets also need to accumulate experience.

The dead have arrived in the Annan area of ​​the strategic map. Wandering back and forth between the three cities of Pingnan City, Dingnan City, and Zhennan City.

Pick up resources, kill wild monsters, explore the new areas that have been added due to the map upgrade, and look for obelisks.

In the battle of Xiaohuotang Water Fort, Xiao Ming used the Death Harvest to get a considerable number of skeleton soldiers.

The dead have the talent of [Intermediate Skeleton Construction], which can equip low-level skeleton soldiers with bone crossbows.

Even with intelligent program operation, a large number of ranged troops can be accumulated, so the battle went smoothly.

After all, these three maps were upgraded from the abandoned land to level 0 and then to level 1, and no powerful wild monsters would be refreshed in the map.

After using up the strategic action power, the dead person went to the adventure map to work for the Gray Bone City Lord. By the way, practice the skill [Intermediate Skeleton Troop Development].

Because the diver was at sea and could not go to the adventure map, he sailed for more than 2 days. On Friday, September 9, the fleet finally arrived in Jiading.

This is a small port city. Compared with the ports in East Asia, it is simply a slum.

At this time, it nominally belongs to the local swamp orc forces. In fact, it has been heavily infiltrated by the West.

At the same time, some pirate forces in East Asia that are not doing well will also use this place as a retreat. If you really can't make it, run here.

For those who are doing well, there is no need to say. Daming has at least dozens of port cities, each of which is more prosperous than Jiading.

Even some coastal towns are more profitable than here. Pirates who can make it in East Asia rarely come here.

In the city of Giardin, there are all kinds of races, such as swamp orcs, half-orcs, humans, dwarves, gnomes, half-elves, etc. There are even undead races. But there are no sea races.

The diver parked the sea race fleet a little further away on the seabed, and the old shoelace fleet entered the port and anchored.

He transformed the Iron Blood Nezha into a full body armor, mixed in with the undead and pretended to be an undead player to enter Giardin.

The diver is a four-armed Naga. The extra arms are covered by armor, and others will think he is a special orc.

The lower body of the Naga is similar to a snake tail, and Xiao Ming also used Nezha to transform legs and feet to cover it up. The snake tail is coiled around the waist, pretending to be a big belly.

Walking in the city like this is indeed quite eye-catching, but it will not attract too much suspicion.

Seeing this armored monster walking with several undead, no one came to question them.

This city was originally not very orderly. Many wanted criminals and bandits walked on the streets openly, and it was impossible to control them.

The swamp orcs who ruled this place basically let others do whatever they wanted as long as they could collect taxes.

Of course, extreme behaviors such as killing and fighting in the street should not be too much. Otherwise, the business will not be able to continue.

Xiao Ming walked around the city and bought some goods casually. They were all small transactions.

Forget about selling things. The order here is too bad. If good things and good goods are exposed, there may be trouble. Although Xiao Ming is not afraid, he does not want to make trouble.

In addition, supplies need to be replenished. The diver's fleet does not have much demand in this regard.

When sailing, the surface races need to replenish fresh water, food, fruits, vegetables, ammunition for combat, wood, canvas, nails for repairing ships... and so on.

However, the diver's fleet is either sea people or undead, and there is no need for fresh water, food, fruits, etc.

The Undead can be considered a race that can survive on the northwest wind, and they only need the breath of death;

The Sea Clan does not need clean water and food. We grew up drinking seawater, and we can always catch food underwater.

So Xiao Ming bought some fruits to satisfy the cravings of the Sea Clan soldiers. Especially Emily, Bobby and other Sea Clan children should like it.

In fact, since Xiao Ming's four characters started "international trade".

These Sea Clan children have eaten the food of various races on the surface, and they are not very greedy.

However, they all want to play with the divers. The cities on the surface are very attractive to them.

Xiao Ming also wants to do this, but the order of Giardin is too poor. I don't know how much cargo will be brought ashore, so Xiao Ming persuaded them.

Ammunition does need to be purchased in batches. The ships of the Sea Clan do not use cannons, but the warships on the water of Old Shoes still need it.

Besides, there are many soldiers in their team who have just picked up muskets, and they will also consume another kind of ammunition.

The materials for repairing the ship must be purchased. Xiao Ming can't always use energy to repair the warship.

The ships of the sea clan and the undead clan decay and age a little faster. The consumption for repair will also be higher. It can be said that there are pros and cons.

Just when Xiao Ming thought that this city was not interesting, there was a loud noise from the north of the city. It was as if someone fired a cannon.

The undead around the diver were so frightened that they immediately drew their weapons and were on guard. But they found that everyone else looked indifferent. It seemed that they had already gotten used to it.

Xiao Ming asked a few locals and spent 3 silver coins to get the information from a crocodile kid.

It turned out that in the past few years, a human from Europe has lived in the northern suburbs of the city.

He seems to be researching gunpowder weapons and other things. But his technology is a bit rough. There are always problems.

There are 15 or 16 explosions there every day. As a result, hundreds of meters around are uninhabitable.

But he gave a lot of money to the Giadin government and even gave a lot of compensation to the people. Everyone had no choice but to accept it.

No one had the idea of ​​robbing him. Just hearing these violent explosions, no one dared to go nearby.

It's so scary from such a distance. If you really go there and get killed by the explosion, what will happen? !

Don't take it lightly. It is said that there are indeed blind people who go to rob, but they are accidentally killed by the explosion.

But this is a rumor, and I don't know when it appeared. It is very likely that the rumor was spread by that person. Anyway, everyone is afraid of that place.

Even the guy who delivered daily necessities to him on a weekly basis would come back quickly, throw the things at the door, take the money and leave. He dared not stay nearby.

The residents of Giadin, although their character is not very good, are still relatively clear-headed. They know who can be provoked and who cannot be provoked.

This kind of explosion maniac is the type that should never be provoked.

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