Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1064: Stroll for a while

The New Han Kingdom could not publicize the fact that the "Warriors who pioneered the dawn" returned to Pangu Star after 200 years.

After all, the fact that the New Han Kingdom has been marching into the universe for hundreds of years cannot be said. It would be bad if everyone knew about it.

Even most of the reincarnations below the intermediate level did not know about this.

Unless the technology flow among the reincarnations may have the opportunity to discover it. Otherwise, the reincarnations of the supernatural school may not be able to detect such things.

Therefore, the "return of the warriors" did not cause any reaction among the people. Ordinary people could not get in touch with it at all.

However, in the high-level circles, this matter definitely caused a big shock. Naturally, it affected the criminal organization such as the Anbu.

At this time, all forces are very sensitive. They are all investigating what happened to this matter.

Therefore, the Anbu organization is now staying honestly, secretly inquiring about the news, but dare not take any action on the surface.

As for the disappearance of the Black Tiger-Subaru Duck team, it is naturally not a big deal, and the Anbu organization decided to postpone it.

Because from the surface, this matter really has nothing to do with Xiao Ming.

So no one from the League of Legends, Jiang Shizu's lineage, or the Li family has come to talk to Xiao Ming about this matter. The Shen family has been excluded from the circle, and they really don't know. Xiao Ming is also happy to play dumb.

In fact, Xiao Ming was a little worried before. If they asked, should he tell it or not?

If he didn't tell it, everyone is a good friend, and it's a bit bad to lie about such a thing.

If he told it, it would be difficult to hide Xiao Zhu's affairs. He is already a ghost messenger, and ordinary people will not harm him, so it doesn't matter.

But Xiao Zhu is just a master in the private world, not a reincarnation. She will be very dangerous.

I don't know how many people will covet her ability. Xiao Ming doesn't want to harm her.

On one side is face, and on the other side is life. Xiao Ming knows the weight clearly, so he'd better not tell it if he can.

In a few days, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival. Seeing that the moonlight tonight is not bad.

Xiao Ming was in a good mood, but he didn't teleport home directly. He chose a direction at random, walked leisurely and looked at the scenery.

It was so late, and it was such a remote place, and there were not many people on the road. Xiao Ming walked until the late night, and teleported home when he lost interest.

What ruined his interest? It was not a big deal.

Do you remember the "Magic Dragon Aotian" studio? Brother Wen was in Tokyo, and he didn't delay the studio's work.

Especially now, those who wanted to influence Zhang Xiaoming through Zhang Wen no longer bothered him. Brother Wen had more time to play games.

Two days ago, Xiao Ming gave him the game cabin of Wuxia Planet, and he has been playing at night for the past two days.

As a zombie above level C, it is not a problem for him to go without sleep for ten days or half a month.

Tonight, Zang Yuyan, Pang Si and others contacted him and asked Zhang Wen to get a batch of gold coins, which they are all short of now.

Zhang Wen himself didn't have much, so he called Xiao Ming in the middle of the night. After receiving this call, Xiao Ming was no longer interested in strolling.

After returning home, I transferred one million gold coins to Brother Wen and asked him to allocate them.

In terms of financial resources, even the big guilds may not have as much spare money as Xiao Ming.

Zhang Wen was very fair, and each of the five bosses received 200,000 gold coins. He told them to just pay the money to Zhang Xiaoming.

As for the employees, Zhang Xiaoming certainly didn't need to pay; Liu Zhicheng could ask his uncle Li Zhenfan for it.

After a while, the other four bosses each paid 2 million to Xiao Ming.

Now as the Magic Planet game expands, there are more and more players.

The price of gold coins is actually higher than before, and has risen to 1 gold coin for 33 Chinese yuan. 200,000 gold coins is 6.6 million.

Several bosses didn't want to buy so many gold coins. But since Zhang Wen got it, they wouldn't return it. Isn't it better to have more gold coins?

It's just that they don't have that much change on hand, so they will pay 2 million first, and then they will circulate it, and they will definitely make up for it later.

Since everyone is so familiar with each other, they won't be so shabby about such things.

Besides, they can make a lot of money by reselling these gold coins. They can definitely make money.

Xiao Ming didn't care about these things, and went directly into the secret realm of "Hunter x Hunter" to continue developing his mind ability.

There was no conversation overnight. On the morning of September 7, Xiao Ming logged into the researcher and started the space jump.

Maybe because of the good things he did yesterday, the first jump today seemed to be to a place that looked pretty good.

This is a large tropical rainforest, and several macaws flew over together. Xiao Ming guessed that this is probably Central and South America.

I really don't know which forces are in this part of America.

Xiao Ming didn't even know whether it was a strategic map or an adventure map.

He released his mental power to detect it, and soon found that this was a strategic map.

Because there was a player with an elf army in front of him who was repairing. Not far from him, there was a small group of wild monsters guarding a treasure chest.

This player probably wants to kill this group of wild monsters and grab the treasure chest.

Xiao Ming looked at the troops equipped by this "Xiu Shou Tian Xia".

More than 200 level 1 centaurs, more than 100 level 1 infantry, 30 level 2 crossbowmen, 80 level 2 dwarves, and 30 level 3 wood elves.

This is the normal force of the players on the strategic map at this stage.

The team of wild monsters to be fought has hundreds of level 1-2 orcs. The exact number will be known after the fight.

The opponent has no ranged troops, so as long as he is not particularly unlucky, the chances of winning are still very high.

Xiao Ming has no interest in this battle, nor in a treasure chest. He continues to explore along the road with his mental power.

Going a little further east, you can see a thief's house. Players can buy intelligence about various forces in the map at the thief's house.

Very good! The researcher flashed and instantly came to the vicinity of the thief's house.

The thief's house is built in a relatively hidden way. With the help of trees and jungles, it looks like an abandoned house. If you don't pay attention, it is really not easy to find.

Indeed, many players have missed functional buildings such as the thief's house because of their lack of eyesight.

The researcher came forward and knocked on the door in the image of the half-orc Sayid.

Sayid's adventure profession happens to be a thief of level 13 at level 1. It is not surprising to find such a place.

Of course, if people observe carefully, they will find that Sayid, the thief, is very weak. He is a complete fake.

The operator here is a human thief NPC. He has no aversion to orcs.

Anyway, everyone is a thief, so no one should look down on anyone else. This profession itself has no honor.

Xiao Ming successfully bought the information and lit up most of the unknown areas in this map.

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