Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1063 Going out for a walk

This whole process of switching characters and looking for shops to buy things is really time-consuming.

After buying the puppet blueprint, learning it is actually very time-consuming.

Before, the time spent on learning the first and second level blueprints was basically negligible. But the third level blueprint is not that simple.

In addition, because Xiao Ming needs to do it himself, he needs to observe, comprehend and understand carefully before using it. This is even more time-consuming.

There is a saying that sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. The deeper Xiao Ming's understanding of the puppet, the higher the yield rate when he makes it himself.

Moreover, it will be easier to move the puppet into reality.

In this way, the main game time on September 6th is about to end.

Yin Xiaoming is too lazy to continue the game, so he simply quits the main game in advance. Come out of the game cabin to breathe the fresh air of Pangu Star.

Draw an aperture with his left hand, open the portal, and come to the machinery processing factory in the suburbs in person.

In fact, there is already a permanent Seven Stars Shadow Clone of Xiao Ming, and several ordinary Shadow Clone.

Their job is mainly to treat and care for the parents of employees.

In most cases, ordinary Shadow Clone can handle it, and sometimes Seven Stars Shadow Clone needs to take action.

Seven Stars Shadow Clone can now use the mind ability like [Life-saving Golden Needle].

However, there are some difficult and complicated diseases that even Life-saving Golden Needle cannot solve, such as organ failure.

This requires Xiao Ming to use his body to stimulate the birth of new organs, and at the same time use [Secret Technique·Earth Grudge] to perform surgery.

In the past, this kind of difficult operation could only be done by Insect King Green Xiao Ming. Other Xiao Mings could not do it.

Later, because Xiao Ming absorbed the body of the Super Skrull in the Marvel Universe, he developed the [Copycat] ability.

Xiao Ming can not only copy himself into other people, but also copy his several bodies.

This kind of operation can be done by four Xiao Mings.

Of course, there will not be too many opportunities for this kind of operation. After all, this is a factory, not a hospital.

It was just that in the beginning, a large number of people were recruited, and many operations were performed. Now, there may not be a case in a month or so.

At noon today, a case happened to come. Of course, it is not particularly urgent. You can go anytime in the next few days. Xiao Ming just went there by the way.

Two days ago, a newcomer came to the mechanical processing factory. He is also a veteran. His name is Dong Fuquan.

His old mother has passed away, and his old father Dong Qingshan has been paralyzed in the lower body for many years. The family is overwhelmed.

His wife was really helpless and remarried with her 4-year-old son a few years ago. Dong Fuquan did not blame his wife. Life was indeed difficult.

If Dong Qingshan was just paralyzed, he would not have to work so hard. The elderly also have some old people's diseases. Every 5, 7, or 6 days, his son needs to take leave to take care of him.

As a result, Dong Fuquan found it difficult to find a good job. Look, he lost his job again a few months ago and lived off his savings.

He heard about the recruitment of veterans here and came here specially.

He didn't know that he could still treat diseases here. He just wanted to get a stable job.

To be honest, if the Anbu organization contacted him at this time, he would definitely go.

After Zhu Xinxiu learned about the situation, he took him to the Seven Stars Shadow Clone, checked that he had no mental problems and was not a spy, and accepted him.

They were arranged to live in the factory, and today, Dong Fuquan brought his father over.

Xiao Ming saw this situation through the Seven Stars Shadow Clone. He felt that it was really pitiful for Dong Qingshan, an old man, to be unable to move, and he was moved with compassion.

Xiao Ming came here specially this time just to help this old man.

However, the treatment of paralysis is a bit beyond the understanding of ordinary people. It must be kept secret.

Xiao Ming invited the father and son of the Dong family to the chairman's office. Borrowing the ability of the ghost messenger, he observed carefully again.

There is no problem, the father and son are both ordinary good people. So Xiao Ming summoned the uniform lawyer beast and signed an agreement with the father and son.

Xiao Ming will cure Dong Fuquan's father's paralysis, and the father and son will join the game studio to work, and keep this matter absolutely confidential.

This kind of thing must be guaranteed by an agreement. This is a telekinetic agreement, and they can't say it even if they want to.

The treatment process is very simple. Replace part of the old man's nerves, and then inject life essence into his atrophied lower body for nourishment.

But in just 3 hours, Dong's father was already alive and kicking.

Dong Fuquan was so excited that he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Xiao Ming, breaking his forehead.

Although Dong Fuquan looks like a middle-aged man and Yin Xiaoming is just a young man.

But Dong Fuquan is only in his forties, and Xiao Ming is nearly seventy years old, a little older than his father. He can actually bear two heads.

But Xiao Ming didn't like this, so he quickly pulled him up and had to stop the bleeding on his forehead.

As a result, while he pulled up his son, Dong Qingshan knelt down again and almost kowtowed again.

After being paralyzed for many years, he was suddenly able to walk, and Xiao Ming could understand his gratitude. But this head really couldn't bear it.

Xiao Ming quickly helped this person up again. It took a long time to finish the job. I have two more loyal confidants.

In the past, Xiao Ming treated mostly internal organs. It was not particularly noticeable if he was cured.

Healing Dong Qingshan, who had been paralyzed for many years, really attracted a lot of attention. It would be easy to arouse suspicion if he went out. It was the most appropriate to invite them to play games.

By the way, Xiao Ming taught the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu" to Zhu Xinxiu and other more loyal people. Let's try the effect first.

Just relying on explanation and learning, they may have to practice for several months before they can get started.

Xiao Ming didn't want to delay it for so long, so he instilled a little internal force into a few people and guided them to practice.

How far they can practice in the future depends on their own diligence and understanding.

Then, Xiao Ming went to Xiaoxi Village again. This village was originally a gang of thieves, but now it has turned over a new leaf.

Hong Cheng, who quit the Anbu organization, lives well in this village. Even a few girls are beginning to be interested in him.

After such a long time, the Anbu organization has not sent anyone here again. Xiao Ming is very strange. It is estimated that it may be hindered by something.

In fact, it is true, and the matter that hindered the Anbu organization was also caused by Xiao Ming.

Before, Xiao Ming rescued many people from the private world of "Beyond the Aquila Rift".

Most of them are lost reincarnations, such as 13146.

There are also several scientists known as "Warriors of the Dawn".

These people collectively lost part of their memories and reappeared, alarming the high-level forces of the Chinese countries.

Especially the return of those scientists. The high-level forces of the New Han Kingdom were shocked. The Anbu organization was also shocked.

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