Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1061 Qu Wen's Purchase

Xiao Ming's way of controlling Qu Wen mentally is a bit beyond the scope, and there are almost no spells or barriers that can limit this control.

Qu Wen is the NPC role played by Xiao Ming's clone in the game.

Due to this "origin", Qu Wen is equivalent to an avatar that Xiao Ming can use at any time. He can do many things.

Going to a big store to purchase things is just the simplest. In fact, you can also trade goods on a large scale.

However, Xiao Ming did not do this because he did not want to bring trouble to this character.

Qu Wen is just a scholar and a small clerk in Kaifeng Prefecture. How much money can he make? Occasionally buying some valuable things is fine, but if he buys too much, there will be problems.

The Song Dynasty court may not be able to see that this is operated by the player, but it can definitely see that there is something wrong with Qu Wen.

Even if there is no evidence, it is not too much to expel this suspect. Then Xiao Ming will lose the big picture for the small.

It is rare to have such a good identity, and Xiao Ming does not want to ruin him.

Making more money in the game does not make much difference to him. The current speed of making money is already too much to spend.

So Qu Wen only did two things, one was to buy the blueprints of the third-level puppet, and the other was to borrow books from the library for the explorer to read.

Reading books can improve the professional experience of the life profession [scholar].

Some specific books can also increase the professional experience of another life profession [appraiser].

It is true that everything is inferior except reading.

There are many shops in Tokyo City, and the third-level puppet blueprints are almost everything. Qu Wen can't even buy them all.

On the one hand, Qu Wen's status is not enough, and some blueprints are not allowed to be purchased by non-alchemists.

On the other hand, it is too expensive, and the total will be an astronomical figure. It would be too ostentatious to buy them all.

Xiao Ming can only strive for excellence. He bought a few more practical third-level puppet blueprints.

After studying them all, the researcher got a lot of experience as a cartographer, and promoted this life profession from an apprentice cartographer to a formal cartographer.

The researcher's primary cartographing skills are finally no longer just for show.

As an apprentice cartographer, the researcher cannot really make useful drawings, not even the drawings of the 0th-order puppet.

Originally, at this time, some civilian drawings of no grade should be made to increase life career experience.

But because Xiao Ming took a backdoor when choosing his profession. As a result, the researcher's cartography skills were restricted and he could only make puppet drawings.

There are no such drawings that can be made in civilian goods. So this skill has never been used.

Now it is a little better. After becoming a formal cartographer, the researcher is allowed to make 0th-order puppet drawings. Finally, I can practice.

Primary cartography is actually very interesting. You can't choose the purpose of the puppet, and the success rate is extremely low. It's just a matter of luck to spend money.

And for the researcher who has already started using the 3rd-order puppet, the 0th-order drawings are useless.

Therefore, players who work as cartographers are generally aiming to develop in the field of map making. Puppet drawings are still the most convenient to buy from the system.

Only when the player reaches the 5th level, the drawings of high-level puppets are very difficult to buy.

It is considered great for an excellent alchemist to be able to make a 5th-level puppet. It is almost a daydream to want to make a combination of troops.

At this time, the power of the cartographer will be revealed. If you can't buy the blueprint, you can make it yourself.

Of course, if you want to train the cartographer to the level of making 5th-level puppet blueprints.

The resources and energy consumed are not affordable for ordinary wealthy players.

After all, before the 5th level, there is almost no income from making puppet blueprints.

In this regard, the researcher has a great advantage because of his special life skill - [Primary Research].

This skill can provide the cartographer with professional experience and can directly push the level up. There is no need to really work hard to make blueprints.

If other players know about it, it is estimated that they will be angry to death.

The 3rd-level puppet blueprints purchased by Qu Wen are as follows: Great Swordsman Puppet, Scout Puppet, Crossbow Soldier Puppet, Gargoyle, Wolf Puppet, Wood Elf Puppet.

The level 3 Great Swordsman and Scout are easy to understand. Crossbowmen are the advanced version of Crossbowmen and are also normal troops.

The last three are more interesting. Gargoyles are an alchemical creature, which can also be regarded as a kind of puppet.

The biggest advantage is that this troop has wings and can fly. The importance of flying troops is needless to say.

However, it is also amazing that puppets made of stone can fly.

The evil wolf is a puppet developed based on Warcraft. Animal-shaped puppets have greater advantages on certain terrains.

The wood elf is the most interesting. This is a level 3 archer of the elves, with good attack power, damage, range, and shooting speed.

However, in human society, this kind of puppet is not used specifically for fighting, but has other uses.

The beauty of the elves is unparalleled in the world, and many dignitaries of many races want to raise some elves. Naturally, they have to do something unspeakable.

But the elves are a very powerful race, so bullying the elves is absolutely not allowed on the surface.

Many countries have legislated to prohibit it. The Song Dynasty is also among them. If you dare to do such a thing, you will definitely be pursued and retaliated by the elves.

Of course, this cannot stop some people who are really powerful from doing such things secretly. Even the elves find it difficult to deal with these people.

However, such people are a minority after all, and most people only dare to indulge in their own thoughts.

So someone had an idea and developed the wood elf puppet. The shape curve of this puppet is vivid and lifelike.

On the surface, it is a combat puppet. The elves can't say anything.

In fact, many people use combat troops in other places, and the puppets will not resist.

Of course, this is just scratching the surface. But there are always such a group of dude or people with abnormal brains among humans who like it.

The elves also know about the diverse uses of the 3rd-level wood elf puppet, and they are definitely not happy, but they can't really stop it.

They are all doing bad things secretly, and in fact no elf has been hurt. Why do you care so much?

This use has no appeal to Xiao Ming. His own uniform series of mind beasts are N times better than the wood elf puppet.

So Xiao Ming still values ​​the combat effectiveness of the wood elves.

At the same time, the researcher also successfully developed a 3rd-level 4-puppet canoe.

The four puppets on the boat usually have a scout and a gargoyle. Archers can choose crossbowmen or wood elves.

Gargoyles are made of stone and are heavy. A canoe can only carry one gargoyle at most. If there are more, the boat will sink and slow down.

Therefore, researchers have developed a larger eight-golem canoe.

If only one gargoyle is loaded in such a canoe, the speed will not be reduced.

If you don't care about the speed, you can load two gargoyles. It is quite powerful.

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