Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1060: Searching for him everywhere

September 6th is Tuesday. This week, researchers need to fulfill the agreement and make various second-level puppets and canoes for Tanshan City.

But now that we have reached level 3. It would be pointless to make level 2 puppets. You can make more money by trading level 3 puppets, right?

It's a pity that I have only learned one scroll of level 3 infantry puppet. The puppet elves will not accept this kind of thing.

Xiao Ming has discovered that level 3 puppets are no longer lumps of wood. Various metal ores began to be added to the materials.

The cost is higher, and the strength is also higher. From the perspective of cost performance, it is naturally better.

Xiao Ming quickly switched between several characters and searched in several cities. I did buy several level 3 puppet drawings.

In fact, most of them are bought in Bianliang City, Tokyo. Speaking of which, there are still a few twists and turns.

Bianliang, Tokyo, can be said to be one of the most prosperous cities on the adventure map of the main game, with the most complete range of goods.

It can be compared with other cities in the Song Dynasty, such as Hangzhou, Damingfu, etc. The capitals of other races are incomparable to Tokyo.

But the explorer’s true identity is the Liangshan grass bandits! Wanted.

Some low-level shops and facilities were not inspected so strictly, so he could get in even though he was wearing a Taoist robe.

If it were a high-end shop or a professional union, explorers would never dare to enter.

Xiao Ming just wanted to ask if he could get the researcher to come over and buy things himself. Xiao Ming has the ability to teleport through space.

It is the space magic learned from Karma Taj in the world of "Marvel".

But where is Bianliang in Tokyo? This is the capital of the Song Dynasty, and there are many masters.

I dare not say who is stronger, but there are definitely more than one or two S-level masters here, maybe a dozen or twenty, which is a small number.

At the same time, Tokyo City has a strong magic circle, personal spatial abilities or props, so it doesn’t matter if you decorate it. If you want to teleport people in, there’s no way!

Xiao Ming even thought about teleporting the researcher to the suburbs and letting him walk in by himself.

But it doesn't work. Level 3 players don't have the right to enter the capital.

Explorers can come in because they are on a special mission. Otherwise, he actually couldn't stay here.

How was it resolved in the end? It sounds simple, just ask locals for help.

Of course, it won't work if you just ask any NPC for help. If you don't like me well enough, people won't help you.

But I can't stand it. There is Xiao Ming's undercover in the city itself.

Who is the undercover agent? Of course, it’s the role played by Xiao Ming’s clones and modified bodies in the game.

These characters will become easier to use as Xiao Ming's own strength improves and his mental strength is tempered.

Before, researchers and informants have searched for such NPCs to do work for them.

Tokyo Bianliang is a city with a population of over one million. It is impossible to say that there is no such NPC.

Xiao Ming didn't dare to release the scanned map and went looking for it in a big way. That was just provocation.

He could only operate the Explorer and start wandering around in safer areas of the city.

As long as there is such an NPC within a hundred meters of you, you should be able to find it. Such an important thing is worth spending some time on.

Xiao Ming was having fun, and Fan Rui, who was walking around with him, had a big head. I don’t know what this kid is wandering about.

I asked several times but couldn't get the answer. Just be an explorer.

After all, his job is to protect and monitor the explorers. All actions are actually decided by the explorer. If he wants to take a walk, then he can take a walk.

The two of them also used some small healing spells to help the people, and also practiced magic spells.

Xiao Ming wandered around for more than half an hour before he met one.

It turned out to be a good thing. It was a prisoner who had just been arrested. Is it possible that he still wants to rob the prison? Even if he is rescued, he won't be of use.

Ten minutes later, I met someone again, and it was someone I knew.

It is the [Crossing Mouse Zhang San] seen in the copy of "Lu Zhishen Uproots a Weeping Willow". He and [Green Grass Snake Li Si] are the leaders of the jujube sect's thugs/gangsters.

Unexpectedly, Zhang San, the street rat, was actually played by his own clone. And it’s still the same family.

However, the one in the copy is just a phantom. The person we meet now is the real Zhang San. Only Xiao Ming can bring it under his command.

I thought Zhang San could go shopping for him. Unfortunately, after some mental communication, I found that it didn't work either.

As a rogue, Zhang San's status in Bianliang City was very low, and he was a being that everyone shouted at.

Where the explorer cannot enter, he cannot enter either.

There is no need to hide Xiao Ming and his clone. The identity of Lieutenant General Liangshan can be revealed.

After learning about this, Zhang San immediately began to wipe his nose and tears, pretending to be pitiful, and cried out about the experiences of himself and others.

Things actually develop normally. Since Lu Zhishen and Lin Chong's accident, he has now become a prominent figure in Liangshan.

Zhang San and other gangsters have a good relationship with Lu Zhishen, and everyone nearby knows it.

The government was unable to find fault with Lu and Liang, so Zhang San, Li Si and others naturally became the punching bag.

Fortunately, no one really took him seriously, and killing him would seem stingy.

So the gangsters were imprisoned for several months and received several beatings. In the end, no life was lost.

Why not lock it up a little longer? The jails used to hold them were such a waste.

These people don't dare to hang out in their original territory. Now they have moved to another territory and continue to be rogues.

They are like this by nature, and they can't change. Even if they want to change their careers now, the government won't allow them. They are in a very miserable situation.

All day long, they wonder why Brother Lu Zhishen hasn't sent someone to pick them up to join the gang? These ruffians are willing to be robbers.

It's not easy for Xiao Ming to take over for Lu Zhishen, but it's okay to help his own clones, right?

So the explorer took out a sum of silver, wrote a few letters to Zhang San, and asked him to take his brothers to Liangshan to join the gang. Count them under his command.

Worried about the possibility of danger on the road, Xiao Ming even sent a Seven Star Shadow clone to accompany him.

Zhang San thanked him profusely. The explorer hasn't found the person to buy things yet. Helplessly, he has to continue looking.

Another half an hour passed, and the role of the third clone was finally suitable.

His name is Qu Wen, he has no combat profession, his living profession is a scholar, and now he is a scholar.

He works as an ordinary clerk in Kaifeng Prefecture, doing some meaningless clerical work, the kind with little authority. This person is just right.

Not only can he go to some shops to buy things on behalf of Xiao Ming, but he can also borrow books from the library for explorers to read, increasing their experience as scholars.

Such a rare talent, this is a tentacle that can stay in Bianliang City.

Xiao Ming has established a closer spiritual connection with him. Make sure that even if he returns to Liangshan, he can communicate with him at any time.

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