Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1038 Ninja Leader Hero

Among the 3rd-level ninjas, there is also a kind of [Flying Claw Ninja] used for attacking cities and fortresses. As the name suggests, it is a ninja who can use flying tiger claws to climb the city wall.

The low fence of the water fortress is too easy for them to deal with.

The flying claws used will be left on the fence or the city wall. After climbing up, other ninjas can continue to use it.

For balance, when they fight, they are roughly equivalent to 2nd-level ninja sword ninjas without skills. The combat effectiveness is not strong.

There are also a small number of 4th-level soldiers in this ninja army.

A small part is the upgraded version of several other soldiers. The various attributes have increased, and the specific changes are not significant.

The others are the ninjas mentioned before, who can fly for a short time with a pair of paper wings-[Gliding Ninja].

Because they have the ability to glide for a short time, after landing, their strength is only equivalent to that of 3rd-level ninja sword ninjas. Still the kind without skills.

Despite this, gliding ninjas are also the objects of strong protection in the ninja army. After all, flying troops are extremely important to any force.

Flying troops are generally fast and can easily cross ground obstacles. They are indispensable units in siege warfare. They are also very useful in ordinary battles.

The appearance of this troop gave Xiao Ming an inspiration.

There is no flying troop among the ascetics so far. Using their own source energy, according to the model of gliding ninjas, some ascetics may be able to fly for a short time.

Of course, this is not the job of the dead, but a scientific research project of the explorer. Anyway, it's Xiao Ming's job.

In addition, there is a 5th-level guy in the ninja army, who is the leader hero of the entire ninja army.

Adventure level 5, strategic level 3. He has both ninja swords and sickles, as well as long-range weapons such as kunai and shuriken. He is an all-round ninja.

His name is "Sarutobi Sasuke".

Why does this name seem to have been heard somewhere? Xiao Ming frowned and thought for a long time before he remembered.

In the world of Naruto, the father of the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen seems to be called this name.

However, when the story of the Naruto world began, Sarutobi Hiruzen was already an old man, and his father had died long ago.

In fact, Sarutobi Sasuke is a legendary figure, one of the [Ten Really Sweet Warriors], and often appears in various virtual works in parallel worlds.

Unfortunately, this kind of legendary figure is meaningless, and there is no record of it in the book "Far Island Strange Man". Xiao Ming also doesn't know the reason.

Of course, that doesn't matter. Looking at his strength, you can tell that he is a high-level plot character. Xiao Ming's love for talent is a little throbbing again.

In the battle of [Xiaohuotang Water Fortress], when the game was suspended at 8 o'clock on September 4, all the characters of the guild players had died. But the battle was not over.

Ninjas are good at decapitation tactics. Although all the players have died, most of their troops are still retained.

In order to clean up the remaining enemies, the ninja army did not end until the morning of September 5.

One side came prepared, and the other side was hasty. Who will win and who will lose is beyond doubt.

All the players were killed, and Xiaohuotang Water Fortress changed hands. Inside and outside the water fort, corpses were everywhere and blood flowed like a river.

If it weren't for the special plot events, these corpses and bloodstains should have been cleared by the system long ago.

As mentioned before, when the players were dealing with the informer of the dead, they mobilized a large number of inanimate troops. To prevent the informer of the dead from replenishing his troops.

However, after the informer of the dead was killed, they gathered the normal troops.

There were not many types of inanimate troops, and it was impossible to develop the water fort with them.

Several guilds did not believe that the players behind the informer of the dead had the ability to gather such a strong undead army again in a short period of time.

As a result, the informer of the dead had not come back for revenge, but was found by the NPC ninja troops and killed cleanly.

Xiao Ming could feel that even if he did not take revenge himself, Xiao Wuer's spirit was indeed much better than before when he saw the players being killed by the NPC.

Sure enough, he was a naughty child. This kind of gloating character should not be inherited from him, right?

Xiao Ming hesitated for about ten seconds, then raised his left hand towards the Xiaohuotang Water Fortress and released a large-scale [Death Harvest] magic.

In an instant, hundreds of 2-4 level skeleton soldiers stood up from the sea of ​​corpses and blood, and hit the ninjas by surprise.

The battle was over, and the ninjas' positions were originally very messy, and the skeleton soldiers appeared in the same disorder.

For a moment, you are in me, I am in you, and the enemy and I are completely entangled together.

Xiao Ming raised his right hand again, [Z-series Puppetry] was used, and hundreds of 1-2 level puppet mechanical soldiers stood up again.

You must know that the water fortress was just built not long ago, and there are all kinds of materials scattered everywhere, mostly wood.

During this period, several guilds have dispatched players with architectural talents to repair and strengthen the water fortress. The materials used are scattered all over the ground.

In the spirit of not wasting, Xiao Ming used alchemical magic to synthesize these materials into a large number of puppet mechanical soldiers.

Then Xiao Ming dropped both his hands at the same time, and 10 huge purple figures stood up around the water fort. They were the 7th level/A-class soldiers [Susanoo].

In reality, the Susanoo summoned by the Seven Stars Shadow Clone was barely 7th level. After all, the energy was not enough to last.

But in the game, Susanoo's chakra consumption is greatly reduced, and the duration can be increased by at least 6 or 7 times. Now it is definitely a 7th-level soldier.

What a pity, if you learn [Hundred-style Guanyin], there will be 10 more 7th-level "Guanyin" here.

All the surviving ninjas in the water fortress are already dumbfounded. Countless big mouths opened and couldn't close for a long time.

What's going on! Which group of big guys did we provoke?

Except for the boss who has the strength of the fifth level, everyone here is no more than the fourth level. And the fourth level is rare.

Is it necessary to bring out 10 7th-level soldiers to bully people? Is there still justice? Is there still the law?

Look at the skeleton soldiers and puppets all over the ground. What's the situation? How many high-level alchemists and necromancers will it take to attack together? !

For us little people, is it worth it? All this mana is wasted here!

Waste is shameful, big guys, please collect your magic.

All the ninjas were in shock, so no one took action. This is exactly what Xiao Ming wanted.

If there were only skeleton soldiers, they would definitely fight. Once the fight started, the ninja troops would be wiped out. How could Xiao Ming conquer them?! ?

Looking at the ninja leader Sarutobi Sasuke from afar, his brows were furrowed, and he was on full alert, and he seemed to be still hesitating.

Xiao Ming had an idea, flew into the air, took out the strategic treasure [Yata Mirror], and showed it to the ninja army...

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