Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1036: No fight

Although Xiao Wuer wiped out the army of the undead of the dead, he did not achieve nothing.

The victory of dozens of battles in the early stage raised the strategic level of the dead from level 17 to level 120. He can now accept the task of promotion.

However, because the dead was deeply involved in the chaos at that time, the system did not issue the promotion task.

Later, the dead was defeated and died, and a large amount of strategic experience was deducted.

Of course, the system will not deduct the level. Players just need to make up this experience. You can continue to play the game normally.

But before the experience is made up, the dead can't even accept the task of promotion to level 2 hero.

After reaching the full level of level 1 and adding points, the strategic four-dimensional attributes of the dead (including equipment) are: attack 4, defense 2, strength 6, knowledge 14.

Although Xiao Wuer added points himself, his idea is the same as Xiao Ming. All free attribute points are piled on knowledge. This child is still very smart.

Xiao Ming had to do this because strategic mana and action power cannot be supplemented by source energy. That's why he concentrated on stacking knowledge attributes.

The professional talents of the deceased are: advanced summoning, intermediate wisdom, primary navigation, primary pathfinding, primary logistics, primary earth magic expertise, and primary air magic expertise.

The number of teams that can be led has also increased to 8. Just one for each of himself and the seven generals of Jianyue.

Unfortunately, now everyone only brought a few level 1 skeleton soldiers, and the formation looked very thin, with more generals than soldiers.

Xiao Ming didn't care. Anyway, he didn't rely on the army in this battle, so it didn't matter.

Huh? Something's going on!

As the ship that the deceased was riding on gradually approached [Xiaohuotang Water Fort], Xiao Ming's reconnaissance range also extended beyond the water fort to the distance.

In the night, dozens of NPC teams sneaked towards the water fort from all directions.

However, the players who were scouting and guarding outside the water fort did not see these troops passing right under their noses.

Xiao Ming carefully looked at the attire of these NPC team members. Everyone was covered in black clothes, and they were holding strange weapons in their hands.

All members walked with their backs bent, trying not to make too much noise, and no one was talking to each other. In short, it was very, very quiet.

Xiao Ming estimated that they might have used some skills. As a result, they passed by the player's troops, but no player could see them.

This group of NPC troops should be the so-called ninjas in the legend of Japan.

Speaking of the word ninja, it has actually been extinct in the citizen class of Pangu Star for a long time.

As early as the early years of the Later Qin Dynasty, the twelve kings of the Qin Dynasty occupied the four islands of Japan. The local natives were integrated into the Chinese society.

The profession of ninja, which had just taken shape, was directly absorbed by the profession of assassin on the land of China.

The same fate also happened to Yin Yang Master and others, who were also absorbed by the corresponding sects or professions. For example, Taoism.

In fact, the origins of these professions are nothing more than the superficial knowledge of some abilities in the Central Plains, which were passed on to Japan and localized in Japan. Now they are just returning to the mainstream.

Because the profession of ninja died early. Therefore, in the concept of the general public on Pangu Star, there is no such word as ninja.

The reincarnators have all come into contact with ninjas in the reincarnation space, and the most famous one is Naruto.

However, to be honest, the ninjas in Naruto are simply another kind of supernatural existence.

I can guess that they are ninjas by looking at the costumes of these NPCs. Thanks to Xiao Ming's reading and culture.

The series of books "Far Island Strange People" once mentioned Japanese ninjas, but not much. Xiao Ming only knew a general idea.

Looking at the posture of these ninja troops, they should be heading for Xiaohuotang Water Fort.

It was originally a battle between players, so how did it alarm the NPC forces? I can't figure it out.

However, I came at the right time. Xiao Ming's gossip-filled heart was boiling, and he parked his big boat on the lake, still covered with fog.

He took Xiao Wu'er with him, along with the seven young generals of Jianyue, and watched the excitement from afar.

The ninjas quietly approached the water fort, climbed over the fence in the dark, sneaked up to the player's troops, and struck a fatal blow like lightning. After killing one soldier, they quietly moved towards another...

This is definitely not a normal battle mode on the strategic map; it is a special battle mode.

The early stage of the battle was carried out in this silent process. It was very much like the combat style of modern military special forces.

The player guild alliance was surprised to find that the enemy had come close until 1/4 of the players and their troops were killed.

Since the ninjas had already entered the water fort, the defense facilities of the water fort could no longer be relied on, and the players and the ninja teams were caught in a chaotic battle.

Seeing the situation in the water fort, the players' reconnaissance troops on the periphery also began to return one after another. Some unlucky ones have already used up their mobility and can't go back even if they want to.

From the battle, we can see that ninja is a relatively comprehensive career system.

Similar to the ascetic, it covers at least all types of soldiers from level 1 to level 5, from long-range to close combat.

There are even ninjas who can fly for a short time by making a pair of paper wings, which is totally unreasonable.

No, this is a magical world. Even guys without wings can fly. This kind of ninja is already very respectful to Newton.

And almost all ninjas have an ability to achieve invisibility under certain specific circumstances. The specific conditions are unknown.

They can maintain invisibility, slowly sneak up to the enemy, and then suddenly attack. It is a very powerful skill and tactic.

It is similar to what Xiao Ming or his clones often do when wearing invisible clothes.

Of course, the ninja who enters the invisible state is just invisible to the enemy, not physically disappeared.

Sometimes the enemy is lucky and can still hit the ninja by blindly guessing.

After observation, Xiao Ming roughly figured out the general characteristics of the ninja army in terms of attributes.

The health value is lower than the average, the attack is higher than the average, and the defense is very low. If you are touched by the enemy, you may be killed or injured.

The skills are very powerful, but the mana value is generally not much. After using a few skills, the mana will be exhausted.

It is indeed an assassin-type army, but it’s a pity that the attack power is not as good as the assassin.

It should be that when designing, the attack of the ninja was balanced because of its good skills.

Xiao Ming doesn't like this type of soldiers, because it is too easy to lose people.

Xiao Ming prefers the soldiers like the ascetic monks, who have high defense and high blood, can heal themselves, and can't be killed even if you spend a lot of effort.

Or the type of undead soldiers. It doesn't matter if they die, they will stand up again after a magic.

Of course, he likes his shadow clone more, which has the characteristics of the above two types, and he doesn't need to work hard to revive.

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