Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1028: I would rather die than let my friend die

From the mind of this guy who came all the way to pick up the bargain, Xiao Ming, Xiao Jie, and Killua had a relatively complete understanding of the game [Greed Island].

By the way, they also looted most of the cards in this guy's card book. After leaving him some emergency supplies, they let him go.

This person actually didn't do any big evil deeds. Don't look at him so arrogant and bully children. In fact, he is essentially a person who bullies the weak and fears the strong.

He dared not provoke any stronger opponent. Therefore, although he didn't do anything good, his sins were not deep.

However, he was a guilty person after all. Before letting him go, Xiao Ming still stabbed him with a sword of rewarding good and punishing evil. I hope he can reform.

Xiao Jie and Killua did come in to play the game, but Xiao Ming didn't.

He just planned to fully control the time he spent in this main plot. Prepare for the upcoming battle of Chimera Ants,

The three agreed that Mu Mu would find a place to live in the wild near the starting point.

Gon and Killua will temporarily live together and learn the method of cultivating telekinesis from Mutou.

After mastering the method, Xiao Ming will not care about them. Let them play games by themselves.

So what does Xiao Ming plan to do during this period of time when he is not playing games?

Of course, he will use the environment in the secret realm to cultivate a telekinesis ability that he needs very much - "eliminating telekinesis".

At present, Xiao Ming has not met any telekinesis master, and has not paid attention to this issue, nor has he found a method that can be copied.

However, in the previous discussion, Kurapika reminded Xiao Ming. Since Mutou's own telekinesis is so powerful, it should not be difficult to develop a telekinesis ability.

Especially since the opponent has so many varied and powerful telekinesis abilities, if we have the telekinesis ability, we will have a great advantage.

Kurapika also reminded Xiao Ming that the steps of the developed telekinesis ability should be relatively simple, so that it can be used conveniently in battle.

In addition, it is best to develop a special protective ability. If we cannot deal with the Chimera Ant King in advance, we may still need the president to activate the bomb in the end.

Then, use this protective ability to save the president's life, survive the explosion, and then save the president's life.

The two abilities suggested by Kurapika are both very powerful and difficult to develop.

Even if Xiao Ming develops them, he must go through countless experiments and countless failures.

Therefore, the most suitable place to develop these two abilities is in the secret realm of "Hunter x Hunter".

In the secret realm, not only the consumption of telekinesis is reduced, but the power of telekinesis will also be stronger.

It may even happen that the telekinesis that Xiao Ming successfully developed in the secret realm cannot be used in reality.

In any case, if it really doesn't work, Xiao Ming can only do this.

As long as the life of Master Netero can be saved in the secret realm, it is worth it even if it takes some effort.

It took about ten days in the real world for Xiao Ming to develop the ability to temporarily save the president's life.

Before, Xiao Ming tried N methods, but none of them worked.

During this period, Xiao Ming often went to Guangmingding to discuss with the members of the Phantom Troupe. He also called Kurapika for consultation.

Finally, a light flashed in his mind, combining his own ability as a ghost messenger in the underworld with Kubi's copying ability.

Xiao Ming finally developed a suitable skill - [Death of a Friend, Not of a Poor Taoist]

Using such a name is just to increase the fun.

The situation of this ability is as follows: first, mark the target soul you want to protect.

When the other party is dying, the mark will be triggered, and the target's soul will be received in your hands by using the ghost messenger's ability to summon souls.

At the same time, the mark will also trigger Kubi's copying ability, copying a new body for the deceased in Xiao Ming's hand, and the returning soul will live in the new body to achieve resurrection.

Of course, there is also a problem, that is, the body created by Kubi's copying ability can only last for 24 hours.

This means that Xiao Ming will need to change the body of that soul every less than 24 hours in the future. It can be said to be quite troublesome.

It is precisely because this ability is so troublesome that it will be easier to develop. There is always a corresponding relationship between effort and reward.

Of course, when the "Death of Friend, Not Death of Poor Daoist" is really used, there is another way.

That is, before the battle, first transfer the soul of Master Netero to a duplicate body. Keep his original body.

After Netero and the Ant King fought to the death, the bomb was triggered, triggering the mark of "Death of Friend, Not Death of Poor Daoist Daoist".

Netero's soul was taken back by Xiao Ming, and just happened to live in his original body, which was perfect.

Xiao Ming learned the method of transferring souls to other bodies from the goddess Eva of Pandora when he was adventuring in the world of "Avatar". Unfortunately, it has been rarely used.

If this ability can also work in reality, it can save the lives of many people Xiao Ming cares about.

During this time, Xiao Ming did not pay attention to how Xiaojie and Killua played games.

Anyway, they knew where they were. If they encountered danger or trouble, they could come to find him at any time.

Xiao Ming was not worried about their safety. These two are the protagonists of this secret realm, and it is impossible for them to die so easily.

As for the cultivation of telekinesis, it is enough for them to know the method. These two genius-level guys can only cultivate faster than Xiao Ming himself. Xiao Ming does not need to supervise and guide them at all.

In fact, because the two of them are too outstanding. During the game, Mu Tou's senior sister, Bisiji Kulujia, noticed the two.

In this secret realm, Xiao Ming has not really met this senior sister.

Bisiji saw Xiaojie and Killua using the method of Xinyuanliu to cultivate telekinesis, which naturally aroused her interest.

After asking and inquiring, she found out that it was her junior brother Mu Tou who taught them.

Out of appreciation for Xiaojie and Killua, Bisiji directly took over the teaching work.

Xiaojie and Killua were of course unwilling, but they were soon persuaded by Bisiji's fist and obeyed obediently.

Bisiji decided to conduct special training for a period of time, and then start the game strategy process after the two reached a certain level. This is what she did in the original work.

Since Xiao Ming laid a solid foundation for Gon and Killua, the goal set by Biscuit at this time is also higher than that in the original work.

In fact, Xiao Ming's idea is indeed too simple. It is definitely more effective to have someone to supervise and teach than to practice alone.

Under Biscuit's teaching, the two of them really made rapid progress.

But then again, Xiao Ming's own teaching ability is average, and if he really teaches in person, I'm afraid he won't be as good as his senior sister.

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