Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1027: Second visit to Greed Island

[Greed Island] is a game made by Jin and several companions. The creator attached special telekinesis to the game device.

As soon as the game console is turned on, the telekinesis will take effect and pull the player into the game.

As long as the player enters the game, the game will continue even if the game device is unplugged. It will not be affected.

The game console body cannot be destroyed, and the player's game process will automatically end after his death. Or the player can return to reality if the conditions are met.

Each player wears a game ring. The person who owns the ring can use 2 specific magics [BOOK] and [GAIN].

Saying "BOOK" can summon your own card book.

All props obtained in the game will be converted into cards as soon as they are obtained, and the cards can be placed in the book.

The card book is divided into two parts: [Designated Pocket] and [Free Pocket].

The designated pocket has 100 grids, each grid is numbered: 000-099. Each grid can only hold cards with the same number.

The free pocket has a total of 45 grids, which can hold cards of any number.

The condition for clearing this game is to collect 100 cards in the designated pocket.

In addition, each card can be transformed into its original prop and used. At this time, you need to use the magic of [GAIN].

However, a card that has been transformed into a prop cannot be transformed back into a card again.

All cards have a limit on the number, which is the [card-turning limit]. Some limits are as high as hundreds or thousands, while others are only three.

If the total number of cards collected by all players has reached the limit, then even if you get the prop, you cannot turn it into a card.

Once a card is formed, it must be put into the book, otherwise it will turn back into a prop after leaving the book for 60 seconds and cannot be turned into a card again.

The last important thing: once the player dies in the game, the book and ring will be destroyed, and all the cards in them will disappear.

In addition, if the player leaves the game and does not return to the game within 10 days, all the cards in his book will disappear.

This limit is obviously to prevent some players from monopolizing certain cards and no longer entering the game. Wouldn't others be unable to play in that case?

The above is the introduction of the game that GM Little Loli gave to Xiao Ming after he entered the game.

He walked down the stairs, left the GM's hut, and stepped onto the grassland in the game.

This is Xiao Ming's second time to enter Greed Island. The last time was the character before Mu Tou. I remember that he had just started playing Magic Planet at that time.

Xiao Ming and Brother Wen landed on Greed Island together and met Guo Lenu and Gan Shu. And learned about telekinesis for the first time.

However, later because of his own weak strength, he was killed by some players. After that, Xiao Ming's new character was the current Mu Tou.

This time, Xiao Ming found that Greed Island gave him the same feeling as the outside world.

But then again, the secret realm of "Hunter x Hunter" is just a game, and it seems normal to be unable to distinguish between games and games within games.

Xiao Ming always had some doubts in his heart, so he quietly used the scanning map.

The result was shocking. It was discovered that this game really took place on a small island in the "real world".

This real world refers to the secret realm of "Hunter x Hunter", not the world of Pangu Star.

On this island, there are various kinds of telekinesis and countless telekinetic beasts, which make it have game-like functions.

If this game was developed by Jin Fulishi and a few friends, then their total telekinesis is really amazing.

Let countless telekinetic beasts and various special effects take effect on this island for many years.

Xiao Ming only knows one human with so many telekinesis, and that is himself. The others are not human, such as the Chimera Ant King Meruem.

Suddenly Xiao Ming's mind turned, and he thought of the constraints and oaths in telekinesis.

If the area where telekinesis works is limited to this small island, the consumption of telekinesis can be greatly reduced.

However, even so, these developers are all very remarkable guys. Jin is even more powerful.

It seems that in this secret realm, you have to compete with your father.

Soon, Xiaojie and Killua also logged into the game one after another and came to Xiao Ming.

"Master Mu, where do we start playing?"

"You two are still a little weak, let's practice while... eh?" Xiao Ming looked up at the sky.

A stream of light flashed and disappeared in front of the three people, and a man appeared.

This guy is also a non-mainstream, with a sloppy look, a cockscomb-like hairstyle, and headphones, as if listening to music.

He wore a vest, and tattoos of the words wind and thunder appeared on his left and right shoulders. His own open card book floated in front of him.

But his strength is really weak, which is completely inconsistent with the speed he just flew over.

Mu's appearance is not very old, about the same age as Xiaojie and Killua. Maybe it's because these three kids make people feel that they can be bullied. This person came over decisively and planned to take advantage of a little.

Although the three people didn't have any cards yet, he planned to cast some tracking spells on the three people.

Once he found that the three people had obtained good cards in the future, he would come to rob again.

However, before he opened his mouth, his neck was pinched by Xiao Ming. He couldn't say a word at all. Xiao Ming could see clearly his little thoughts.

He didn't need to speak. Xiao Ming asked the question, and the corresponding answer would involuntarily appear in the man's mind and be read directly by Xiao Ming using telepathy.

In the horrified expression of this useless man, Xiao Ming said out his thoughts one by one.

The three finally had a more direct understanding of the situation of the game Greed Island.

It turned out that in addition to designated pocket cards and prop cards, there are 40 spell cards in the game.

Its effects are similar to magic, but they are all auxiliary, such as tracking, monitoring, moving, stealing, snatching, defense, etc. But there are no spells that directly attack players.

Because spells are widely used, players will summon their own books at the first time of the battle and prepare to use spell cards.

Even if there are no spell cards in the book, they have to pretend to scare people.

This guy flew here with some kind of spell. Seeing that the three did not summon the card book immediately. I know that they are all newcomers.

However, he never dreamed that newcomers are also divided into different levels, and children are not all weak.

The kid was only about 11 or 12 years old, and he just grabbed his neck casually, but he couldn't break free at all, and couldn't even say a word.

And the opponent seemed to have the ability to read his mind, and said everything he thought in his mind. For a moment, this person felt hopeless.

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