Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 262 Farewell to Valuvana

In the outer suburbs, the original experimental greenhouse was temporarily used as a parking lot, and many carriages were waiting to set off.

Rorschach handed the letter to Andre: "Take the letter and find the resident mage named Bart. He is a good friend of mine. The three of us are about the same age. Don't be too formal and just obey his arrangements.

"But settle down your family first." Luo Xia patted the boy.

"Thank you so much, Master Rorschach!" Andre tried to express something to Rorschach with body movements, but was held down by Rorschach.

The airship is now suspended. Fortunately, the Alchemy Department also has a convoy heading north. Andre's family will travel with the mages in a carriage, which should be the safest journey.

Kano finally fulfilled his promise and sent some members of the Alchemy Department to help Rorschach build the Mage Tower in Byrne.

In fact, this is also protection. Low-level mages and apprentices who will be affected by this turmoil because of their positions or origins are arranged to leave Valuvana. Some are going north, and some are going south. Food is more abundant in the south of the kingdom, and the situation is correspondingly more stable.

"Can't you just let me use the teleportation array?" Luo Xia felt that he had made some small contribution in the battle to stop the angels, so it was okay to make an exception, right?

"You have the nerve to say that? Do you know that except for that bullshit angel, our magic guild's teleportation nodes and the Star Tower's teleportation gates in the city are all out of order, and there are also immeasurable losses to other magic items!"

Fortunately, Rorschach cast [God Expulsion Technique], the research building cut off the ether supply in advance, and the Tower of Stars sealed the entrance to the city. Otherwise, if the body of one of the thirteen magic towers was affected, Rorschach would definitely be affected by the arcane magic. The Senate sentenced him to five hundred years of unpaid labor, and he had to be turned into a pagoda to pay off his debts even after he died.

Fortunately, the telegraph system withstood the test, except that the telegraph wire leading to the hunting ground was broken by an angel.

As for the disappearance of the church's sacred relics throughout the city, what does it have to do with Rorschach? So unfamiliar!

After speaking, Kano took out an exquisite bag: "Considering Master Rorschach's contribution, I privately advocate giving you a spiritual reward and material encouragement. Do you accept it?"

"A bag of gold coins?" Now that the kingdom is in short supply of metal currency, it would be nice to have some money. Rorschach's investments in Fonda, the glass factory, and the synthetic dye factory had begun to pay off, but most of the money remained untouched. When Rorschach told the members of the Alchemy Department how much cash he had, it was directly understood as "what is the budget of the Mage Tower."

So I can foresee that I will have to live a tight life in the future, and it is good to have money. Rorschach opened the bag, but his breath hitched.

"Yes, a bag of gold coins, but this bag is an enchanted storage bag!"

"How big is the bag?" Rorschach's voice trembled.

"One cubic meter, but don't be too happy, there is something else underneath."

Rorschach found out that the "other things" were not just a make-up. There were also materials such as mithril and enchanted crystals, and their value was only higher than that of gold coins.

Now they are all carried in small leather bags. Thanks to magic, Rorschach understands the meaning of courtesy and weight.

"Now you ask me to swim as far as Istani."

"Don't say this, be more careful in Istany. Don't force things that you can't handle, and seek help from the guild in time."

"I am the one who investigates, and those who should be shaken will never charge alone." Now, Rorschach carries the information collected by the agency, the information given by the guild, and the church's files on Mother Earth, and becomes a tripartite commissioner, trying to find out the relationship between the island country and Mother Earth. relation.

Kano watched Rorschach get on the carriage and said goodbye to his students and subordinates at the same time. They went their separate ways.

It was not only the mages who left Valuvana, but also the nobles who were shocked to realize that the situation was over. When they discovered that the streets had been occupied by militiamen and that their majesty and nobility could only be met with hostility, all nobles regardless of their title felt panic.

A large number of nobles took advantage of the last opportunity and escaped in carriages overnight. Some of them received telegrams and discovered that there was also unrest in their territories, so some chose to go to the empire to seek refuge with distant relatives, and some went south to the southernmost kingdoms and city-states on the mainland for "vacation."

Except for Duke Merovingian, who actually changed his noble royal surname to "Equality"! For this reason, his son was very depressed. People in the Tower of Stars called him "Philip Equality" in a teasing way, and the middle name of "De" was even more ironic.

However, it was his father's decision, and Philip had no choice but to accept it, until the registered name became "equal" after becoming a mage, which made this proud young man collapse.

There are also nobles who have found another destination to escape.

Nowadays, wherever there is turmoil, where else is the "pure land"?

It’s true that the once-forgotten “Shariana Region” has neither gold nor “evil thoughts that confuse people’s hearts.” It is a good place for nobles and noble mages.

The portal on the outskirts of the city was activated again.

"Hurry! Hurry!" The nobles of the past personally picked up their muskets and urged the serfs and deceived farmers to huddle together. They were afraid of the unknown world, but they were even more afraid of the muzzle of the gun that could take their lives at any time.

The magic circle was activated, the red light of teleportation lit up, and another twenty or thirty people were sent in.

"No one", the mages of the noble faction anxiously looked at the surrounding environment, but there were only collected supplies, carriages and horses, nobles lining up, and trapped citizens.

Francois stared at the operating status of the teleportation array: "The guild acquiesced to our actions."

"Bah! Don't mention those cheap bones!" The aristocratic mage was still very angry when he thought of this.

Francois was not personally recognized by His Majesty the King as inheriting his late father's title, but one of the nobles who entered the plane had a prince who promised that all the nobles would support him in becoming Count Granol and the largest lord in the plane.

There was a young lady from a noble family who shed tears because of her anxiety and reluctance to give up on the royal capital and the hedonistic life. Her eyes and crimson eyes made her even more lovely.

The mage from the aristocratic faction stared at the girl with a look of covetous expression: "Hmph, those losers will understand who is the boss when they get to the plane! Oh, of course it's you."

When the mage saw Francois's unkind expression, he switched to a flattering tone and demeanor.

However, he revealed a reality, a problem that the stupid nobles who entered the plane rashly did not realize: there is no water in the secondary plane!

Although in one year's operation, the plane's station has reclaimed fields, and the Alchemy Department has also designed a long-lasting water generator, there is no doubt that the source of life is completely in the hands of the mage!

Moreover, a mage is also required to enter and exit the plane. It is obvious who has the final say in the plane.

The teleportation lasted for half a day. Without spending huge sums of money to purchase blue transmutation dust as energy, the team without the Archmage would not have been able to maintain the teleportation array for so long.

After Francois confirmed that all his family members had gone in, he looked to see that there was no one else, only him and the other noble mages were left.

"Let's all go in."

"What should I do with the teleportation array? What should I do if those guys and their lackeys come to find me?" Because Kano was suspected of having disposed of Granol, he successfully enjoyed the same treatment as the Dark Lord in a certain children's book among the noble faction.

He is an archmage, and we have been here to deal with him a long time ago. Francois believes that Kano is not the murderer, but he still can't face the Tower of Stars and the guild anymore. Going to the secondary plane is his choice.

the best choice? Last option? The boy who was forced to grow up didn't know, nor did he want to know. He would rather die on the red earth, in the land of his father's dreams.

The new Count Granol lit a fuse from the air: "The bomb below the teleportation array will explode soon, so hurry up."

He walked into the teleportation array and stared blankly at the silent wheat fields and the city wall in the distance. "Father." In the murmur, the red light drowned Francois.


The last property of the "Sareana Mining Company" was completely destroyed by the dwarves' high-performance bombs, and the explosion made the cows raise their heads in shock.

In Niu's field of vision, a carriage was unaffected by the explosion, speeding on the road to the south, carrying the former prime minister to the Eternal City.

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