Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 261 “Nothing happened today”

"This is a noble conspiracy!

"Our outstanding representatives have achieved a glorious victory in the parliament, but how can those gentlemen who are accustomed to bullying be willing to do so!

"I can tell you clearly that last night's incident was a conspiracy by the nobles to collude with the cultists! They want to disrupt us and make us panic, and then the army can march into the city to suppress everything under the banner of protecting us!"

The fierce Georges Jacques shouted in front of the people: "Unite, citizens. Arm, citizens. The time has come to defend yourself and the National Assembly!"

Many people don't understand what happened. They only know that there were riots and strange and terrifying "natural disasters". For ordinary people who can't even operate the ether, the true form of the angel is just a blur of thunder clouds and lightning.

But the cultists are real and they are causing harm and destruction. So the frightened citizens quickly accepted the incitement of Georges Jacques who was connected in all directions.

Carrard had a stutter, but that didn't stop him from writing brilliant press releases. The lawyer crossed over to become a journalist, concocting a conspiracy theory linking "cultists" and "aristocratic revenge on the National Assembly."

This "documentary literature" was tacitly reproduced by newspapers.

The truth is that most big shots and elites have learned about the past turmoil between the cult and the angels from various channels (mainly from the magic guild), and they can safely use it to make a fuss.

The church tried to convince the people that the cult no longer posed a threat, but the trust and patience of the citizens had long been exhausted. No matter what the priests said, it could not make the wealthy people try to arm themselves, nor could it calm the poor who were forced to Desperate rage.

What made everyone's nerves break was the news that "Diplessi and Necker were dismissed". The public all believed that this was a signal that Charles XVI had completely turned to the aristocracy. There were no important ministers of civilian origin in the palace. It can prevent the nobles from counterattacking the Parliament.

"Are we going to sit back and wait for death? Patriotic citizens, take action, save our representatives, save Valuana!" George and other progressives began to call on people to fight, fight!

In the City Hall, the patrolling Guardsmen were surprised to see excited crowds pouring into the streets from all directions. When George, wearing a green cap badge, rushed to the front and gave them another speech, the Guardsmen who had already supported the National Assembly switched sides on the spot.

"What are you doing? What are you doing! Ah!"

The torrent of citizens poured into the city hall holding pitchforks and hammers and crowbars. They found the arsenal under the leadership of the guards. When they came out, they were equipped with guns and held high the head of the manager of Valuauna City.

When the armed forces dispersed back to various neighborhoods, the streets of Valuauna began to spontaneously blockade. Bags of sandbags were piled up, muskets were set up, and houses became outposts. Everyone was nervously waiting for the imaginary army and cultists.

I have to admit that the people's behavior was indeed excessive. The nobles were still quarreling about the parliament, and no one in the cavalry and guards belonging to His Majesty the King was willing to stand up and become a general.

Because all the wise and conservative veterans understand that whoever orders the violent dissolution of parliament will leave other political opponents with something to attack and wait to be attacked wildly by progressives.

In the final analysis, His Majesty the King himself is still hesitant. He hopes that the nobles can join the National Assembly to reopen the three-level meeting, and he hopes that he can control the agenda of the Assembly.

Can't do it? Then go to the hunting ground to relax! Although it is shameful to escape, it seems to be of no use.

Didn’t the citizens calm down before the cultists and the citizens with bayonets and rifles came? No! They began to organize and formed the National Guard in the name of protecting Parliament.

A new call was issued, Basti Fortress, it is a prison, imprisoning the rebels of the tyrant, it is a military fortress, the cannons above are aimed at the city of Valuauna and may fire at any time!

"Did you see it? It's watching us, its shadow covers the whole city, and it can blast away our defenses with artillery fire at any time. National Guard, offense is the best defense, let's charge!"

The commander of the guard is actually a marquis, but this is not surprising. First of all, only nobles are often qualified to receive military education. Secondly, the inner uneasiness of the citizens prompted them to find a "decent man from the old era" to be the face of the new era.

The Marquis of Gilbert marched towards the fortress with his rabble. "Rab", this is not a disparagement, but a fact. Those people with guns may have been just coachmen, laborers or small bosses the day before. Members of the Guards spent ten minutes teaching them how to activate the "fire sticks" in their hands. , the courage gained is far greater than the real marksmanship.

When the troops approached the Basti Fortress, the roaring sound of cannons confirmed the guess. Yes, the nobles were shelling the National Guard! Anger does not allow people to back down, despite the casualties.

However, the guards underestimated the fortress and several charges were in vain. Whether it was the restraint of the fortress or the ammunition reserves, the interval between firing of the eight cannons on the fortress was much greater than during the war.

The turning point was when the National Guard's reserve force arrived. The carriage covered with linen was opened, and it turned out to be a brand-new cannon!

People cheered, and instructors from the former artillery academy adjusted their aim and fired.


Fireballs shot from the guards on the ground, and huge explosions and flames engulfed the positions atop the fort.

"Okay! Our guards' cannons are more powerful than the tyrant's bird cannons!"

Only the gunners who launched the gun and the commanders on the fortress were confused - when did the kingdom have such powerful artillery?

It's like a bursting fireball.

The fortress commander suddenly realized what he was doing and raised the white flag knowingly.

Victory, the tyrant's fortress surrenders! The citizens felt that they had nothing to fear. What could threaten the great Valois? They charged, they broke into the fort, smashed down the cells, and freed the prisoners.

The shocking news spread from the basti to the neighborhoods, to the parliament, and by telegraph to all parts of the kingdom.

In other places, the property owners were afraid of cultists and famine refugees, and towns were also armed. However, the peasants who had obtained swords and guns and participated in patrols were slow to wait for the legendary cults and refugees, and suddenly realized that they and Companions have been organized and everyone is armed.

We have swords and guns, and the lords have food and land deeds.

The castle door was broken open, and the deeds, IOUs, and land certificates passed down from generation to generation were all burned to the ground.

In less than ten days, the legal credentials and even the bodies of the privileged class were wiped out. After the nobles refused the changes Du Plessis and Necker tried to implement, the property owners instigated other common people to implement them in a few days. Finished roughly within a day.

However, on the day when Basti was breached, Charles XVI returned from the hunting ground. His already gloomy mood became even more irritating because he returned empty-handed from hunting.

After washing, he opened his diary and wrote: "Nothing happened today."

Sleep, sleep. The king was about to enjoy the soft silk fabric quilt, but was interrupted by the new captain of the guard who rushed in: "Your Majesty!"

"What's the matter?" Although he was unhappy, there must be something urgent about coming to him in the middle of the night. Charlie's new captain of the guard is younger and more capable.

"The people captured the basti during the day."

"What are they doing?" Charlie went to bed anyway. Thinking of the impossible situation, he actually chuckled: "Rebellion? Why?"

"No, Your Majesty, it's not a rebellion." The new guard chief's eyes were bright: "It's an uprising!"

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