It has to be said that the waves in the Yangtze River are really being driven by the waves in front, and each generation is becoming more and more turbulent.

Although Curry Sauce is still a minor, as the saying goes: the younger you are, the older you drive.

Sometimes Curry Sauce would tell dirty jokes that even Zi Qiao and Meijia, who had gained experience in the world of martial arts, would be stunned for a long time when they heard them.

But who makes today's children mature prematurely one after another?

Everyone briefly scolded Curry Sauce, telling her not to learn everything blindly at such a young age, and then focused their attention on Nanfeng and Guangu again.

Nanfeng cleared his throat and said: "I mean, if you have no inspiration at all right now, instead of locking yourself in a room and arguing with yourself, why not try to go out and get information?"

"Are you arguing with yourself?" Yifei said happily, "I thought Zeng Xiaoxian had this habit, Guan Gu, you also have it?"

Although Zeng Xiaoxian didn't take the initiative to confess, when he encountered some difficulties, he would stand there and talk like a Sichuan opera face changer. It's not like Yifei and Nanfeng had never bumped into each other.

If Nanfeng hadn't said: "Everyone has some psychological problems to some extent. As long as these psychological problems do not make them feel painful or have a substantial negative impact on themselves or others, there is no need for treatment."

Then I had already escorted Zeng Xiaoxian to a psychological clinic for treatment.

"I'm not arguing with myself, I'm arguing with Mario."

Guangu felt a little guilty: "Today was supposed to be a day for us to play games together, but I couldn't find inspiration and got a little irritated, and my tone wasn't very good, and then we had a fight."

The expressions of the girls present all became extremely strange.

This, this can't be paranoia.

Yifei asked tentatively: "Guangu... you should know that Mario is a game character, right?"

"I know, Mario and I play games in the Mario series."

Hearing this, Yifei smiled dryly and said: "That's good, that's good..."

【What a fart! 】

[It’s even weirder now, isn’t it! 】

[Playing Mario with Mario sounds too perverted! 】

【伱It’s better to say that it’s more normal to play princess with Mario. 】

Zi Qiao noticed the worries of the girls, he waved his hands and said with an indifferent attitude: "Okay, look at the fuss you are making.

"Sekiya is a cartoonist, and it is normal for him to have a rich imagination. And according to research in Saudi Arabia, every promising man will have a fantasy partner of his own, which represents a certain need deep in the man's heart. "

Wanyu asked with great interest: "Is this true?"

"False." Yu Mo sneered, "He also liked to talk about some random research when he flirted with me the night before. It wasn't until I asked Meijia last night that I found out that he couldn't even tell the difference between physics and geography."

"Bah, you're a big talker." Wan Yu spat.

This level of embarrassment was obviously not enough to penetrate Zi Qiao's face. He continued nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter whether the research is true or false. What's important is that I want to say that this situation is not uncommon, and none of you have any idea. It’s so serious.”

Nanfeng also added: "Don't rely on mental illness when you encounter a little abnormality. Real mental illness is much more serious than you think."

Seeing Zi Qiao and Nan Feng say this, everyone temporarily put aside their worries.

Seeing this, Guangu quickly changed the topic again: "Let's continue talking about finding inspiration. Nanfeng, you continue."

He actually doesn't like everyone talking seriously about their imaginary partners. It feels like everyone is watching a rare species or a mentally ill person.

Even if I am indeed a little abnormal, it is normal to be a creative person even if I am a little abnormal.

Just like Guan Gu's senior brother who speaks very slowly.

After hearing Guangu's inquiry, Nanfeng replied decisively: "It's very simple. Love a three-legged cat. You can either go have a date and see a real love, or go and spend some time with a real cat."

"Is this necessary?" Zhanbo asked, "According to what you say, does Oda Eiichiro (the author of One Piece) still want to try to get in touch with pirates?"

"Of course you don't need it in normal times, but isn't Sekiya in a hurry to find inspiration right now?

"Always let him get in touch with it and try it. Maybe he will gain some new insights."

Meijia nodded in agreement: "It makes sense, no matter whether you can find inspiration or not, it is better than letting Guangu stay at home.

"Look at Guangu's appearance now. I'm really afraid that he will commit seppuku and commit suicide in any minute."

Everyone looked at Guangu, who was "densely painted" all over his body, and decided that they could no longer let Guangu stay alone in the room.

"Then what should we do now?" Yu Mo asked, "Guangu, how many days are left before the deadline?"

"Three days." When he heard the deadline, Guangu frowned instantly, "I only have three days, and even if I stay up all night to draw the manuscript, it will take a whole day."

Meijia exclaimed: "Three days! How could I only give you three days? Do other comic book authors have such tight schedules?"

After all, she has been Guan Gu's life assistant for so long. Even though it was a blank sheet of paper before, she now understands a little bit about the rules of the comic industry.

It took three days for a comic book author to draw a new extra chapter that could serve as a giveaway. This decision could not be summed up simply as "unreasonable".

Sekiya's face was extremely ugly: "Of course other manga authors have plenty of time, but the publisher said that communication between Japan and China is not smooth, and it took several days to contact me."

Everyone sighed. Sekiya was probably revenged by the future new president.

Nanfeng frowned and thought: "Three days is really too short. It is definitely too late for Guangu to find inspiration from love in such a short time, so we can only try to find inspiration from cats."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Zi Qiao was confused: "No, why is three days not enough to find inspiration from love?

"Don't say three days, even one day is enough."

Yifei and Meijia looked at the boastful Zi Qiao with disdain.

Zi Qiao was completely unaware at this moment and was still patting his chest as a guarantee: "Guan Gu, come with me. I'll take you to the place where the dragon swings its tail and rides the galloping horse. I guarantee that you will be bursting with inspiration.

“I’ve thought about it, it’s such a waste for a talented artist like you to pick up girls in bars.

“Our first stop was to go to a university town to draw Q-shaped portraits of beautiful female college students.

"But it would be too obvious to only draw Q-version avatars for female college students. We can pretend to be doing a [anime dating] performance art: draw two Q-version avatars for each college student, one for them to take away, and the other Ask them to leave their WeChat contact information on it.

“Every college student who comes here can take away a Q-version avatar of themselves, and then take away a Q-version avatar with someone else’s contact information.

"Of course, we will secretly keep the contact information of the most beautiful girls.

"Guangu, when you meet someone you like, just cough a few times. I guarantee that before you finish painting her, I can help you learn all about her and make her willingly follow you to start a romantic night."

[As for the contact information of the remaining beautiful female college students, in order not to trouble you, I will accept it as labor fee. 】

[Never thank me, this is what I should do as a friend. 】

【Hahaha. 】

"On this romantic night, as long as you wear headphones and listen to my instructions, I will definitely send you to the hotel. When the time comes..."

“Isn’t your inspiration just rolling in, hahahaha…ah!”

The chair Ziqiao was sitting on suddenly broke off a leg, and he fell flat on his butt.

"If you weren't sick right now, I wouldn't have kicked the chair leg just now."

Yifei, who was sitting directly opposite Zi Qiao, smiled and retracted her legs under the table.

Lu Ziqiao is such a scourge. He just wants to be a scumbag, but he still wants to lead Guan Gu into trouble!

Especially this so-called [Anime Dating] plan sounds quite feasible.

Yifei seriously suspected that Zi Qiao had actually had such an idea for a long time, but had never had the chance to find a companion with excellent painting skills.

She turned her head and stared at Guan Gu, her eyes full of silent warning.

The love apartment can only have a scumbag like Zi Qiao at most, otherwise he will really have murderous intentions.

Meijia also smiled and took a chopstick of food and handed it to Guanyu: "Guanyu-kun, you didn't hear anything just now and you didn't remember anything, right?"

Meijia smiled sweetly, but she didn't know why the smile looked a little distorted.

[In the inner world, Guangu looks at Yifei and Mika in front of him. 】

[Yifei’s eyes are ferocious like a devil, and Meijia’s smile is cunning like a devil. 】

[The wings belonging to the devil and the tail belonging to the devil slowly appeared on the two of them, and the two of them slowly approached Guangu. 】

[Am I in a love apartment or in limbo now? 】

[Under the oppression of demons and devils, Guan Gu could only shrink in a small corner of his inner world and tremble: All the ideas were Zi Qiao's, any mistakes were all Zi Qiao's fault, I didn't say a word! 】

【Don’t come over here! 】

【Oh Gasang(Mother)! ! ! 】

"No, absolutely not." Guangu waved his hands repeatedly and burst into the fastest Chinese speaking speed in his life, "I just heard nothing and remembered nothing. If there is a problem, it must not be my problem."

"So good." Yifei and Meijia were satisfied.

Yu Mo looked at Zi Qiao, who was holding his butt and wailing, stroking his chest with a look of rejoicing: "Fortunately, Yifei came early the night before yesterday, otherwise I might have fallen into his trap if I let him continue to perform."

Now it was Nan Feng's turn to look at Zi Qiao with an unkind expression.

"Okay." Nan Feng, who was sitting next to Zi Qiao, kicked Zi Qiao hard on the butt. "Why are you pretending? Your wailing voice can't be more fake."

Zi Qiao was stunned. Could it be that his acting skills have declined so much recently?

No, what the monster Nanfeng can hear may not be heard by others.

But why did he come to expose me this time after he was full?

Foster father, have you forgotten Bu'er by Daming Lake?

"Why don't you get up quickly and find a chair to sit down on?" Nanfeng kicked him again with a look of hatred on his face, "You are screaming so loudly, are you planning to let Yifei help you up?"

What should I do if I let her hold me up and then she gets impatient and kicks me hard?

Lu Ziqiao suddenly understood and quickly got up.

[My adoptive father still loves me. 】

Ziqiao cast a grateful look at Nanfeng.

【thank you. 】

Nanfeng was also smiling happily at this moment.

[You see, he has to thank me for kicking him twice. 】

Come on, come on, I'm busy going to the dentist with my mother today, so it will be very late.

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