Meijia took the empty bowl from Guan Gu's hand and served Guan Gu rice.

"Thank you."

Guangu was still frowning, looking like he was in a daze. After thanking Meijia, he continued the mechanical and numb eating movements just now.

Curry Sauce looked surprised: "Is he planning to finish a bowl of rice without eating any food?"

How can there be such a person in this world who can't even bring food back to his senses!

"Guan Gu, try this braised pork with pickled vegetables. It's delicious."

As Guangu's life assistant, Meijia really couldn't bear to see Guangu like this.

Meijia's action of picking up vegetables for Guan Gu next to her made Zi Qiao, who was sitting on the other side of her, very happy: I haven't recovered from my illness yet, and I haven't seen you picking up vegetables for me.

While Zi Qiao was thinking, he also picked up a chopstick and handed the green pepper beef in front of him to Guangu's bowl.

"Come to Sekiya and try this beef, which is almost as good as your Kobe beef."

With Meijia and Ziqiao demonstrating, everyone present began to feed Guan Gu one by one with chopsticks.

"Yes, Guangu, try this fish. This fish is no worse than the fish in Dianshan Lake, and it doesn't have any spines."

"This bowl of water spinach is not bad either."

"I'll give you a spoonful of egg custard to try."

Guangu was still wandering around in the world at this time, trying to capture some useful inspiration.

However, now his stomach was not only empty, his eyes were empty, and his head was even more empty.

The harder I think about it, the harder I can think of anything useful. The less I can think of anything useful, the harder I think about it.

Guangu thought desperately, thinking. Gradually, he realized something was wrong.

Why is my mouth so sore all of a sudden, my stomach so bloated, and the contents of my bowl never seem to get any less?

The full appetite brought back Guan Gu's reason, and he lowered his head to take a look.

Nani? ! !

"Why so many!"

Seeing the food in the bowl that was about to pile up into a mountain shape, Guangu was shocked.

"It's okay. We've all finished eating. You can eat more." Everyone was still picking up food for him out of habit.

"Qiaodou sack, please don't bring me any more food. I really can't eat anymore."

Sekiya protected the bowl in his hand. He didn't want to be the first cartoonist to be starved to death because of his search for inspiration.

At that time, Sekiya will not only be able to realize his wish to become famous in the Japanese comics industry in one step, but he will even be considered a member of the entire comics industry.

However, Sekiya is only twenty-eight years old this year and has not been in love yet. For the time being, he doesn't like such a name in history.

"Is it true that I don't need to help you with any more pinches?"

"No, I can finish my bowl now. Thank God."

Guangu looked at the bowl of mountain-like food in his hand that usually only appeared in funny comics, and he didn't know where to start.

I asked why the rice I had been eating for a long time did not taste like rice. It turned out that I had been eating vegetables all the time.

"All right."

Everyone reluctantly put down their chopsticks. Feeding Guan Gu was much more fun than spending money to feed tigers in the zoo.

Who told the tiger not to use chopsticks?

"Guangu, eat slowly and tell me what's wrong with you while you eat."

“#@\u0026 @%%%……”

Guangu ate the food with big mouthfuls, and his Chinese, which he was not very good at, was even more slurred at the moment, sounding like gibberish.

Seeing the confused looks in the eyes of everyone present, Guangu swallowed his food and explained again.

"Everything was fine at first, but the Tokyo publishing house asked me to draw an independent short story about "The Three-Legged Cat" as a gift for the comic book."

Guangu rubbed his temples: "It took a lot of effort for me to finish the scroll of the love tripod cat, but all the inspiration and passion have been emptied.

"Now they are asking me to draw a sequel, and the time given is so short. I have no clue or inspiration at all."

Yifei asked curiously: "This is the first time I've heard that a comic publisher will use a brand new extra chapter as a gift. Isn't it usually just a bookmark, badge, card, poster, etc.?"

"This matter was decided by the son of the old president. He said that a new extra chapter would be more attractive to readers and boost sales.

"And compared to things like badges, printing a small extra comic is also cheaper for the publisher."

Guangu ate the green pepper beef from the bowl fiercely. Looking at it like this, he wanted to eat it in one bite as well.

Nanfeng, who was also given a temporary additional task by Party A, deeply sympathized with Guangu.

[Fortunately, dubbing does not require inspiration. 】

"Didn't you say before that the old president values ​​you very much? Can you ask him to give you more time?" Wan Yu gave her suggestion.

Guangu shook his head.

“The son of the old president didn’t like my comics and felt that the commercial value of “Love Cat” was not great. He asked me to add some vulgar and pornographic content, but I refused.

"If the old president hadn't supported me, "The Three-Legged Cat" might not even have a chance to be published.

“But the old president is getting older, and his son is gradually taking over all the work of the publishing house.

“This decision requires all comics authors and not just me.

"The old president can support me because I don't want to draw vulgar pornographic content, but he can't be special for me."

Wanyu Zhanbo Curry Sauce, these three young people all heard it half-understood, but everyone else basically understood it.

To put it simply, the old president has grown old and has begun to smoothly hand over his power and status in the publishing house to his son.

And his son must establish his own prestige while the old president is still in office, so that he can become a truly new president in name only.

The old president can correct the new president's mistakes for the sake of Sekiya's principles, but it is impossible to undermine the prestige that the new president is building because of Sekiya's special circumstances.

If he really does this, then Sekiya will have to think about who is the son of the old president.

Zhan Bo asked: "Guan Gujun, what will happen if you don't draw the extra story by the deadline?"

Sekiya said slightly dejectedly: "If I had not drawn the extra story, the publishing house would have suspended the publication of "The Three-Legged Cat".

"As for how long the suspension will last, it depends on the thoughts of the new president in the future."

Curry Sauce didn't quite understand what Guangu meant, so she poked Nanfeng carefully.

"What Sekiya means is that if he doesn't draw the new extra in time this time, and based on the new president's attitude towards Sekiya, then the publication of "The Three-Legged Cat" can basically be abandoned." Nanfeng explained in a low voice.

"It's not just that." Sekiya's hand holding the chopsticks lost its color because of too much force. He licked his chapped lips, "I spent all my wealth and savings on the publication of "Love Three-Legged Cat" Come on, if Love Triangle Cat cannot be published smoothly this time...

"I really have nothing."

Everyone couldn't help but sit upright after hearing this.

No one took this matter as a big deal at first. After all, it was a normal thing for the creator to have no inspiration or ideas.

As a result, this small matter inexplicably evolved into a major matter related to Sekiya's entire net worth.

Now everyone had to get serious.

Zi Qiao is quick-minded and has no bottom line. He immediately thought of a reliable and effective way: "No matter how big the problem is, if you don't have inspiration, just borrow the inspiration of others.

"Anyway, you don't have anything in Japan, but there are a lot of comics. Just find a few comics with similar themes and piece them together, and this episode will come out?"

Zi Qiao's face was full of pride, and he didn't notice Guan Gu's suddenly gloomy face at all.

"Da baa da! Da baa da! (No!)" Guan Gu slammed the table angrily, "Zi Qiaojun, you are asking me to plagiarize!"

"It's too much to say it's plagiarism. We should call it borrowing and blending."

"Sister? Long Gen?" Guangu couldn't hear clearly what Zi Qiao said because he had a cold, but he still shook his head, "Da baa da! Da baa da! Sister, sister, Long Gen, Niu No matter what your roots are, no matter what you say, it just won’t work!”

"I am a cartoonist, an artist, and a creator. Even if my comics cannot be published, even if I have nothing, even if I commit suicide, I will never commit plagiarism. This is my bottom line and principle. .

"Don't force me to commit suicide every minute!"

Zi Qiao sighed: "Okay, okay, don't copy it, don't copy it. I really accept your stubborn temper."

In Ziqiao's eyes, there are a lot of articles in the world. Whether it’s comics or novels, the core of the story was written 500 years ago.

Five hundred years later, these writers and cartoonists all merged and borrowed from each other. The difference is just whether it is obvious or not.

But since Guangu was so determined and stubborn, Ziqiao had no intention of convincing him.

After all, he doesn't have any principles or bottom lines, but that doesn't mean he doesn't respect people like him who have principles and bottom lines.

It's enough that I am the only scumbag in this world. If there are more scumbags in the world, it won't be enough for the succubus girl to go to hell.

"Then how about we work together to help Guangu come up with a plot?"

Yu Mo looked at Guan Gu: "We came up with it ourselves, so it's not considered plagiarism."

Guangu nodded. Although he was stubborn, he was not pedantic.

Even well-known cartoonists hold symposiums from time to time to share their thoughts and experiences with each other. It shouldn't be too much for him to discuss a new side story with his friends.

Yifei clapped her hands and applauded: "What a great idea. Who can give me some advice first?"

Everyone looked at each other.

The atmosphere at the scene froze instantly, falling into an awkward and almost dead silence.

"How about those who have watched Sekiya's "The Three-Legged Cat" raise their hands first?"

Except for Meijia who raised her hands silently, the others wanted to put their heads under the table, let alone their hands.


Guangu looked shocked, and complained aggrievedly: "It's been three months since I moved into the love apartment, and none of you want to go over and read my comics?

"How can it be repaired! (Abominable!)"

Just when everyone started to feel guilty and guilty, Nanfeng smiled nonchalantly.

“What’s this.

"It's been three months since you moved into the love apartment. Has anyone heard of Teacher Zeng's show?"

Guan Gu was stunned, and his heart that was originally shocked and aggrieved suddenly became less aggrieved, and even felt a little lacking in confidence.

"Okay, let's just say that Teacher Zeng's program is too anti-human and is not meant for people to listen to.

"I'm still a voice actor. Have any of you heard of the novels, anime and games I've dubbed?"

Everyone remained silent, except Yifei who looked unhappy.

What is Zeng Xiaoxian's program?

An idiot?

Everyone had some signs of guilt towards Guangu, but when Nanfeng said this, they were instantly wiped away.

"Then what should we do now? Do we have to watch Sekiya's "The Three-Legged Cat" from the beginning?"

Sekiya shook his head: ""The Three-Legged Cat" is too long. I will definitely not have time to finish it today. Everyone will have to work tomorrow, so it will be too late."

Nanfeng had a rather novel idea: "Don't Guan Gu lack inspiration? Why don't we just give him one?"

Wanyu blinked her confused eyes: "Inspiration is not money, how can you give it to me just as I say?"

[No, you are wrong, Miss. Money is not the kind of thing that can be given on demand. 】Everyone secretly cursed in their hearts.

Nanfeng curiously asked Guan Gu a few questions that he had always wanted to ask him.

"Sekiya, the protagonist of Love the Three-Legged Cat is a cat, right?"


"Have you ever had a cat?"


"Then have you ever been in love?"


Nan Feng joked: "You have no love, and you have never raised a cat, so what is your personal experience in "The Three-Legged Cat of Love"?"

"I know." Curry Sauce raised his hands excitedly, "He has three legs."


It's coming, it's late, but it's coming.

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