Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 8 Teacher and Students

The relevant staff of the residents' committee are all well-known among the tenants as being kind-hearted. In addition, Nanfeng personally brought Ziqiao and Meijia to go through the formalities, so it was naturally a green light.

The only thing that made him feel uncomfortable was that Nan Feng had to politely refuse a bunch of uncles and aunts who were going to introduce him to someone, which made his face almost freeze with laughter.

Fortunately, the name iPartment has begun to gain popularity, and half the rent for couples moving in with free water and electricity is just the beginning.

During the formalities alone, Nanfeng saw many young couples and young people eager for love checking in. These uncles and aunts will definitely have no shortage of high-quality blind dates in the future.

And this is just the beginning. A dating website inside the apartment, regularly organized singles activities and couple competitions with rich rewards have also been put on the agenda.

It’s already 2014, and the tenant’s rent for water and electricity is only worth a few dollars.

The rent of shops, the advertising space on billboards, the sponsorship of the couples competition, and the subsequent series of capital inflows are the big money.

Of course, these are only ideal conditions. Whether the above ideas can be realized depends on whether the two and a half years of plans and plans of the professionals are rigorous enough, whether the execution speed and work ability of the plan are excellent enough, and whether the processing speed is good enough. Are you calm and alert enough for unexpected events and risks?

Nanfeng still has great confidence in that group of professionals.

However, these have little to do with Nanfeng. What he is most concerned about now is the education of curry sauce.

Before that, Nanfeng still had to ask himself a question: What was his mentality before deciding to teach her dubbing?

Nanfeng tapped on the table, and Curry Sauce woke up from a deep sleep, drooling all over the book "Broadcasting and Host Voice and Voicing".

After helping Ziqiao and Meijia complete the formalities, Nanfeng went to the restaurant for Curry Sauce's invitation.

Good news: Curry Sauce is very diligent and sleeps with a book in his arms.

Bad news: Curry Sauce makes me sleepy just reading a book.

As soon as Nanfeng arrived, he saw Curry Sauce sleeping soundly with a book in his arms. He glanced at the pages of the book.

Great, title page.

"Teacher Nanfeng..." Curry Sauce wiped his saliva and laughed.

"You should call me Nanfeng." Nanfeng covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly. He had a premonition that he could not bear the name of this teacher.

"Teacher Nanfeng, let's eat first. I'll treat this meal as my teacher-appreciation banquet." Curry Sauce called the waiter.

Nanfeng wanted to say that there was no need, but was interrupted by the follow-up operation of the curry sauce.

"Spicy crayfish, boiled beef, fried chicken legs, braised pork, stir-fried lamb kidneys...donuts for dessert, and some beer..."

Nanfeng reminded: "Curry sauce, we are eating for two."

"Yes, I've finished my order, what do you want to order, Mr. Nanfeng?" Curry Sauce pushed the menu.

Do you co-author so many things or can you do it alone?

Facing Nanfeng's somewhat surprised gaze, Curry Sauce rubbed his belly sheepishly: "Isn't this a reason to go out and have a big meal?"

"I think I just got paid."


With Curry Sauce's personality, Nanfeng had basically figured out her situation with just a few casual words.

My parents are divorced and my grades are not good. I went out to work alone as soon as the college entrance examination was over at the age of 16. Now I have been struggling in society for three months.

Although people are a bit greedy, they usually don't order so much food at once. This time, I'm afraid it was mainly because I wanted to treat myself to a meal.

Although it is a bit troublesome to fall asleep as soon as I see a book, I have a good heart and know how to be grateful.

Nanfeng was quite satisfied with this. After all, his kindness was not a big deal, and anyone could come forward to support it.

After he casually ordered two or three light dishes, he reminded: "Curry sauce, I don't know if learning dubbing is just a hobby or if you want to develop in this area in the future. If you want to go in this direction, In terms of development, some aspects need to be controlled to some extent.

"After all, you eat with your throat. Smoking, drinking, betel nut coffee, spicy fried food, heavy salt and sugar, try not to touch these if you can."

Curry Sauce thought about the list of dishes he had just ordered. My dear, I basically made all the mistakes that can be made at the dinner table.

She said pitifully: "Then how about I replace all those dishes with light ones?"

[Woo woo woo, goodbye, my spicy crayfish. Goodbye, my boiled beef. Goodbye, my donuts. 】

Nanfeng admired the curry sauce with interest for a while, feeling heartbroken but still acting like he was completely following the teacher's instructions. Then he said slowly: "It's okay once in a while. I haven't eaten these for a long time."

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Nanfeng."

Curry Sauce was very happy, and Nanfeng was in a good mood.

When a person starts to make suggestions and requests to others, no matter what his original purpose is, it is a sign of very low emotional intelligence.

Because this is equivalent to setting the tone of the social relationship between the two during this period, and if you are not careful, it is easy to touch the other person's rebellious psychology.

This kind of rebellious psychology is not a problem that can be solved by the emotional intelligence of the party making the suggestion. It mainly depends on whether the other party has a mature enough psychological state to readily accept the well-intentioned and useful suggestions.

Otherwise, it is easy to show more kindness and become more hostile.

Nanfeng knew this very well, but if he wanted to really teach Curry Sauce something useful, making suggestions and requests was a step he couldn't get around.

If Curry Sauce just showed that she doesn't like being taught by others and hates being advised and asked, then Nanfeng must have found an excuse to leave.

He has always been such a self-willed and willful person. Even if he wants to help out of sympathy and touch, the favor is not necessary.

I don't seek wealth or sex, I just want someone to feel at ease with, and someone I want to be happy with. Rather than teaching two people to turn against each other and disgusting them in the end, it's better to get out of the relationship as soon as possible and only disgust the other person, so that at least I'm still happy.

In this society, kindness is an extremely rare and precious thing, and it can only be given to those who deserve it.

Fortunately, my vision is as good as ever.

As expected of me, Nanfeng thought proudly.

There was still a while before the food was served, so Nanfeng asked Curry Sauce to try dubbing a clip.

Although Curry Sauce was in a hurry and obviously had no prior preparation, she was able to complete a long film and television dubbing without script.

Based on the learning ability that Curry Sauce has shown so far, Nanfeng can only think that she really likes this dubbing and is almost addicted to it.

By the way, the original version of this film dubbing was done by Nanfeng.

During the entire dubbing process, Nanfeng held his head with his hands. His main purpose was to cover his proud and narcissistic smile with his palms.

Teacher Zeng, is Teacher Zeng here?

These are my fans, are you envious? Jealousy? Want it?

Go to sleep, I put all my fantasies in your dreams.

There is everything in the dream.

[Zeng Xiaoxian: *\u0026 # ************... 4,444 words of prohibited content have been blocked here. 】

Narcissism is narcissism, and pride is pride. Except for the occasional unreliable moments, Nanfeng has always been a very reliable person in most situations. He listened carefully to the dubbing of curry sauce throughout the whole process. fragment.

Except for the common mistakes of laymen such as pronunciation, mouth shape, speaking speed and rhythm, volume control, and unclear enunciation of certain words, other aspects are remarkable.

There is no deep-rooted dialect accent, the voice has obvious characteristics, a wide vocal range, full of emotion, and the acting and imitation skills are also good. Occasionally, if there are obvious mistakes in the lines in some places, he does not choose to stop, but just makes mistakes and makes up for them later.

Even though this dubbing was done by Nan Feng, she did not blindly copy Nan Feng's rhythm and emotions. She had her own opinions, and she probably pondered it over and over in her mind while listening to it.

Everything is just as Nanfeng judged her when she first heard the dubbing dream of Curry Sauce. Although she has many shortcomings, she has excellent talent and spirituality.

Pronunciation can be taught, mouth shape can be corrected, speaking speed, rhythm and volume are not big problems.

The most important thing in the dubbing industry is talent and spirituality. The most important thing is a natural voice and the innate ability to appropriately express all of one's emotions through voice.

After the dubbing ended, Curry Sauce asked with some anxiety: "Teacher Nanfeng, how did I feel about this part?"

Looking at those expectant eyes, Nanfeng didn't have too much bad taste to play with it, but honestly expressed his thoughts: "If you can guarantee that you won't get sleepy after reading books and teaching videos, You can still make a living in dubbing."

There seemed to be stars in Curry Sauce's eyes: "Really?"

"I won't charge you a training fee to cut leeks, so why are you lying to me?" Nanfeng said with a smile.

"Great!" Curry Sauce shouted happily, attracting the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

She could only cover her mouth in embarrassment, bend down slightly and bow to express her apology to others.

"Pay attention to the maintenance of your throat." Nanfeng reminded.

Curry Sauce's favorability towards Nanfeng is now maxed out. Naturally, Nanfeng does whatever he says: "Okay, okay."

"Eat first, don't you have to carry your luggage later? The apartment elevator is being inspected today and you have to carry it to the sixth floor by yourself. Eat more later."

Nanfeng glanced at the suitcase that was not too big or too small by the dining table. If it was a trip, this suitcase would be pretty good, but if it was a move, it would be too shabby to hold everything in one suitcase.

The two chatted intermittently, with Curry Sauce talking most of the time and Nanfeng listening.

It took a lot of time to dub and chat, and soon the curry sauce and Nanfeng's orders were on the table one after another.

Although Nanfeng said that he hadn't eaten these for a long time, he basically only ate the light things he ordered during the whole process, and the rest of the food was basically mixed into the curry sauce by him. belly.

He has his own eating rhythm. Except for indulgent meals at fixed times, Nanfeng is almost strict in protecting his throat, just like he used to protect his hands.

After the meal, Nan Feng turned a sideways face and watched the curry sauce quickly running to pay. When the little girl paid, her face hurt, and when she turned around, she turned into a generous and heartless look.

Nanfeng turned his head sideways and pretended he didn't see it.

He handed the curry paste a glass of water to rinse his mouth: "In the future, you should develop the habit of rinsing your mouth after meals, especially after eating something that is not good for your throat."

Curry Sauce giggled, while Nanfeng felt a little helpless.

If you really succeed in this and enter the dubbing industry and claim to be my apprentice, you will definitely be as big as yourself.

But I’ve eaten all the food, so that’s all I can do.

So the two walked back to the apartment one after another.

Is it possible that the reason why only Curry Sauce has a role in the Love 5 trio is because she is easier to appear. The follow-up Haitang Dali, Yumo Yuyou, and Snake are already on the way, but they lack an opportunity to advance them. pull over.

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