Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 56 The morning of the heat explosion

Everyone walked through the corridor to 3603, and the further they went, the more they could feel the smell of grease and burnt food dancing on their noses.

Before everyone could stand at the door of 3603, Nanfeng's voice came ahead of them as always: "Please come in."

The voice was low and hoarse, as if he had gone to a KTV to sing rock music all night long after eating the spicy hot pot last night.

Yifei opened the door and saw a table full of fried chicken, barbecue and cola.

Nan Feng was staring at the finger-sucking plain chicken in front of him with a serious face, holding the knife and fork in both hands and constantly making gestures in the air. It looked like he was not going to feast, but preparing to dissect the plain chicken.

"Teacher Nanfeng, you are going too far. You are hiding here alone to eat delicious food." Curry Sauce rushed in first and looked at the table full of fried chicken and barbecue, almost drooling with greed.

She reached out to grab a piece but was stopped by Nanfeng.

"Curry sauce, have a good morning and don't eat junk food like fried chicken and barbecue."

Curry Sauce muttered unconvincingly: "Then you are eating these junk foods, aren't you?"

"Obviously I'm not feeling well right now." Nanfeng rubbed his red and swollen nose.

"I am sick."

"I heard it!"

Yifei angrily stepped forward and stared at Nanfeng and lectured: "You have a cold, but you still dare to eat these junk foods and your throat is broken?"

"Don't worry, I'm measured. This is called fighting fire with fire. This is what I did when I was sick in the past."

"Fighting fire with fire is nonsense!

"The past was before, and the present is now. Don't you know what kind of body you have now?"

Hu Yifei was very angry. If it were in the past, Nanfeng would have spent most of his time practicing piano, but after all, he came from a martial arts family, so he should get up for morning exercises and practice Tai Chi Baduanjin.

It is precisely because of his excellent physical fitness that he can act like a madman, sitting in front of the piano for more than ten hours a day at most.

At that time, even if he had a bad cold, he would just fall asleep and be fine the next day.

But Nanfeng's current physical fitness is only slightly better than that of normal people. If he gets sick, he will not be able to withstand the mess he did in the past.

"Yes, Nanfeng, you should eat something light if you are sick."

Zeng Xiaoxian said as he walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator: "Aren't there a lot of sandwiches?"

"I have a cold, my mouth feels bitter and astringent, and my food is tasteless."

"Then you can't eat this junk food. Don't you know it's all junk? Are you just going to eat this for breakfast?"

"of course not."

Nanfeng was actually very proud: "How could I have irregular breakfast like you guys? My breakfast is always at eight o'clock."

Meijia asked curiously: "Then what did you eat for breakfast?"

"Instant noodles, vine pepper flavor."

Hu Yifei laughed angrily: "Instant noodles, fried chicken and barbecue, you have been eating all this junk food all day long. Are you planning to send yourself away today?"

"That's right, these are junk food." Curry Sauce subconsciously agreed.

It's just that her eyes were staring straight at the fried chicken, barbecue and coke on the table, and the way she couldn't help but swallow her saliva while agreeing was really unconvincing.

Nanfeng sighed and silently pushed a KFC bucket in front of the curry sauce.

"Thank you, Teacher Nanfeng. You are so kind, Teacher Nanfeng." Curry Sauce instantly defected to the Nanfeng camp.

Immediately afterwards, Nanfeng greeted everyone at the door: "You all slept so late last night and haven't had breakfast yet, right?

"I bought a lot today, would you like to eat some too?"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, they said as they walked towards the dining table: "This is not good..."

"Yeah, I'm so sorry." Everyone found a chair and sat down.

Nanfeng was about to say that he shouldn't be embarrassed, but when he saw that everyone was already sitting down and sharing the food consciously, he suddenly felt that there was no need to worry about it.

"Yifei, what do you say?" Nanfeng handed over a piece of plain chicken, "Want some, too?"

"Tch, I don't eat these junk foods." Yifei didn't even look at the original chicken, just looking for gloves.

"I'm not sorry, I just can't eat anymore."


Everyone sat around the messy dining table, burping uncontrollably.

"Eating these so early in the morning is really a day full of calories." Hu Yifei criticized.

"You are the one who criticizes the most and eats the most." Zeng Xiaoxian muttered in a low voice.

"Bitch Zeng, don't think that I won't bother to beat you when I'm full."

Hu Yifei waved her fist, and the fierce momentum she had just gathered was blocked by her own hiccups.

Yu Mo smiled and joked: "You all don't understand. If Yifei eats too much, doesn't that mean Nanfeng eats less?"

"Yu Mo still understands me."

"I don't accept it. Why can you all eat fried chicken, barbecue and cola, while I can only eat steamed buns and pickles here?" Zi Qiao continued to complain while blowing his nose.

"Nan Feng is a patient, aren't you?" Meijia slapped Zi Qiao's hand that was reaching for the fried chicken.

"Then Nanfeng didn't eat less either."

Wan Yu revealed the truth in one sentence: "Ziqiao, if you are willing to spend so much money to buy a table of fried chicken and barbecue, even if you are hospitalized and given an intravenous drip, there is no way we can prevent you from eating what you paid for. "

Zi Qiao took advantage of Meijia's inattention and quickly snatched a fried chicken leg: "Then I don't have any money."

At this time, Zhanbo moved his chair closer to Nanfeng, who was operating his mobile phone.

"Nanfeng, are you...ordering takeout for lunch?!!"

Zhan Bo looked up at him in shock: "Were you not full just now?"

Nanfeng pointed at the chicken bones and bamboo sticks piled higher than the mountain in front of everyone, and then looked down at the few pitiful food remains in front of him.

His calm eyes seemed to be asking Zhan Bo: What do you think?

Zhan Bo turned around and looked at the pile of chicken bones in front of him, which was second only to Yifei. He felt a little embarrassed.

The 1.9-meter-tall young man, if you let him eat freely, he can indeed lick the bottom of the pot clean.

"Then can you order this extra spicy hot pot? I've been wanting to eat it for a long time. Let's eat it together. Make it spicy."

Wan Yu also moved her chair from the other side and showed a cute and flattering smile.

Zhan Bo also came up with an idea: "By the way, the red oil-flavored ice cream in this hot pot restaurant is said to have a very special taste. Do you want us to buy it together and have a try?"

Before Yifei could give these two sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks a blow, Guan Gu, an honest man, couldn't stand it anymore.

"Are you trying harder to send Mr. Nanfeng away today? It's really scary."

Zi Qiao gnawed on the buns with a wicked smile on his face: "I think the two of them want to eat Nanfeng's banquet so much as they want to eat hot pot and ice cream."

Xiaoxian also joked: "If you want to have a meal, please arrange for me and the child to sit at the same table."

Everyone didn't know Nanfeng's physical condition, and they were all used to Yifei's tendency to treat small things as big things.

It's just a minor cold. Even if he eats some fried chicken, barbecue, hot pot, and ice cream, Nan Feng is already an adult. No matter how serious it is, he just needs a few more days of rest.

So they joked around as usual.

Only Nan Feng was seriously thinking about the possibility of having hot pot and ice cream for lunch today.

"Extra spicy hot pot with spicy Mala, one serving of red oil ice cream per person, is there anything else?"

As soon as Nanfeng said these words, Zhan Bo and Wanyu were frightened.

"We were just joking, you really plan to eat it."

"Yes, Nanfeng. Otherwise, next time, we can eat together when you get better."

"But I want to try it now."

It's not that he just wants to die, but he really wants to eat these things.

No matter how strong a person is, he will act strangely when he is sick.

"You all should stop making trouble!" Yifei said with a headache, "Nanfeng, aren't there some of the things you want to eat that you can eat now?"

Nanfeng nodded hesitantly: "Yes, there is, but it's very troublesome to make. There shouldn't be anywhere to buy it outside."


Yifei slapped her thigh, and her whole body exuded a kind of life-or-death confidence: "It's just something to eat, how hard can it be to do it no matter how difficult it is?

"You have a light lunch tonight, and I will be responsible for dinner. You can tell me what you want to eat.

"As long as it's something you can eat now, even if it's a Man-Han Banquet, I'll make it for you."

Seeing that Yifei had said this, Nanfeng could only nod hesitantly.


Yifei grinned.

"Then let's have a full banquet. It just so happens that I haven't eaten either."

Hu Yi Fei:? ? ?

Now Yifei's smile instantly transferred to other people's faces.

I said I can even make a Manchu-Han Banquet for you, so just let me make a Man-Han Banquet for you!

Do you understand what exaggeration is?

Nanfeng also added very considerately: "There is no need to cook illegal dishes like bear paws and monkey brains. You just need to make other dishes."

[I really want to thank you for being so considerate! 】

Hu Yifei's cheeks twitched with a fake smile, and there was always a fierceness in her eyes that wanted to kill Nanfeng.

"Ah, my thigh hurts so much from the slap just now. It may be a fracture. I need to go to the hospital."

Yifei hugged her thigh and cried out in pain.

The rest of the people were laughing, but Yu Mo quietly looked at Nan Feng's smile when the prank succeeded.

The smile was exactly the same as when they were running down the mountain with their backs to the sunrise.

At that time, I was panting heavily from exhaustion, but he was teasing you and smiling at you.

You can clearly see the clear hint of ridicule and teasing in the smile on his lips.

But when you see those overly bright and gentle eyes, you can only laugh with him.

The trial push for signing the contract has passed. Based on the results of this book, there should be no recommendation and traffic. After all, this book only signed a contract with more than 100,000 words, so it is naturally shorter than others.

Anyway, the author can no longer find this book on the software, and I don’t know how the new brothers found it, hahaha.

Anyway, if you are willing to read it, I will write it well.

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