Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 55 The Last 48 Hours

Just when the two sisters Yifei and Yumo were having their own thoughts at the dinner table, Zeng Xiaoxian, who had finished washing, squeezed into the crowded dining table.

"It's rare for so many people to have breakfast with me. I'm still not used to it." Zeng Xiaoxian was eating the free breakfast and looked like he was getting a good deal.

Guangu didn't understand that Zeng Xiaoxian was just joking, and thought that he was really not used to so many people crowded together: "I'm sorry, Teacher Zeng, but we may all have to eat here in the next few days, so I still hope that Teacher Zeng can do more Be tolerant and try to get used to it.

“When our table arrives, we go back to eat.

"Arigado hooks up with Yimasi."

Zeng Xiaoxian quickly explained: "That's not what I meant. If you are willing to come to our suite for dinner, it's not too late for me to welcome you."

Hu Yifei stepped on Zeng Xiaoxian hard under the table: "Guan Gu, don't pay attention to him, he can't even spit out ivory from his mouth. I have the final say in this apartment. As long as you are willing, you can come over to eat at any time." .”

"Ah, yes, yes." Zeng Xiaoxian endured the pain and laughed convulsively, "You can eat here as many days as you want. It doesn't matter whether there are tables or not. When there are more people, everyone eats together to be lively. .”

Zeng Xiaoxian said with some curiosity: "But what happened to the table in your suite?"

Everyone looked at each other. They had explained this matter many times last night and heard it many times.

Yifei sighed and was about to explain.

"Qiaodou sack." Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly said a sentence in Japanese, "Let me guess, is there another problem with the candlelight dinner designed by Hu Yifei?"

Yifei and everyone stared at Zeng Xiaoxian as if they were seeing a ghost.

"How do you know I designed a candlelight dinner?"

"How do you know there was something wrong with Yifei's candlelight dinner?"

"It's true, hahahaha, I am indeed a genius." Zeng Xiaoxian was extremely proud, "It's easy to guess. Every time she sets people up for a relationship or arranges a date, she only has the idea of ​​a candlelight dinner, and problems arise every time. Lessons learned every time."

Zeng Xiaoxian enthusiastically started to reveal Hu Yifei's background at the dinner table.

"I remember the last time she was like this was when Wang Tiezhu went on a date with Tian Erniu. Erniu also knew that Yifei was unreliable, so she rejected Yifei's idea of ​​a candlelight dinner on their first date with Wang Tiezhu and chose a couple's restaurant. .

"In the end, she refused to admit defeat and insisted on bringing a pair of candles to light them up. But because she was in such a hurry, she lost the candles on the bus, so she could only buy a pair of candles from a roadside vendor. .

"Pair of candles, boy, the smoke alarms in the entire restaurant went off. If the restaurant's sprinkler system hadn't run out of water, everyone in the restaurant would have been drowned that night.


With Hu Yifei's fierce stamp, Zeng Xiaoxian's duck-like laughter stopped abruptly.

Everyone here looks at me and you all want to laugh, but you dare not make a sound, so you can only keep stuffing things in your mouth.

"Hahaha..." In the end, Curry Sauce couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha..." The others couldn't bear it anymore and started laughing.

"Don't listen to Zeng Xiaoxian's nonsense. I have never had any problems with my candlelight dinner. Last time, last time it was purely because the old man selling candles was trying to trick me.

"Besides, it was not because of this incident last time. It was a good thing to find out that the restaurant used private fire water.

"This time, it's the same this time. Although it didn't work, we still caught the big scumbag Zi Qiao.

"In short, if there are no external factors to interfere, my candlelight dinner will definitely be the most romantic and beautiful."

Yifei declared confidently: "Next time I will prove to you that a candlelight dinner is the most romantic date for a couple."

"Yes, yes, Yifei, we believe you."

Everyone kept nodding, but judging from the exchange of glances, no one seemed to want to be the unlucky guy.

"Hache! You guys, you didn't even call me for breakfast."

Ziqiao walked over shakily with a runny nose and wrapped more tightly than a rice dumpling.

"Hey, who is this? Isn't this our love tester?" Yifei held her throat and taunted Zi Qiao in a sinister manner.

Yifei has a fiery personality and is a typical example of being strict with oneself and even more strict with others. When it comes to emotional issues, she never tolerates the slightest bit of sand in her eyes.

Zi Qiao's behavior last night almost reduced Hu Yifei's goodwill towards him to zero.

If Zi Qiao had only moved in for half a month, he shouldn't even be able to get through the door of 3601 now.

Just three months can really change a lot of things.

You must know that Ziqiao is very loyal at other times except when he is not loyal.

He is a smart person and can read people accurately. Most importantly, he is eloquent, and his mediation ability is not a little better than that of a certain emotional radio show host.

In the past three months, Ziqiao took the initiative to help solve many mediation tasks in the residents' committee that Yifei and Xiaoxian could not handle. In the past three months, the two have accumulated a strong revolutionary friendship, and Yifei also owes Zi Qiao a lot of favors.

Meijia is his good friend, but isn’t Zi Qiao the same?

Yifei's anger last night was not only because of what happened to Meijia, but also because Ziqiao let her down so much.

Although others also condemned Zi Qiao's scumbag behavior, after all, they did not see it with their own eyes like Yifei did, and they did not have such deep feelings, and...

"You are so fast asleep, who can wake you up? Bring a chair over and have breakfast."

Meijia calmly greeted Ziqiao to come over for breakfast. Although her words were very rude, her attitude towards Ziqiao was much better than everyone expected.

It was precisely because of Meijia's rather ambiguous attitude towards Zi Qiao that everyone was not sure how to deal with Zi Qiao's cheating.

If the parties involved don't care much about it, wouldn't it be in vain for them to talk so much here and get disliked by others?

"Mika!" Hu Yifei didn't care whether she would be hated by others in vain, she just couldn't understand Meijia's attitude.

If it were his boyfriend, this would have been hung on the wall long ago.

"Sister Yifei, please leave it alone. Zi Qiao and I will definitely end, but not now.

"When he is sick, I always have to wait for him to recover."

"You... forget it, anyway, we made a big fuss at the bar last night. I guess the residents' committee will send someone to verify your relationship problems in the next few days. This aspect is not under my and Xiaoxian's control. You can watch it yourself. manage"

"Don't worry, Sister Yifei, don't worry, everyone, I have a sense of discretion."

Meijia looked calm, as if she was not affected too much by Ziqiao's betrayal.

She had made it very clear to Zi Qiao yesterday morning that if he was caught, the fake relationship between the two would not be sustainable.

Although Zi Qiao was caught by Yifei that night, which made her extremely angry and disappointed. But no matter what, Zi Qiao didn't reveal her fake relationship with him yesterday.

Since he was so loyal, Meijia couldn't just ignore him when he was sick.

And tomorrow is the day to pay the rent. He doesn't have a job like himself. It would be really life-threatening for him to have him pay the full rent, water and electricity all at once when he is sick.

Then let's be a fake couple for another 48 hours.

48 hours later he was having sex with his beautiful woman and I was my little assistant.

Don't bother each other and never have anything to do with each other.

Seeing that Meijia's words were all for this purpose, everyone could only pretend that they were not aware of Ziqiao's scumbag behavior for the time being and wait for the subsequent development of the incident.

At the dinner table where a group of people have their own thoughts, the most careless and indifferent person is the culprit, Mr. Lu Zi Qiao Lu.

He looked at the steamed buns, flower rolls and pickles on the table, and even shouted loudly: "No, I don't have any objection to you letting the patients eat this, but is it too much for you to hide all the delicious food?"

"If you don't want to eat, just pull it off. What nonsense are you talking about? Who hid the delicious food?"

Zi Qiao was unconvinced: "When I came here just now, I smelled fried chicken and barbecue. Why did I only get steamed buns and pickles?"

Yifei was already panicking when she swallowed her anger, but when she saw Ziqiao actually looking for trouble and daring to provoke, she suddenly became furious: "Lu Ziqiao, are you suffering from illness? What normal person eats fried chicken and barbecue for breakfast?"

"Sister Yifei." Wan Yu, who has the sharpest nose, and the curry sauce addicted to delicious food, raised their hands cautiously, "Actually, we also smelled it in the corridor."

"How is it possible? There are not only 9 of us on the whole floor..."

Yifei's words paused, and everyone realized something and looked in the direction of 3603.

"No way."


"How can it be."

"It's impossible not to know after just one look." Yifei said and rushed out first, followed closely by the others.

Zi Qiao was left sneezing and holding a meat bun in one hand, eating it while walking leisurely.

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