Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 43 Zi Qiao’s Doomsday Moment

"I want to make sure I heard correctly first. Are you saying that the singer drove you to the river to catch fireflies in the middle of the night?"

In the bar on a sunny day, Zi Qiao almost spit out his drink.

The girl in the red dress smiled and nodded silently: "The first night I went to the river to catch fireflies, and the second night he used a stick to chase me up the mountain. I thought he wanted to watch the sunrise, but the sun just appeared. He nodded and pulled me to run, saying that he actually wanted to race against the sun to see if the two of us could go down the mountain before the sun fully rose. The end result was that both of us lay on the ground and became dead dogs from exhaustion.

“On the third night, he took me to the hospital and sat there all night, telling me that normal people are blessed by miracles every day, because being able to live a healthy and safe life is the biggest miracle in the world.

“On the fourth night, I went to a stray animal rescue agency to bathe stray cats and dogs and braid their hair with bows. It was obviously his idea, but he told me that he actually didn’t like cats and dogs getting too close to him, so I worked for a long time and he I know where to take photos... Fortunately, the photos are quite nice.

“On the fifth night, I went to play blindfolded real-life CS CS. I had to blindfold myself in the dark. As a result, I didn’t even know whether I hit the Easter egg or who hit me.

"The sixth night was the most boring. We listened to "Your Moon, My Heart" all night long. That crappy host's ability to deal with emotional issues... was really terrible. I don't know who else is as boring as us. , what are the reasons why the remaining listeners are willing to listen to his program.

"That's it anyway."

The girl in the red dress smiled and cursed with tears in her eyes: "Do you think he is a little sick?"

"You are indeed very ill." Zi Qiao nodded heavily.

To do these few nights, highlighting a legal but sick.

It’s hard to imagine that the most normal thing these two people did in the past six nights was to listen to “Your Moon, My Heart” all night long!

If Teacher Zeng knew what the beauty in the red dress said about him, he would burst into tears.

This resident singer was also a ruthless person. He really spent six whole nights doing nothing but leading people to go crazy and have fun.

Zi Qiao estimated that if it were him, he would only be able to hold on for two nights at most. On the third night, he would have to find a way to take people to the hotel.


Zi Qiao was a little confused. The program "Your Moon, My Heart" seemed not long enough for the two of them to listen to it all night, right?

What about the rest of the activities? Why not talk about the rest of the activities?

"What about the seventh day?" Zi Qiao asked.

"There is no seventh day." The light in the eyes of the beauty in the red dress dimmed instantly, "On the morning of the seventh day, I received a temporary assignment and had to go on a business trip for five days. When I came back and went to the bar, I couldn't find him.

“The bar owner said that he was originally here to travel, and singing as a resident was just a hobby. He had agreed from the beginning that he would only sing here for half a month.

"Actually, he ended his travel plan here three days ago, but for some reason he changed his flight twice more and didn't continue his nationwide tour until early this morning."

Zi Qiao was silent. Even though he approached this girl with the intention of picking up girls, he felt a little bit involved in the story now.

"So for six nights, you didn't even think about leaving each other's contact information?"

The beauty in the red dress smiled bitterly and shook her head, with a sigh in her voice: "In those days, I waited for him to finish singing and get off work every night. Let alone contact information, we didn't even know each other's names.

“He just calls me Miss Harley Quinn, and I just call him Singer.

“I thought he would always be singing in bars like this, and I wasn’t in a hurry to ask for his contact information.

"I didn't expect..."

She took another swig of wine to suppress the bitterness that spread from her heart to the tip of her tongue: "I should have thought of how someone like him could stay in one place with peace of mind."

The corners of Zi Qiao's mouth couldn't stop twitching. He still couldn't understand the beauty in the red dress's way of thinking that the future is long.

Facts have also proved how correct the simple and crude principle that Zi Qiao has always believed in is.

When you meet someone you like, you should be simple and rude, use any means, remove the firepower from the bottom of the cauldron, catch the turtle in the urn, take the lead, and strike first, so that you can achieve all the disadvantages.

When you don't like it anymore, you should be simple and rude, turn around and leave by any means, never linger, stop meeting, and block contact, so that you can pass through thousands of flowers without a leaf touching you.

You see, someone like her who engages in pure love will be dumbfounded in the end.

But this way of getting along without contact information or even knowing each other's names really made Zi Qiao feel envious.

This is the most comfortable state when picking up girls. It all depends on fate. You can come and go freely. You don’t have to worry about being hunted down by your ex-girlfriend who has her contact information, and you don’t have to worry about remembering so many girls’ names.

Lisa, Lulu, Fiona; Xiaomi, Ruoqi, Wei Benxia... Just give them a unified nickname and that's it.

Anyway, I would have forgotten all these messy names.

Zi Qiao thought ruthlessly that in the field of picking up girls, he was destined to have no sense of morality and shame.

The beauty in the red dress didn't know what Zi Qiao was thinking. She just let out a sigh of relief. She had never told anyone about this matter, and she always remained tight-lipped even in front of her best friend.

Now that the story was finally told, even if the person she was confiding to was just a stranger, she still felt relieved.

"I've finished listening to the story, so Mr. Lu Bu, what do you have to say?"

"Not really, Takami, but I just have a little doubt.

“Has it ever occurred to you that those six nights might have been just a fling for you?

"You were in the shadow of broken love and betrayal, and there happened to be someone who pulled you out of this shadow and brought you some unprecedented experiences. You thought he was the shining light in your life. Shine?

"Six nights is really too short. It's so short that you can only see his bright side. However, in reality, he may not be as bright as you remember, and he may also have many problems?"

"for example?"

"For example..." Zi Qiao's eyes rolled around, "For example, his housework skills are zero, and the only meal he knows how to cook is a refrigerator full of sandwiches.

“For example, he is petty, loves to hold grudges, and usually enjoys hurting others.

"For example, he is too casual and free. He is only suitable for dating but not for living a good life."

The beauty in the red dress looked at Zi Qiao with a strange look on her face: "It always feels like you just randomly found someone you know and told me about his shortcomings."

Zi Qiao smiled and said: "That's not important. What's important is what I want to express: Is it possible that his kindness is just based on your beautification of memory?"

He continued to add: "Even if you put aside what we just said, just assume that you really like him and he is really that good, but are you sure that he also means this to you?

"Is it possible that for him, you are just a good friend he met while traveling. It would be best if he could say goodbye to you. If not, don't force it.

"Actually, you are the only one trapped in this memory?"

"I have thought about what you said." The beauty in the red dress put down the bottle of wine in her hand, "I have been thinking every night for the past four hundred and seventy-five days whether I actually don't like him that much.

"Is he not as good as I remember? Is it just me who is being sentimental?

“I think about it every day, but every time I don’t get the answer.

"I told myself to look forward. There are so many interesting things in this world, and there is no need for me to waste my youth, sacrifice time, and waste my feelings because of a man.

“I have money, looks and a figure, and the men chasing me can line up from here to Paris. Why should I be obsessed with a man I’ve only known for six days and whose name I don’t even know.

"I live an optimistic life, work hard, and socialize actively as he told me. I even promised my best friend to introduce me to a boyfriend tonight.

"But I still want to find him, for no other reason than that. I just want an answer, no matter what the answer is."

The beauty in the red dress drank the last drop of wine in the bottle, and she tapped the bottle to signal: "When there is wine, we are friends, but without wine, we are strangers.

"Such a strange Mr. Lu Bu, I'm glad to chat with you tonight."

She also knew that she didn't have much information to provide, let alone that she had reservations.

From a rational point of view, I don't expect this profiler to really get any useful information from such a simple story.

But no matter what, being able to say what I have been holding in my heart is already the biggest gain tonight.

To tell this story is to say goodbye to the past completely, and to abandon this old memory to find new happiness.

Isn't that why she came here today?

The beauty in the red dress had a good idea, but how could Zi Qiao leave so easily.

He raised the remaining half glass of red wine and poured the liquid back into the red wine bottle.

"As you can see, strictly speaking, the bottle of wine has not yet reached its bottom, so before we become strangers, would Miss Harley Quinn allow me to make a new suggestion?"

"You are acting rogue."

"It's just a reasonable application of the rules."

The beauty in the red dress looked at Lu Ziqiao and showed a meaningful smile: "Then tell me your suggestions."

"If you just want an answer, why not try the same old trick?"

Zi Qiao smiled like a man who had worked hard for many years to pick up girls: "For example, find a handsome guy with a sense of humor to experience something equally interesting.

"This way you can understand clearly what kind of feelings you have for him."

"Oh..." the beauty in the red dress smiled, "Then where should I find a handsome guy who is also funny, good-looking, and willing to do this for me?"

"Ahem..." Ziqiao pretended to be serious, "As your friend, I am happy to help you get out of the shadow of the past."

"You... okay." She nodded in agreement, and then felt a little distressed, "But I have promised my friend to meet the boy she introduced to me tonight, wouldn't it be bad to let her go like this?"

"In order for you to find answers and be truly free, I believe your friends will understand us."

"That makes sense." The beauty in the red dress nodded, then waved behind Zi Qiao.

"What do you think, Yifei?"

"Haha." Hu Yifei gently put her hand on Zi Qiao's shoulder and sneered.

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