Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 42 The rebellious Wanyu

"Wanyu, why are you crying?" Zhan Bo immediately panicked when he saw Wanyu crying.

The only girl Zhan Bo has successfully coaxed in the past 20 years is Hu Yifei, but as we all know, Yifei is not always a girl, so rounding off Zhan Bo's experience in coaxing girls is zero.

Not to mention asking him to coax a girl who was crying for no apparent reason. His mind was empty and he couldn't think of a solution.

"I'm sorry Zhanbo, I seem to have done something very bad." Wan Yu cried loudly and said intermittently while wiping her tears.

"A very bad thing?" Zhan Bo was so nervous now that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet. He didn't even notice what Wanyu meant by saying sorry.

Now he just wants to soothe Wanyu's tears: "Wanyu, don't cry. I believe that no matter what wrong you do, as long as you sincerely repent, everyone will forgive you."

"Really, really?" Wanyu couldn't stop sobbing.

"Really, more real than real gold."

"I, I sold the set of Transformers you gave me...the set you gave me."

Zhan Bo didn't hear clearly at first and said casually: "I thought it was some big deal, just selling the Transformers. It's okay Wanyu, no...


As if struck by lightning, he confirmed with a look of disbelief: "Tell me again, what did you sell?"

Wanyu lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Zhan Bo. She just timidly repeated: "Change, Transformers."

"How could you do this!"

Zhan Bo was not only shocked, but also puzzled: "Why? Why on earth?"

"Me, my dad stopped my card, I couldn't find a job, and I was short of money to pay the rent."

The more Wanyu spoke, the less confident she became, but she still defended herself with a cry: "Zhanbo, I really didn't know, I didn't know that this set of Transformers is so important to you. If I, if I knew, I would rather Even if I sell my bags as second-hand goods, I won’t touch the gifts you gave me.”

Zhan Bo's eyes were blank. He didn't know whether he should be angry first or comfort Wanyu first.

He opened his mouth and asked in a low voice: "So...that set of Transformers has been sold now?"

"Well, Teacher Zeng has already taken them for mailing in the afternoon."

"Teacher Zeng?" Zhan Bo was confused again, "What does this have to do with Teacher Zeng?"

“It takes three days for the Taobao seller’s identity authentication information to pass, and I have to pay the rent the day after tomorrow, so I really can’t make it in time.

"So I asked Teacher Zeng and Nanfeng to help me sell the set of Transformers, but I lied to them and said that this set of Transformers was my childhood collection, so they helped me put the things on the Internet.

"Zhan Bo, neither of them knew anything about it. I was the only one who did something wrong."

"Nanfeng? Nanfeng also knows?" Zhan Bo suddenly realized, "So this is what Nanfeng said at noon..."

Wan Yu stopped sobbing: "Nanfeng has been looking for you?"

"Yes." Zhan Bo felt that his mind was as confused as a ball of paste. He could only answer Wan Yu's question mechanically, "He suddenly called me in the morning and asked me to come back from lunch break, and then he talked a lot. I felt baffled at the time.

"He asked me if I had given you any gifts recently, and said that you can't just give gifts that you like, otherwise you don't know how the other person will treat your gift.

"Then he told me that when giving things to girls, you can't just give them out and that's it. You also need to pay attention to whether they like the gift and whether they can use it.

"I thought he was telling me that the figure model can't just be given away, but he has to help you clean and maintain it... Oh my God."

Zhan Bo finally understood the meaning of Nanfeng's words at noon. He murmured to himself: "So that's what he meant. So that's what he meant..."

"Nanfeng!" Wan Yu complained, "Since he knows that this set of Transformers is your favorite, why didn't he stop me."

As soon as Wan Yu finished her complaining words, she realized something was wrong with her.

Sure enough, Zhan Bo turned his head and looked at her with a very strange look: "Stop you? The gift sent to you is your own thing. Now you have to sell your own things. What can Nanfeng do? Reason to stop you?

"And you said this is your own collection. He can't stop you from selling your things without any evidence."

There was shock, anger, confusion, and disbelief in Zhan Bo's eyes before, but there was no fear at this moment, as if he suddenly recognized someone.

It's like a person you think you know well, until one day you suddenly discover her true face under her disguise, then the reality and past memories will hit you at the same time.

It turns out that she is such a person, and it turns out that she has been dealing with such a person in the past.

This almost alienating feeling is enough to make anyone involved...

Like falling into an ice cave.

"I, that's not what I meant." Wan Yu's tears that had just stopped flowed out again, "I know, I know. People like me know that what they are doing is bad, but they still decide to do this. As a person, I shouldn’t blame others for failing to stop me. I just, I just..."

Wanyu kept saying "just" over and over again, but she didn't know what reason she could give.

It's just that I was too confused and didn't have time to think. It was the first time that I became the most hated villain in my heart. I wanted to find an accomplice to reduce my guilt. I just didn't want to look so bad in front of Zhanbo.

Wan Yu didn't know what she was thinking just now. She only knew that she felt wronged now.

She obviously knew that she was the one who did the wrong thing, and the only person who had no right to feel wronged in the whole matter was herself.

But she was just aggrieved, unreasonably aggrieved.

"Okay Wanyu, don't cry. It's okay. I don't blame you."

In fact, Zhan Bo only showed that look in his eyes because his thoughts were too confused. He knew that, and he knew that Wanyu was not the kind of person who likes to shirk responsibility.

When he saw Wanyu wiping her tears for the second time, she was crying. Whether it was anger, shock, or disbelief, these chaotic emotions were finally overwhelmed by the heartache that kept rising in her heart.

"I was just too shocked just now. In fact, I didn't blame you. After all, I have already given the things to you. These are your things. Of course, you can do with your own things how you want to do with them."

Zhan Bo tried his best to smile, but he didn't know how to act, let alone in this situation.

Wan Yu felt even more aggrieved when she looked at Zhan Bo's smiling face that was uglier than crying.

Sad emotions are always connected. Maybe at first Wan Yu was really sad and crying because she had betrayed Zhan Bo's feelings for her.

But when she cried, Wanyu was not only sad and crying because of one thing.

A person flees back to China to face the fear of all the unknown things, and is worried about being found by his father every day. The ability to live alone is not as good as that of sixteen-year-old Curry Sauce, making everyone feel guilty for her busy schedule.

The worry of the dwindling balance in three months, the frustration of failing to apply for a job, the urgency of having to pay the rent again...

She dared to run away from home alone and return to China alone because she thought she could do anything and could solve any problem she encountered.

Wanyu left home, firstly to escape from marriage, secondly for freedom, and thirdly to prove to her father that she was no longer a young bird that needed the protection of his wings to survive. She already had the ability to fly independently and courage.

However, reality is cruel, or the reality of ordinary people is cruel.

Academic qualifications are like a mountain blocking her path to work. Without relevant academic qualifications, interviewers will not give her the opportunity to show off her extremely high level of musical literacy.

Her knowledge of cigar dollars and luxury accessories would not allow her to earn a living in this magical city.

Even though she had learned a lot of financial-related knowledge from Father Lin since she was a child, her resume couldn't even get through the door of the securities exchange.

Even leaving aside work, she still lacks the ability to live alone at home.

Washing clothes, drying clothes, sweeping, mopping, washing vegetables and cooking... These household activities were not difficult for Wanyu to learn, but once she learned it, she found that her life had gradually become filled with these trivial matters.

What's even worse is that Wanyu clearly realizes that her future life may be filled with trivial matters that waste her precious time and life every day.

Is this really the freedom I long for?

Every night, Wanyu asked herself this question repeatedly while lying on the bed exhausted and accomplishing nothing.

These negative emotions accumulated in her heart that had not been digested for a long time made her dizzy and made a wrong decision, and now she can't stop crying.

But she had to stop crying now, not because she believed Zhan Bo's lie that he didn't blame herself.

It's just because Zhan Bo is coaxing himself now.

Just as Father Lin taught Wanyu since childhood, if you do something wrong, you must bear the consequences. Before making every decision, be prepared to accept any benefits or costs that may result from the decision.

Wanyu always remembered it, but she was too far away from her father now, so far away that she almost forgot her father's teachings.

She has made a wrong decision and must bear the price of this decision.

Since this was his own fault, he couldn't let Zhan Bo, who had been severely hurt by him, comfort himself all the time.

This was too unfair to him.

Wanyu watched Zhan Bo become more and more distorted due to anxiety, but he still forced himself to smile with his stiff face.

And this kind of exhibition is really ugly.

Wan Yu still prefers Zhan Bo's carefree smile.

"Zhan Bo." Wan Yu stopped crying. The tears in her eyes made her eyes so bright at the moment. Although there was still a hint of crying in her words, her tone was more firm than ever before.

"Let's go find Nanfeng and Teacher Zeng and ask them where they mailed the package."

Dad said that if you don’t think clearly beforehand, there is no need to make up for it afterwards.

But dad, you know, your daughter has never been a good girl.

Can't make up for it afterwards? Then I will try to make up for it.

Wanyu wiped away her tears: "Let's go get our Transformers back."

Although the second update is late, the sharp-eyed brothers have already noticed it. I finally signed the contract successfully, hahaha (laughing up to the sky for three seconds).

I won’t say much more. In short, I would like to thank everyone who has been supporting this book. Without your encouragement and support, I would definitely not be able to persist on my own. Your comments and readings have always reminded me that if someone likes my books and my stories, it is equivalent to identifying with my soul.

I am grateful and I will try my best to write this book better. As I said at the beginning, this is a story of love and warmth.

Finally, for newbies and new books, please read them, collect them, recommend them, vote for them, whatever you want, hahaha.

Salute to all book lovers who read this.

Your friend the Sweet Potato Pigeon.

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