Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 33 Guangu’s love dream

At three o'clock in the morning, almost as soon as the alarm rang, a fair and slender hand had already accurately touched the mobile phone beside the pillow.

Nanfeng opened his eyes, and even though his eyes were full of sleepiness, it didn't affect him from getting up from the bed cleanly.

He was a rare short sleeper. He only needed four or five hours of rest to stay energetic for the day. Especially after there was a bruise in his brain that could spread at any time, Nanfeng became even more stingy about giving himself enough sleep time.

After all, no one can guarantee whether they will be able to open their eyes and see the sun the next day after falling asleep tonight.

Although the congestion in his mind would spread if he stayed awake, at least he should still have time to express his last words while he was awake.


Nanfeng opened the door that was thickly wrapped with sound-absorbing material, and finally the only sound in his ears was his lifeless heartbeat and breathing.

The roaring engines of sporadic vehicles, the low growls of stray cats and dogs in the early morning, and the extremely muffled quarrels of upper-class tenant couples all entered his ears along with the sound of the wind.

Only when the world whispers softly in his ears can Nanfeng truly feel that he is still alive.

Rather than a decaying body with a beating heart and long dead soul and dreams.

Get up at three in the morning and wash up, start dubbing at 3:30, go for a morning run at seven in the morning, start having breakfast at eight... This is Nanfeng's daily life before everyone wakes up.

Simple, regular, healthy and boring.

But it was precisely because he had endured these few hours of boredom that he was looking forward to everyone waking up.

Just like the cicada underground waiting for the sunny day.

In the bar on a sunny day, Guangu's face was filled with the joy of getting his wish.

Just now, the publishing company of Doraemon comics contacted Sekiya and said that they would buy his new comics. The boss of the publishing company even flew over from Tokyo to discuss with Sekiya. This made Sekiya, who wanted to return to the Japanese comic industry, suddenly feel that a bright future was waving towards him.

"Congratulations, Sekiya-kun, I knew you could do it." Meijia's watery eyes flashed, "Then do you need us to help you with your negotiations?"

"Please don't." Sekiya stopped Mika from this dangerous idea without thinking.

Although Sekiya believes that everyone and Meijia have good intentions, but if it makes it as embarrassing as Teacher Zeng and his female boss, Sekiya thinks it is unnecessary.

"What I mean is that you don't understand the Japanese way of negotiating. I can just do this kind of thing myself."

I have to say that Sekiya's Chinese proficiency has improved recently, and he can even speak fluently when asking for help.

Meijia said regretfully: "Well, I was also thinking about letting everyone pretend to be gangsters to support you. Isn't gangster culture prevalent in your area? This way you can kill their arrogance."

[Then you might as well just kill me. 】

Sekiya smirked in agreement, congratulating himself on the right decision not to let Mika help.

"Well Mr. Guangu, after you sell this comic, what are your follow-up plans?" Nanfeng asked.

"Of course."

Guangu looked forward to it: "I have realized my first dream, and now I will realize my second dream."

"Tell me about it?" Curry Sauce said eloquently.

"Uh, Curry Sauce, are you... getting ready to work at the front desk?" Sekiya started to reason as he looked at Curry Sauce with a puffy chest and a fake smile on his face.

"A little practice before class." Nanfeng explained, "I asked her to use the chest and abdominal combined breathing method to speak as much as possible, and at the same time, I made sure that every word was as clear and round as possible... As for why she is now I’m also very curious about this look.”

"How can a gifted teacher like you understand the learning ability of a scumbag like us?" Meijia helped Curry Sauce smooth things over while urging Guangu again, "Let's change the topic back, Guangu, your second What is dream?"

Although Sekiya looked shy, he still explained generously: "I have been working and have no time to fall in love. Now I am finally free. So I want to find a girl who I fall in love with at first sight and start my romance. .”

The corner of Nanfeng's mouth twitched: "...What an amazing dream."

Meijia glanced at Nanfeng, as if she was dissatisfied with his enthusiasm in attacking Guangu: "Have a good career and love, this is the way normal people think, okay, not everyone is determined to be single like you. "

"Correction, I am not determined to be a single, I am a bachelor."

"Is there any difference between the two?" Yifei laughed.

Curry Sauce also echoed: "Yes, aren't singles just singles?"

Nanfeng's eyes widened: "Except for Meijia, among the six of us here, who is single? According to you, we are all singles?"

Curry Sauce drank the juice with an innocent look on his face: "But I'm a minor. Isn't it normal to be single? If I were an adult, I would definitely hug my handsome little brother's abs and never let go."

Nanfeng shifted his gaze to Yifei.

"Woof woof woof." Hu Yifei was not afraid at all.

south wind:……

He could only lower his head weakly: "Okay, I admit that I am single."

Guan Gu asked curiously: "Mr. Nanfeng, I won't ask you why you want to be single, but have you really never met a girl you like?"

"Of course..." Nanfeng's mouth was faster than his brain, but when his thoughts caught up with his mouth, he couldn't say "no" at all.

Everyone just took it as a matter of course that he didn't mean it, and just said "cut" to look down on Nanfeng's career as a widowed king.

In fact, of course there is no problem at all being single, but Nanfeng is usually the one teasing others, and when everyone finally gets the chance to tease him in turn, they won't let it go no matter what the reason is.

"Guan Gu, what kind of girl do you like?" Zhan Bo asked curiously after laughing.

"Well..." Guangu scratched his head shyly, "I like girls who are more feminine."

"Femininity..." Yifei thought thoughtfully, and then she approached Guangu with a smirk on her face, "Do you like this kind of femininity, or that kind of femininity?"

"Sister, what do you mean by this and that?" Yifei's riddle, not to mention Guangu, even Zhanbo didn't understand.

"I know." Meijia said with a bad smile, "This kind of femininity means: Welcome home, Sekiya-kun. You have worked hard, the rice has been cooked, and the hot bath has been soaked. Would you like to eat first or go first?" Where’s the bath?”

Zhan Bo nodded: "That's right, what does that kind of femininity mean?"

Nan Feng made a hot gesture toward Zhan Bo: "That kind of femininity is like..."

His fingers wavered between Yifei, Mika, and curry sauce, and finally turned sharply to the waitress dressed as a bunny girl next to the bar.

"Just like that sister, do you understand?"

"Wow..." In order to prevent himself from drooling, Zhan Bo quickly closed his mouth: "It's obvious and easy to understand."

very good!

Yifei and Meijia were filled with hatred. Didn't this mean they were unfeminine?

As for the curry sauce...ahem, she's underage and has unlimited potential.

The potential is endless.

"So Guangu, do you like this kind of femininity or that kind of femininity?"

"……That kind."

"Oh..." Everyone had a meaningful expression.

Guangu looked embarrassed.

"It's okay, Guangu. Sexy and unrestrained girls are easy to find." Yifei patted Guan Gu on the shoulder, indicating that he had nothing to be ashamed of.

"Yes, I heard that the residents' committee is also preparing for a large-scale dating event recently. Many young ladies in the apartment who want to get out of their singles will go there." Meijia turned to look at Nanfeng, "I remember the residents' committee said Nanfeng is responsible for this matter, right? Do you have any inside information?"

Nanfeng crossed his hands in front of his chest: "There is no inside information, because we are so worried right now, we can only put it on hold for now."

"That's not true. Shouldn't this kind of dating activity be very simple? There are ready-made templates online?"

Nanfeng sneered and said: "You would like to see a dating event launched by a certain dating agency, and then secretly ask you to pay the membership fee of the dating agency to unlock more high-quality opposite sexes, and then also include your information in their dating agency. The institute’s database?”

"Uh..." Everyone was silent.

"Or you would like to see more advertising billboards than people at dating events. The promotions range from couples restaurants to couples paradise, from wedding photography to maternal and child products, from prenatal care to pre-school training. Then you find out. With the money you earn now, you may have to fill this bottomless pit with everything you earn in your lifetime?"


Sekiya's longing for love has been visibly worn away.

"Yes, I don't want to either."

Nan Feng cursed rarely and said: "If you run this kind of event on a small scale, it won't attract people and can't achieve its goal. If you run it on a large scale, you'll inevitably have to find a sponsor and sponsor.

“Since you expect others to provide money, you have to meet their requirements, but until now, we have been screened by a bunch of sponsors who offer too little money but do too much.

"If this continues, sooner or later I will suffer a cerebral hemorrhage from anger."

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