Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 32 Wanyu’s Dilemma

"Ah..." Everyone let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

"This big fish from Dianshan Lake is so fresh." Curry Sauce murmured happily.

At this moment, the long dining table of 3602 was filled with three large pots of fish. Meijia uses small fish caught in the south wind as the soup base and divides Ziqiao's big fish into three. In addition to the original fish soup, it also makes two different flavors: pickled fish and boiled fish.

"Meijia, your cooking skills are so good." Zhan Bo praised while eating rice and fish.

The person on the other side who ate more than Zhan Bo was actually Wan Yu.

Wanyu was also helpless about this, and she didn't know why. When she rented a house with her last card, she could just buy clothes, jewelry, quilt covers, mattresses, toiletries, and cosmetics. When she felt comfortable renting a house, Everything was ready, and the last single seedling card was finally frozen.

Wanyu's family runs a bank, so she couldn't carry too much cash and savings with her. After all, she never thought that she would run away from home one day.

Although she thought that the little savings she had left would actually be a considerable amount of wealth for a normal person, this amount of money obviously could not cover Wanyu's expenses.

Let's put it this way, everyone knows the prices in the Magic City, but Wan Yu doesn't have much idea of ​​such high prices.

It’s just dozens of yuan for milk tea/thousands of yuan for meals. What kind of money is this?

Ever since, with the visible shrinkage of the balance, a certain young lady's consumption view was also being rapidly corrected.

It turns out that milk tea costing tens of yuan is really expensive.

But correction is correction, Wanyu really has no money now if she has no money.

Especially buying that damn encyclopedia!

"You are saying that Wanyu interviewed to become an encyclopedia salesperson, but because she did not understand the contract, she sold herself a set of encyclopedias that were originally intended to be sold to Guangu, and let Guangu take three hundred yuan. commission?"

Zeng Xiaoxian laughed: "I thought our side was outrageous enough, but I didn't expect that what happened on your side was no less generous.

"Now I feel balanced."

Wan Yu continued to eat aggrievedly.

So I decided that next time Teacher Zeng treats me, I will eat him up even if I don’t lose weight!

"There's nothing wrong with this mistake." Nan Feng didn't understand. "If it's really just a misunderstanding, Guan Gu can just buy the book back from Wan Yu."

Guan Gu nodded and said, "I think so too, but Wanyu doesn't want to."


"Because this is my own mistake." Wan Yu lowered her head and poked her rice with chopsticks, and said gloomily, "I know everyone wants to help me, and I also know this is a small mistake. But my father taught me, If I do something wrong, I have to bear the consequences.

“Some things you do wrong can be made up for, but there are some things you can’t do wrong at all. As long as you do it wrong, you will pay a price you simply cannot afford.

“So everyone in our family must be prepared to accept any benefits or costs brought by this decision before making any decision.

“If you don’t think it through beforehand, there’s no need to make up for it afterwards.”

Everyone looked at each other: "What a...stern family discipline."

Wanyu's eyes widened: "Isn't that what your father taught you?"

Everyone present had their own weird expressions.

Curry Sauce's father was an alcoholic and domestic violence, so he came out to make a living alone at a young age. Hu Yifei's biological father has never been seen again after the divorce. Guangu came to China to resist patriarchy and insist on the career he loved.

Meijia was raised by her mother since she was a child, and Ziqiao... his father was not reliable at all. He followed his godfather to travel in the world. Nanfeng's father jumped off the building early and died.

It is true that a table of nine people cannot make up four dads.

Zeng Xiaoxian, who has loving parents and a happy family, saw six people at a table whose expressions changed because of Wan Yu's words, so he could only quickly smooth things over.

"Wanyu, then why don't you be that encyclopedia salesman again?"

Wan Yu couldn't see clearly what happened at the dinner table, so her train of thought was quickly led astray by Teacher Zeng: "That's because Teacher Shi, the leader of our sales team, knew about this situation and felt that I was not suitable for this position. "

"It's okay, Sister Wanyu, there are still a lot of good jobs these days." Curry Sauce said with relief.

"Nanfeng, are you still short of people over there?" Yifei also began to worry about Wanyu's work.

In the end, Wanyu just said it carelessly, and she didn't know anyone's family situation at all, so although everyone was stimulated by Wanyu a second ago, they quickly adjusted their mentality and started helping Wanyu find a job.

"Wait a moment." Nanfeng turned on his phone and frowned while looking at the files, "The dubbing studio has reached saturation, and it is estimated that there will be no chance of further expansion in the near future.

"The new media area is also full of people."

"The photography side is lacking a model, but..."

Nanfeng looked at Wanyu.

Wan Yu smiled sweetly: "Am I not too good-looking to be a model?"

"I'm just worried about what if your father finds you if you show up?" Although Nanfeng felt that Father Lin would most likely turn a blind eye, but what if he wasn't?

Nanfeng couldn't take responsibility for his own inference, and he couldn't bear this responsibility.

The smile on Wanyu's face disappeared: "Yes..."

Zi Qiao was shocked: "Wait a minute, so Nanfeng, how many jobs do you have?"

"How many jobs?"

Nan Feng twitched his lips: "Voice actor, host, DM, chat and play, resident singer... I'm too lazy to forget it."

"I would like to ask, do you have 72 hours in a day?" Zi Qiao, who doesn't have a job, said he couldn't accept it.

How could there be such a cruel person in this world?

"No, in fact many jobs are just part-time jobs for fun, such as being the host of an online game, guest DM, etc. These are jobs that I like to play, so I give it a try. It doesn't mean that I don't make any money, but I want to maintain a living. I still have to rely on the main career of voice actor.”

Nan Feng smiled self-deprecatingly: "After all, life is short, do something you like, no matter how much you make, I just want to be happy."

While they were still chatting, Curry Sauce kept talking. Finally she burped happily: "The dishes cooked by Sister Meijia are so delicious. I really want to be able to eat the dishes cooked by Sister Meijia all the time."

Suddenly, her eyes lit up: "Sister Meijia, would you like to have some food?"

"Food set, is it some new type of kitchen utensil?"

"No, you are not Guangu's assistant now. You have to be responsible for his three meals a day. Then you are still cooking for two people and cooking for three people. Why don't you add me as well?"

"I promise to pay my living expenses on time and never be picky about food."

"Isn't this bad..." Meijia said it was not good, but she was already making silent calculations in her heart.

As we all know, the more people you cook, the cheaper the food costs. If you have to pay food costs for curry paste, does that mean you have less money to spend on meals?

Let me do the math, one seven is seven, two seven forty-eight, Women's Day...

Ahem, in short, there is less.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Sister Meijia, if you're not worried about me cheating on you, you can come and help me before dinner, so you can feel more relaxed."

Although Curry Sauce is young, she can still tell what is a genuine rejection and what is a false rejection.

"That's really great." Meijia smiled happily.

Zhan Bo and Wan Yu's eyes lit up: "Then can we also..."

They really had enough of Yifei's food. It wasn't that it was unpalatable, but it was certainly not delicious.

With Hu Yifei's current level of cooking skills, the only thing that can be considered good is her egg fried rice. As a result, eating egg fried rice is like a minesweeper, either with a nail or a piece of wire.

"No!" Hu Yifei looked murderous.

You are not from 3602. Occasionally, when everyone gets together, you just come here to eat the food cooked by Meijia. If you rush here, you are really treating them as babysitters.

The most important thing is, I cook for you for free here and you don’t eat it, so you come here to pay for Meijia’s food.

Mom, I don’t want to lose face.

Zeng Xiaoxian, who had expected it, looked at the shrunken two people with a gloating smile. Although it would take at least six or seven years of hard work to catch up with Meijia at the speed of Hu Yifei's cooking skills, but if 3601 wants to escape from the rule of classmate Hu Yifei, they must The three of them must evolve to at least 3601 first.

Forget it, I can't afford to offend him at all.

And Meijia's food is certainly delicious, but Yifei's egg fried rice...

Actually it's not that bad.

Zi Qiao will definitely not participate in 3602's shared meals, because a galloping horse like him will rarely eat in the suite.

He has many ways to treat beautiful women.

"Okay, okay, put these things aside for now. I'm so happy today. Are we just going to sit here and eat fish?" Zi Qiao felt a little bored.

"You still have the nerve to say that you eat the most among all the people." Meijia mocked.

"Nonsense, this is the fish I caught. What's wrong if I eat more? I don't mean that eating fish is not good, I mean let's have some fun. How about we play an exciting game of flying chess. "

"No Ludo!"

"Then what are you talking about playing?"

"Truth or dare?" Wan Yu suggested.

"I agree." Zhan Bo supported without thinking, "But we don't seem to have any big adventures."

"I have it!" Curry Sauce raised his hands, then ran to the bedroom and brought a large pile of beer labels. "Whoever loses draws a label and answers the question above."

Zi Qiao, a person with a low level of knowledge, immediately protested: "Then what if we don't know these problems?"

"Wanyu has a complete encyclopedia there, which should be able to answer most of the questions in the label. If it's not in the book, I'll punish myself with a drink."

"But Nanfeng is a teetotaler."

"Then pour bitter melon juice into his lemonade."

Yifei frowned, unable to understand the fun: "Quiz Quiz Bureau, this is too perverted."

"Don't you think it's interesting to watch other people scratching their heads while flipping through books to find answers?" Nan Feng seduced Yifei in an interesting way.

"It makes sense, I agree."

Thus, perhaps the most intellectual truth or dare in the world begins.

I'm almost recovered from my illness. I should be able to resume two updates tomorrow... I'm so happy to be lazy.

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